When loading remix set It doesn't work



  • nikinik
    nikinik Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    TRAKTOR has so many fans, myself included and seeing it go down is a pain. Develepers should listen every single day, not just act like idiots and telling users that their behaviour is not polite. We all have this issue. Why the remix decks stoped working? from 32 sets only one or two are loading and work.Where are remix sets, different than free in NI website? No such thing, aaa ? If you empty for ideas, hire me.

  • kidvector
    kidvector Member Posts: 6 Member

    So I have discovered that exporting a remix deck on my desktop (MacMini) then importing it on my laptop (Macbook Pro) results in a black remix deck, despite the file size indicating it's packaged all the sounds together.

    What's happening here and is there a fix?

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