Trakto pro 4 Remix decks and cue point issue
Hello I'm havin issues with traktor pro 4 on the remix decks If I try to offset a loop in a slot it just either stop or loop on a very tiny portion of audio (few samples) instead of the original loop ( 4 or 8 bars for example) And on the track decks I have an isue (that was present on traktor 3 as well on my old laptop) If…
Haptic Hotcues not working as they should in TT Mode [S4MK3]
Hi, I have noticed a strange behavior with my S4MK3 controller: The haptic hotcues feature doesn't work on the left deck (A & C) when in TT / Haptic Drive Mode. However it works on JOG mode. I'm running Traktor Pro 4.0.1 on Windows 11. Have you guys ever had this issue? Is this a software bug or a hardware defect? Please,…
why traktor pro 4 closed after select folder
In the new update (traktor pro 4). When I select the main folder of my music to access the category of music. The monitor of the S8 device freezes for a few seconds and finally the traktor exits the program. This happened more than 50 times last week. im using s8 controller and macbook pro m1 pro with 16g ram and 1t ssd -…
Traktor S5
Hello, the same song is playing on my S5, not synchronously on deck 1 and deck 2! That means I have a clear distortion! And another big problem is if I have the equalizer on 0 !( Deck 2) a song is playing on deck 1, and I want to play the song on deck 2, by means of an equalizer (treble, mids, bass), then I automatically…
Still an issue - D2 (and more) screens freeze when moving between Full Screen views - macOS
Was happening in 3.11.1 (and well before that), still happening in 4.0.1. It was solved many moons ago in the old forum but has been back for quite a few years now.…
I've apparently turned off the laptop keyboard shortcuts in traktor pro3
like W, A, Q, S. I want them back. I'm a Mac User. Please help.
Search bar in settings
How about a search bar in the settings? It'd be nice. Reaper (the DAW) does this really well. Just rip them off, no innovation necessary. Thanks :)
Traktor Pro 4 deutsche Anleitung?
Traktor Pro 4 deutsche Anleitung? Gibts es die?
Traktor souhaite accéder au micro - Montherey Ou Ventura ne voit pas Traktor
Bonjour, Normalement pendant une nouvelle installation l'osx Apple (clean instal Montherey ou Ventura) me demande si je veux accepter que Traktor se connecte au micro, ensuite on retrouve cette information sous préférence onglet sécurité et confidentialité option microphone et là on valide l'accès pour Traktor. J'ai…
Why Can I control Deck B, But no sound comes out of it?
A little Backstory. I was Djing today and everything was going smoothly for the first hour until it didn't. I had a track playing on deck A and cueing a track up on deck b. When listening in the headphones I couldn't hear anything, but I could see the waveforms moving. Deck A was playing just fine but when I transitioned…
Unable to generate stems in Traktor Pro 4
Hello All, I have followed the instructions in the videos released by Native Instruments with regard to generating stems. I have imported my collection in to the track collection section of Traktor and then clicked "generate stems." The progress bar, for lack of a better word, makes some progress, and after waiting a few…
Why does traktor say while analyzing "cannot detect beat grid, please try analyzing again"
I am fairly new to traktor, can anyone explain to me why I might be having this issue? Every time I try analyzing my music files, it keeps giving me that same message. Is there a reason why it is not detecting the transients?
TP4 Beat Marker
how do I set an additional beat marker in TP4? In TP3 I set a hot cue and changed the type to grid. That’s gone now. I can set many grid points but none set a marker on the one.
shortcut to apply a color on a track
Hey all, I'm wondering if there's a quick way to set a track color from the tree list ? Using the right click → color → pick a color is quite slow. I check in the keyboard or midi settings but there's no reference to "set a color"… I think NI should allow us to control that if not already possible… thx !
TP4 "Music" node not working
Is anybody else having problems with the "music" node on the left side of browser? In TP 4.0.1 pressing the music.app node does not load my music.app library. Also, I´m not able to set the path to the library in preferences. Not sure, if this issue already existed in TP 4.0.0. Or if this is an issue with the new update of…
Unable to record in TP 4
Hi As soon as I clip the record button in Traktor pro 4 I receive an error message. See attached Any help would be appreciated
TP4 stem control
how do you control the fx send via s4mk3? Filter and volume is clear How do you default positions for stems - none muted, volume, filter & fx at normal position? It remembers and loads the previous settings.
Browser colors !!!
Please add different color to played tracks. (ex. Green) Or change color (ex. Orange like in Traktor 2) on state icons (played, Deck loaded, track lock …). If you add a option in setting it will be perfect. PLEASEEEEEEEE
Who do I contact about cancelling TP3 subscription after buying TP4?
Hello, Who should I contact regarding the TP3 Pro Subscription billing that I've got, even though I've upgraded to TP4. I got billed like half an hour afo.
Browser - Preview player
Hay there, Why are "One-Shot" or very short samples looped in the browser preview-player (is this a bug?. I use the browser preview-player to prepare Remix decks and the fact that very short samples are looped during prelisten makes this process quite "unuseable". is there a way to disable that looping ? (on Traktor Pro…