I have komplete A61 I am not getting to find it in Logic pro Control surface
i am using komplete a61 and i am not getting to find it in logic pro control surface but it is sending midi input. what can I do to use it a control surface ?
When and what to Expect Mk3 Firmware Update for Komplete Kontrol?
I recently purchased the new S61 Mk3, and it feels like a downgrade without a MIDI template and an on-screen octave and semi-tone display. Additionally, the transport functionality in FL Studio seems lacking. I am curious about when and if these issues will be addressed in a firmware update because I am strongly…
M1, Ventura, Logic - Control Surface Issue
Hello, I have just bought the S49 MK2 today. And I have an issue that probably others do too I ve seen posts about it: the Komplete Kontrol Host integration / control surface issue in Logic. That's what I have, also. All firmware are update. the keyboard works as midi kontroller but not as surface controller. It does…
randomly choked sounds when playing drum libraries
I have a strange issue where I get long, half long or shortened (choked)drums sounds when playing them through the mk3 S88. completely random glitches When playing the same channel on a different midi keyboard the issue does not occur Does anybody know how to fix this PS I use cubase
I hear no sound when I press a key
Everything is installed correctly, but when I press a key there are no response :( Someone can help me ? Thanks!
Complete control, filter data record in Cubase with Zebra Legacy does not work!
Hello dear community, sorry my english is not so good. I bought the ZebraLegacy from u-he and am also very happy with the synth and the many great sounds. Now I have found that I cannot record filter data: x and y or others, in Cubase with the help of my Native Kompletkeyboard A 49 and the rotary controls knobs. Is there a…
the sustain of k.k. a49 doesn't stop after removing my foot from my pedal
Hi all! I continue to have the same sustain pedal issue from months from my Kontatk Kontrol a49. I bought a sustain pedal because the previous 2 have the same problem nut nothing change. I also bought the original pedal M GEAR for the sustain but the problem that I mentioned before is not fixed. When I lift my foot, taking…
Komplete Kontrol keyboards Key-feel MK2 vs MK3
is there nay improvement in key feel in Mk3 over Mk2 ? I currently have S61 mk2 and black keys are stiffer than white keys, its very annoying.
Komplete Kontrol crashes Cubase 13 every time on the second project
I have tried many ways to recreate this problem. I have a 100% "success". Here is what happens: 1. I start/load a project with a Komplete Kontrol instrument (one or many) 2. I close that project - Cubase "unloads" the instruments from that project. 3. I load another project containing Komplete Kontrol and Cubase crashes…
Kontakt key mapping not affecting light guide. What am I missing?
Hi there ... I am just starting out with a new S88 Mk2. I've noticed that Kontakt (for example) has no impact on the the light guide. If I load an instrument that has key mapping none of this feeds through to the keyboard. Is there something I need to turn on to make the software talk to the light guide? UPDATE: After…
Sustain and Sostenuto Pedal Questions
I have uploaded the .kmt file I have been working on to control my Roland JV-2080 with my S88 MK3. The pedals work fine until I turn off the keyboard and the JV-2080 for the night. The next morning when I turn on the keyboard and the Roland the sustain pedal is stuck on and the sostenuto pedal doesn't work at all. If I…
Please fix browsing experience in Kontrol MK3
When you load an instrument and want to avoid mouse, and want to browse in the controller but you realize it doesn't recognize preset folders and stuff so you have to browse through tags that often doesn't work too much specially when using third party plugins and custom preset banks ( often commercially sold ). Like today…
Out of tune?
Hello, I'm very new to Native Instruments products and have recently purchased a Maschine MK3 and a Kontrol S61. When I play them together, they are out of tune with each other. What can I do to rectify this? I don't believe haven't changed anything from the factory settings. Thanks!
How to automate SampleTank 4 MIDI Assignments in KK3.0.3
I'm trying to assign all the automatable parameters on ALL the screens, but if I can get the Home scrn I can manage the others. I'm using PreSonus SO6.5 with my NI S88 Mk1 as my controller, and Komplete Kontrol 3.0.3. It looks like I should be able to rt. click on any of the parameter knobs in ST4 (Vol, Pan, Transpose,…
Update from K14 Ultimate CE to K15 Ultimate (w/o CE)
In case of updating from K14 Ult. CE to K15 Ult. without CE: what will happen to the VSTs existing in K14 Ult. CE which K15 Ult. does not contain (for example Lores)? thx for answer, ng
Sustain Pedal Stopped Working after kontrol mk3 firmware update.
After the firmware update to 1.7.6 my sustain pedal suddenly stopped working with my Komplete s88 mk3. There is nothing wrong with the pedal as it works fine with my rolland piano. I tried to reset the keyboard, I made sure the pedal setting is according to the manual and nothing. Please let me know if anyone knows what…
Integration in protools
Hello, I bought a brand new Kontrol S49 MK3 and I try to connect it to my protools (2023.9) but it doesn't work (just controlling the sounds in Traktor for example, as any midi conroller…. ;( Is there a solution to do a full integrate solution or not? I'm really afrais that I bought the bad control keyboard. Thank you
Dx7s can do this? #Tip to make a shredding guitar sound with FM8 and Komplete Kontrol!
Find a DX7 Epiano-type sound using your Komplete Kontrol browser. I chose FM8 Stage E-Piano. To get rid of the tanky sound in the low-end, fiddle with the harmonics control; (I set mine to -58, (Gives it a nice electric guitar-like sound) If your sound has a wobly chorus effect, change the detune to -99, or any other value…
set the mini channel on the keyboard without connection through a computer?
Hello i bought a komplete kontrol keyboard MK 88 i would like to know if it was possible to set the mini channel on the keyboard without connection through a computer in order to use hardware expander? example : Channel 1 = motif rack es Channel 2 = triton rack Channel 3 = Emu planet phatt rack
Display froze
Hi guys, I have an issue with my Komplete Kontrol S49 Mk2. I can't access anything from the display; it's frozen on "Smart Keyboard Controller." None of the buttons are working. I bought the keyboard second-hand from the store, so I'm trying to use the key from the back of the keyboard, but it says it has already been…