Auto sampling a rhodes

Coflo Member Posts: 14 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I am looking into creating my own various sample kits for a handful of piano and tine based sounds from my keyscape library i have created.

I wanted to see if anyone had any recommendations on the best stride, note and velocity settings for the auto sample/ zone mapping feature. I have been playing around with things in varying intervals (strides), but wanted to see if someone found a sweet spot between "works well" and doesn't sound super "sample-y" vs. your computer will need to run for a week straight to sample one complete instrument.

Any tips/experience is much appreciated!

Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,618 mod
    edited February 2023 Answer ✓

    I'd say go for the max detail you think the M+ can handle in the context of your projects and how you play, this is very depending on you.

    If you're a proper keyboard player then things like a max octave range and lots of velocities might be important as you will care a lot about realism, the sound changes drastically with velocity on a real Rhodes I think, if realism is not a priority then you can get away with a lighter patch.

    I'd say make 2, one lighter for when the project is light an another more detailed one, no reason to have only one patch if you use Rhodes often.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,618 mod
    edited February 2023 Answer ✓

    I'd say go for the max detail you think the M+ can handle in the context of your projects and how you play, this is very depending on you.

    If you're a proper keyboard player then things like a max octave range and lots of velocities might be important as you will care a lot about realism, the sound changes drastically with velocity on a real Rhodes I think, if realism is not a priority then you can get away with a lighter patch.

    I'd say make 2, one lighter for when the project is light an another more detailed one, no reason to have only one patch if you use Rhodes often.

  • Coflo
    Coflo Member Posts: 14 Member

    Yea, I was afraid you were gonna say that haha. I guess i'll setup a patch and really go for it and leave it running. My initial estimate for one of the patches was about 160 minutes. Ooof!

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