Guitar rig 6 crash Logic Pro 12,7,4
Hello Logic crashes systematically when I launch guitar rig pro ...I have uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times without any results I enclose the crash logs. What can I do? I can't open my Logic songs made with rig pro ..... Thank you for your answers
Playing and hearing Guitar Rig live
Hello everyone, What Audiointerfaces support playing Guitar Rig live, as in low latency? I know the Apollo Twin x do that but I guess only with their UA plugins, right? Does a Motu M4 or equivalent Focusrite or others in that price range do the trick? I only have a Yamaha Mixer with integrated USB Audiointerface which…
GR6 How to save new macro name
In the macros tool I have been trying to change the names of some of the macros from whatever default GR6 seems to want to apply - e.g. I want to change 'Silent Mode' (default) to 'Mute'. Q1. When I make such a change it does not trigger an asterisk beside the preset name - should it do so? I'd expect it to because I have…
Why does the guitar rig 6 standalone GUI turn completely black on my second monitor?
when I use the GUI on the "main" monitor it works completely fine, problem is it is too large to fit fully on screen even with bringing the size down to 75%. It is usable this way, but certain curated presets or presets I create if the list is too long, will go off screen and are thus unclickable. So preferably I would…
Only hear effects when recording in a DAW
I only hear the guitar rig effects when I'm actually recording in Protools; is there any way to hear the effect with the track "armed" only? ie I'd like to play pre-existing tracks and plan parts with effects on (without actually recording) and can't seem to do it. Any help is appreciated
Changing presets via MIDI-CCs
Hallo, as far as I understand it is no more possible to change presets in Guitar Rig 6 via MIDI-CCs, is that right? Does anybody have an idea of how I could configure my old Rig Kontrol 3 in order to switch through 8 presets in Guitar Rig 6, so that I could use each knob for one preset that Guitar Rig 6 would load when I…
GR6 - Understanding macros
Hi I am using and assigning macros (all in conjunction with midi assignments using Behringer FCB1010 pedal board) with reasoable comfort but there are some basics I simply do not understand that I hope somene can help me with. I will list a few questions: I don't understand the regular use of the word "global" in the…
GuitaRig 6 Fix Installation
Hi there to everyone! I´m having a problem with Guitar Rig v6.2.2. I´m unable to install it because of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. Initially as I already had Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) installed, I thought that no problem would occur because it have all versions so far... but suddenly at the end…
Guitar rig does not work anymore with ableton
Hello, I bought Komplete 13 a few months ago, all the vst worked correctly, but for some time, Guitar rig has stopped working, it bugs Ableton, it may be related to the somewhat too restrictive use of "clean my mac" which I have since uninstalled, but nothing to do, Guitar rig no longer wants to launch even after…
Compatible foot controllers for macOS
Hello. I've been looking at foot controllers + expression pedals that could work with Guitar Rig 6 for macOS (Monterey). I wouldn't like to spend a lot of money on them so I found a couple that seem like an option: MeloAudio MIDI Commander Hotone Ampero Control. I've read mixed reviews, from configurability to connectivity…
having trouble getting vst for guitar rig to work in ableton
I am running ableton live 11 intro, and recently got guitar rig 6 for my pc. I really like the effects on it, but i can't seem to get the vst to work in ableton. I'm slightly confused because i have arturia and anteres vst that are working properly. I have tried manually locating the vst for guitar rig 6 in ableton, but…
Can I use macro(s) to increase/decrease volume by 10% on GR6
Hi I am using GR6 with a Behringer FCB1010 foot controller. I can successfully map a preset's volume control to an expression pedal on the foot controller using a macro but it's all too easy to come in too heavy on the pedal and increase/decrease the volume by too much especially when that expression pedal could physically…
Guitar Rig in FL Studio
Hi I have GR 6 on Windows. Installed as an app it works perfectly (although does not record the effect but I'm not sure I expect it to). However run as a plug in in FL Studio it loads but shows no signal running through it. All I hear is a clean guitar sound. I don't have an option in preferences to check the device…
Guitar Rig Pro AAX Causing Pro Tools 12HD Native Crash
Hello, looking for a fix here... Guitar Rig Pro 6.2.2 is crashing my native Pro Tools 12hd system at different times such as when dragging an effects module into the chain (access violation), trying to load a currently saved set-up from the top plugins menu (can't find currently running version of protools). This is…
Bug?? Plugins doesn't show the bottom for add picture to media rack (Cubase)
Hello Everyone, yes that is the problem i can take a picture in Replika, Choral, Flair and Phasis on Cubase Is it a bug??. Cheers.
Tuner was a whole step off?!?!
Im so gd confused!!! Recorded live drums into ableton, loaded recording into maschine, sampled, made a drum loop. Open empty Audio on A1 where my input is L1, I load Guitar Rig 6 underneath, I find the effect and sound i like for my guitar and decide to record a long improvised clip. I also decide to try a new method…
Can I get "echo Loop" effect please?
Hey guys, I have been looking for the "echo loop" effect which is found in the DENON DN-X 1500 Mixer as you can listen to here please: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD1eA0SRrcg which I am now being told is called a "freeze" effect and comes with some delay fx plugins. I would prefer to get a hardware fx machine which…
Guitar Rig 6 Pro Rack Presets not installing
I cannot get the Rack Presets to install. I have deleted the program and tried reinstalling but no luck. Anyone else have this problem?
How is guitar rig?
Never used it, does it have good cabinet sims?
Why can I not see full GR6 window?
Hi I am using Windows 10 and, even with the taskbar hidden, I cannot see the full Guitar Rig 6 window. Consequently I am unable to see or use the Info Pane button in the Browser nor do I appear to be able to resize the window in any direction. I can drag it upwards ny a very small amount but it just springs back when I…