Soundcloud on Traktor 4?

I‘ve been djing for over a yes now and have come across many DJ Pools to get my music but the big problem is that it’s so hard to get music in foreign languages. It would be very good if soundcloud would be added to Traktor pro 4 so that one has more options for music.


  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro

    Unfortunately Traktor Pro 4 does not support this.

    But you can certainly save the songs you want offline and then import them into Traktor?

  • Darren of London
    Darren of London Member Posts: 18 Member

    Also bear in mind when streaming from any subscription service, you can't record in traktor. Like Heisenberg said you'll be better off with offline copies of your music, then there's no such limitations.

    Unfortunately for now traktor only supports beatport and beatsauce I believe, but to record you'll need to use an analogue output

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