Why can I not see full GR6 window?
Hi I am using Windows 10 and, even with the taskbar hidden, I cannot see the full Guitar Rig 6 window. Consequently I am unable to see or use the Info Pane button in the Browser nor do I appear to be able to resize the window in any direction. I can drag it upwards ny a very small amount but it just springs back when I…
Guitar Rig 6/Logic Pro X Crash Solution
This crash can be pretty annoying so here's a solution that works. Open the plug-in as a standalone. Go to FILE/PREFERENCES/AUDIO and check your Device and Latency. Set the Latency to match Logic.
Changing Presets with controller...
Ok... I feel like I am loosing my mind here... I can use a FCB1010 to change through presets fine, but only when "Curated" is selected. Is there not a way to have the same MIDI patch change control over USER presets? Unless I am totally missing something here I can find no way to get anything other than the next…
How to MIDI sync Guitar Rig 6 to Maschine
Hi, I checked the manuals of both applications (Maschine and Guitar Rig 6). Within Maschine - Preferences - Midi, I select "Send Clock" as Sync Mode. In Guitar Rig 6 (stand-alone mode) I set enable the metronome and set the Sync type to "Extern". Nothing happens on MIDI level 😊. I don't have a clue how to validate if…
GR6 How to toggle between containers (using foot pedal)?
Hi I am using GR6 with an FCB1010 foot pedal. I want to be able to easily switch between 2 different "racks" (within the same preset) with a single foot pedal action. I'm aware that I could do this by switching between 2 presets but I find there is an unacceptable delay when doing so which would not be practical when…
No Sound from Guitar Rig 6
This may be a question that a lot of people ask, but I'm not getting any noise from Guitar Rig 6 Whatsoever. I'm using a Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, and when I try to use the output on the actually interface, my guitar doesn't work. So the only way I can listen to my guitar is through the Headphone Jack on my Laptop. Please I…
I can't listen to my guitar on guitar rig 5
I got guitar rig 5 and asio4all driver, mi guitar is connected with a guitar plug thru a mp3 cable, but I got a laptop where it works, but in this PC doesn't work, the cable is connected on line not mic. the bars are moving so the sounds is working but I cannot hear it, why? I thought that maybe the systems sounds could…
GR6 sounds different standalone vs plug in
I'm using Gr6 and i make a patch i like off standalone and then load it in Studio one and it sounds different, more effected reverb/delay and a lot more bass. has anyone else experienced this? is there a work around?
adding searchable tags in words
Got a load of user presets and would like to tag them all with a word or two that I could search for. Is there a way to do this? I've found out how to tag them with colour but can't work out the "words" part. Gone to the little "i" icon and filled in the bottom right box but that doesn't seem to be searchable, unless I've…
Guitar rig is crashing Logic Pro. How do I resolve this issue?
I just installed Guitar Rig Pro 6.2.2. Not every time, but often when I select a new preset it causes Logic Pro to crash. How do I resolve this issue? I see there is an option to send a report to apple. Is there a way I can send that report to NI for support?
Does running Logic Pro in rosetta mode disable the performance benefits of having an m1 chip?
Guitar rig crashes logic pro if I don't start it in rosetta mode. But I'm wondering if this removes the performance benefits of having an M1 chip. How much of a performance impact is it to use logic pro in rosetta mode? Thanks!
Add dual mono for all compressors
Hello, I'm a new user here, don't know if this is an appropriate place for a FR. In Guitar Rig, heads, cabs and distortion pedals are all dual mono capable. This is very convenient for dual mono double-tracked DI guitars on a stereo track - you don't need two instances of Guitar Rig, just one and all settings are shared…
Existing Logic Projects with Guitar Rig don't see plugin
I got sent a bunch of Logic Projects that use Guitar Rig and other NI instruments. In order to mix these, I just bought Komplete 13. But when I open up the projects they don't see Guitar Rig (error message says: The plug-in named "Guitar Rig " isn't available on your system). But I do have Guitar Rig installed, but it has…
Guitar Rig 6 + M-AUDIO AIR 192|6
Good day to the community. Recently I have modernized all my equipment, but in the end compared to my previous setup I'm stucked with the audio output of Guitar Rig 6 through my M-AUDIO AIR 192|6. M-AUDIO connected with USB to my laptop. Guitar connected to M-AUDIO in PORT 1 Guitar Rig 6 running No sound at all, I'm quite…
GR6 MIDI foot controller/mapping problems
I am trying to use GR6 (v6.2.2) with an FCB1010 foot controller and I'm finding the behaviour somewhat flakey. I have a preset with 3 midi assignments such that: The 5th macro control is set up as a toggle and is in turn linked to the on/off button on a wah effect component. This is triggered by pedal 5 on the FCB1010.…
Guitar Rig 6 Full Version compatibility with Mac OS 12.2.1
Hello, and thank you for the welcome! I've got a question regarding Guitar Rig 6, Full Version: is it completely compatible with Mac OS 12.2.1 Monterey? I've looked at the NI Compatibility Statement and I see some components of GR6 listed (Crush Pack, Mod Pack, Raum) but not a full listing of the GR6 FX and components. I'd…
Raum increase project file in Cakewalk
Raum lets increase the Cakewalk project file exponentially. I wondered why my Cakewalk projects using Raum took an increasing time for opening and saving. I found that the Cakewalk project files were growing up to almost 1GB. I contacted Bandlab and they found out that Raum is causing the problems.I deleted Raum from my…
The old feature suggestions are no longer there
Hello community, I think it's a pity that the old feature suggestions haven't moved to the new forum.😯 Regards Elias
GR6 Input sources: How to deselect artist list
I am new to GR6 and am having a play around so perhaps a bit basic? When I first opened up I had a long list of sounds to select from. Today I clicked on 'Artists: Dana Ruth'. This confined my list to just what Dana was doing. I can exit Dana and click on other artists but the list is still confined to that artist. Is…
Will Guitar Rig 6 run under Mac OS 12?
Hi: From the listing on this page https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000421737-macOS-12-Monterey-Compatibility-Statement it seems that Guitar Rig will not run under Mac OS 12. Is this correct? Thanks!