No Signal in Guitar Rig 6 Pro inside Logic

koljafollak Member Posts: 11 Member
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

Hello there,

i just downloaded guitar rig 6 pro and set it up in the standalone. Everything works there . But when i try it in logic witht he same interface setup , i dont get any signals .... can you help me?

Best Answer


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod


    but from other tracks you hear something? And it is loaded in a audio track as FX and audio is routed there?

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    This is probably due to your routing in Logic. Do you have more information on how you've set up things there? Feel free to post screenshots.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    Answer ✓

    @koljafollak Make sure that this little box is checked:

    Also make sure to give Full Disk Access to Logic and Guitar Rig 6: How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

  • koljafollak
    koljafollak Member Posts: 11 Member

    thank you , it was the monitoring software thing

  • LukeMelbourne
    LukeMelbourne Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    edited November 2022

    ☝️similar problem for me.

    Running an electric violin ➤➤ UA Volt 276 ➤➤ MacBookPro ➤➤ Stand alone guitar rig

    I can hear the effects in real time. 👍

    But.... Running an electric violin ➤➤ UA Volt 276 ➤➤ MacBookPro ➤➤ Logic with Guitar rig plug-in...

    I can record a clean signal and listen to any effect applied on playback, but not as they're being recorded.

    It looks like there is no signal coming into the plug-in no matter what I do. I even tried sending the audio signal to a separate bus and applying the Guitar Rig 6 to audio fx there. Still no luck. No input signal.

    I've been wrestling with this for a couple of days, checking forums and youtube videos. No luck yet. Can't wait to get this working.

    Any advice most welcome.



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod


    if you use gr as plugin, try to use stereo mode, you later can select left or right depending on where the signal is coming from. And if you bypass gr, do you hear a clean signal?

  • LukeMelbourne
    LukeMelbourne Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hi Uwe,

    thanks for your suggestion. I tried using stereo mode and got the same result.

    I've no problem hearing a clean signal in Logic. Either with Guitar Rig on the channel or bypassed.

    Signal comes through fine ➤➤ clean and with no effects whether I want them or not.

    This guy's video has me thinking my issue is to do with my signal chain/flow.

    If I use other audio effects I'm encountering the same issue. I can hear them on playback, but not at the time of recording. So I think my issue is me needing a better grasp of what my audio signal is doing in logic. Let me know if my screen grab below shows some obvious setup error I have made.

    Otherwise a recommended like this one but for Logic issues.

    Cheers. Luke

  • LukeMelbourne
    LukeMelbourne Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    After toggling what seems like everything, and watching old Logic Audio videos. I've managed to get it working.

    Here's a screen grab for anyone else in future who runs into my setup issue. These audio preferences in Logic seemed to be the answer.

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