Guitar Rig 6 Player (demo) crash on start up. Non of the known fixes have any effect.

Add Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

I have NI access. Installed GR6 and some other stuff to see how it works. The other programs seem to work without issues. GR6 simply crashes showing only a white box.

As stated in the title, I've tried all possible fixes from the support page.

Deleted registry, deleted appdata, windows is up to date, GPU is up to date, tried connecting screens with different resolutions (1080P and 1440P). Windows defender doesn't block the program, and I've installed and launched Native Access as well as guitar Rig as admin. Running in compatibility mode doesn't help. I've tried all input and output devices separately at 44.1K/16 when available.

PC is Windows 10 Pro version 21H2, OS build 19044.1826.

Processor: i9-9900K, 32GB DDR4 ram 2600, RTX3080TI. Soundcard: Mytek Brooklyn DAC+. Input device is a Blue Yeti microphone, Rocksmith truetone cable and M-Audio Oxygen 66. Granted I get this to work, I'm looking to invest in better audio interface. All input devices have been tested separately, none work.

The program gives zero feedback as to why it shuts down? What am I to do/try still?


Best Answer


  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    Hi @Add can you please make sure you're using the latest driver for your graphic card? Also does it happen if you open Guitar Rig 6 in standalone mode not inside any DAW?

  • Add
    Add Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi Kaiwan, thank you for your response.

    The GPU driver was up to date. Funnily enough, it crashes only in stand alone mode. Today I've been setting up the DAW (Cubase 12) and NI software. Opening Guitar Rig in Cubase worked without issue. Luckily for me this is the primary usecase, and I don't mind using GR in Cubase for "stand alone" use either.

    On that note, the urgency is out of the question, at least in my case. Stand alone is still crashing on start up though.


  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin
    Answer ✓

    @Add Thanks for the info. Can you try rebuilding the GUITAR RIG 6 database? You can find the steps in this article here:

    My GUITAR RIG Browser is Empty or Incomplete

    Let us know how you get on.

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