Can we get Streaming (Tidal or Souncloud) for Traktor

I'm on Traktor SK4, and since it doesn't have midi I now can't use it with Serato DJ. I have no music of my own so I was hoping to rely on streaming music for some personal gigs. smh.


  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru

    It is currently only possible to stream with Beatport and Beatsource.

    Tidal was once very high on the feature suggestion list of the forum users here, but NI has so far ignored this request and preferred other things…

    We can only hope that they will integrate more streaming services soon. Until then, as I said, the only option for streaming is Beatport and Beatsource.

    I use Beatsource myself. However, the catalogue is in some parts very limited and very American in character.

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