Why are my changes to Reaktor Blocks never saved correctly?

Andreas Neufeld
Andreas Neufeld Member Posts: 1 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

I'm using the newest Version of Fl Studio, but tbh it doesn't really matter* what version I use since this problem existed ever since I first started using Reaktor. Sometimes I tweak and programm for hours on Reaktor patches and then save the Project file in my DAW. To my suprise, all my changes have been completly discarded every time. Since I usually start with a preset from "Reaktor Blocks" f.e. "Quadrapolis.ens" and change a Patch, tweak for an hour or two and change stuff, everything is gone once I saved and reload the project file. This is even the case for if I manually save with "File" --> "Save Preset as...".

*I already tried to ask the support for this problem a year or two ago. They basically just told me go tell this issue to Image Line since this isn't a Problem Native Instruments has to fix (???). I'm not sorry for saying this, I paid over 1500€ on your guys's software. The least I can expect is for the programm to work as expected.


Best Answer

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,031 Guru
    edited November 2022 Answer ✓

    Have you tried using a Rack instead of an ensemble. Racks were added specifically to deal with this issue, enabling your changes to be stored automatically by the DAW, so should work. Only works with Blocks though.

    If you have to use ensembles, then you must manually manage saving snapshots (not presets!), and saving ensembles, or you will lose any changes. The DAW can't do it for you. Best thing is to save a copy of the ensemble with a new name just for that project, and use that copy for the project, then you can make changes and resave the copy without messing up the original ensemble.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,433 mod

    Obviously you have to save your changes inside Reaktor, as a new ensemble or block and then use your saved version, not the original one.

    Or, you can use automation in your DAW in order to record all your tweaks.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,031 Guru
    edited November 2022 Answer ✓

    Have you tried using a Rack instead of an ensemble. Racks were added specifically to deal with this issue, enabling your changes to be stored automatically by the DAW, so should work. Only works with Blocks though.

    If you have to use ensembles, then you must manually manage saving snapshots (not presets!), and saving ensembles, or you will lose any changes. The DAW can't do it for you. Best thing is to save a copy of the ensemble with a new name just for that project, and use that copy for the project, then you can make changes and resave the copy without messing up the original ensemble.

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