Modeling Hammond Tonewheel Organs inside of Reaktor Primary or Core?
Hi, I'm new to NI's reaktor, and I have been interested in physical modeling of virtual Hammond organs (specifically the B3 and C3) but I do not have an actual physical B3 because I can't afford it. The best alternative I could go for is to reference from really good Hammond plugins like IK Multimedia's Hammond B3-X,…
Reaktor random patch bug?
Is there somewhere to report bugs to NI? I have noticed that buttons do not get randomised properly when you randomise a patch. They can get turned off by the randomise process but never turned back on. Eg. if you make a patch with just a (lit) button and a fader and repeatedly press randomize, the fader will go to a new…
8 Chaos Mice Jazz Band
Here is a test ensemble of the 8 chaos Mice Jazz Band. It is just an example setup using 8 of the mice, not something i would use in a production yet. Even for me it might take a week+ to setup a full on top ensemble that will make album quality material. I still have a few other chaos blocks being finished like Gigantic…
Can You Edit TRK-01 to Accept MIDI?
Just started playing with TRK-01 bass, & then wanted to investigate the full TRK-01, only to find it's yet another "playable" instrument that's not playable. I've seen that you can go in and do some Reaktor editing with it, but has anyone figured out how to change its MIDI input from triggering to playing actual MIDI…
CRUDE : a simple drone box.
Hi everyone! This is CRUDE. A simple, hands-on drone box. Features: Two wavetable oscillators. Each with 84 selectable waves and octave, semitone and fine tune control. Bitcrusher (affecting both Oscillators). Two distortion controls (gain). One for each filter. Can be set to be pre- or post- filter in View B. Two LP…
Reaktor Blocks - ports gone
hi community, after working with reaktor for one year,i tried to build with blocks/racks. its a lot of fun, but today, all new added blocks appear without ports. when i load an older preset, the blocks appear with ports. in the panel-view menu, ports & wires are active. in the structure-pane all ports and wires are…
Problem with absolute Razor.rkplr path reference in some .nrkt presets
Hi! I have a problem opening some 3rd party razor presets (.nrkt) I get following error message: "Error while reading file C:\Users\Public\Documents\Razor\Razor.rkplr: Cannot open file C:\Users\Public\Documents\Razor\Razor.rkplr for reading." "Locate ensemble" does not help; it will open Razor, but with the default present…
Recreating Soundtoys Echoboy in Reaktor
Has anyone tried to or know of any resources to help with creating an Echoboy style delay processor in Reaktor? The specific character of Echoboy I'm interested in is the feedback algorithm that can produce some really interesting chaotic sounds that are more like an experimental granular engine. Guessing the Tape-ish…
Midi Controller not connecting with Monark
Hi Community, I am new here. I just downloaded Monark and am having an issue where I'm trying to use Monark and hitting my midi controller keys produces no sound. I have a Macbook Pro and I run Logic Pro X and my midi is an Akai MPK 249. Generally, when I get new plug ins etc, the midi just works. For some reason with NI…
Trouble getting audio: Setting midi channel to "omni"?
Hi, just starting out with Komplete Start on Reaper and am having trouble getting audio out of various instruments like Block Base, Reaktor, Kinetic, etc. I found that changing the midi channel to omni fixes the issue on stuff like Kontakt, but after digging through menus, the option doesn't even appear for the other above…
Who do I contact to have an ensemble locked by NI.
I have the link to get the free player but I need the edit locked as the serial numbers are located in the ensemble. NI should offer a password protected lock/unlock module. But as it stands, a reseller must submit the ensemble to NI to have it locked. Who do I contact to have the edit disabled?
Error messages with reaktor and absynth in logic pro X
Hello, No sound is happening with any of my reaktor synths and when I try to open Monark it says: "Error while reading file Macintosh HD:Users:Shared:Monark:Monark.ens: Not a valid Reaktor file !" and then logic quits. With absynth it says: "The plug-in named “Absynth 5” isn’t available on your system." It was doing this…
Monark product site link to private Youtube video
When browsing NI web pages, and looking at the Monark website. The tutorial is not available. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/synths/monark/tutorial-video/ Could you somehow make it available or remove the tutorial as the producer decided to make the video private.
What's the general status of Reaktor?
I notice that none of the "OS version X compatibility" and "M1 silicon compatibility" pages even mention Reaktor, even though they mention a bunch of other Komplete synths. No mention of Reaktor: https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014683497-Apple-Silicon-M1-Compatibility-News Why is this? Is…
Why can't I use Nano CE blocks?
I have, as far as I can tell, installed the Nano Pack CE files in the right place but when I try to use them they appear in blue and it says they are in demo mode/ that I need to run Native Access. They don't show up in native access to register them. I'm going mad trying to get these to work. Somebody please help me!
Reaktor User Library - How do downloads work
Hi, I´m pretty new, so please excuse my maybe dumb question. How does downloads from the Reaktor User Library work? When I download some synth or anything else, I get a .rar But I can´t use this with my DAW. How can I get it in a way to use the data with my DAW? Thank you in advance!
Importing parts of Racks into other Racks VCV 2 style in Reaktor Blocks
Hi, I dimly remember how I raved about the new VCV Rack 2 feature where you can import Racks into other racks and someone told me you can do this in Reaktor and I can't for the life of me remember how that worked and where I got this info. I searched for "VCV" on here, but it did not show up. What I want to do is open a…
Reaktor 5 Stubbornly resists Installation
I've got Komplete 13 and Reaktor 6, but native Access tells me Reaktor 5 isn't installed - and gives me the option to do that. But, installation fails with the message "The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance." Am I being lead down a road I…
Ensemble to scramble sample slices of unequal lengths?
Dear friends it is years since I have dipped my toe into the amazing depths of the reaktor user library. Is anyone aware of an ensemble that can do the following? Take a sample with slices of unequal lengths (e.g., a sample chopped by peak detection) and play all the slices back in a different order, but each at its…
Can someone help me with the Snapper module to reset?
I have a snapper attached to a sequencer, the Sixteen sequencer from the UL, and its working fine, i would just like it to start from the beginning whenever i hit stop and play again, rather than picking up where it left off. I can see going into the stucture panel there is a "rst" output on the start/stop module, but I'm…