Kontakt 7 finds library but Kontakt not?

Pirre Member Posts: 8 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hey there.

I am very confused!!

I just bought Vocal Colors.

When I start "Kontakt 7.app" on my Mac, everything works fine:

But when I start "Kontakt.app", the library "Vocal Colors" is not find:

I added it manually within the Database tab:

But it still does not show up under "Libraries" tab??

Can you help me fixing this issue??

And allow me one more question:

What is the difference between "Kontakt.app" and "Kontakt 7.app"?? It is very confusing!!

Thank you for your help!!

Best Answer

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    If uninstalling Kontakt 6 since you have 7 is up to you. Some people are having issues with 7 so they keep both (e.g. older projects with K6 opening 7 but without the used presets, libraries not working,…). It’s also true that some others are having issues also keeping both on the computer (6 not opening anyway and being forced to 7)

    The factory library 2 should be listed simply under the “Kontakt” tab. There you should also find the Choir presets


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited June 2023

    This second Kontakt looks a lot like Kontakt 6 (“old” logo), which also would explain why Vocal Colors isn’t appearing, since it requires 7 version

    Kontakt 6 was branded as simply “Kontakt”

    The version that lists it is K7 PLAYER. Do you even own Kontakt 7 full version?

  • Pirre
    Pirre Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Thank you, that was veeeery helpful!!

    So should I deinstall the Kontakt app (= Kontakt6)?

    I am not sure about your question. I only find the player:

    It seems that I own only Kontakt 6 or??

    Do I need Kontakt 7 or why are you asking?

  • Pirre
    Pirre Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    P.S.: What's the difference between

    Kontakt 7 Player


    Kontakt 7 full version?

    Oh man, is this confusing!

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Some libraries requires the full version of Kontakt. I won’t uninstall 6, since you have the full version. If you don’t own 7 full version but no libraries you own require it, no, at the moment you don’t need it.

    Main difference between player and complete versions is that the player is meant to just play with some pre built libraries, while the complete version allows you to create your own instruments (more or less)

  • Pirre
    Pirre Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Ok.. Thank you sooo much for your help!!

    I bought with the Summer of Sound offer an update.. I am now on "Komplete 14 Standard".

    Can I now uninstall 6, because Kontakt 7 is part of it, isn't it?

    Allow my another question:

    Part of the Kontakt 7 Factory library is e.g. "Choir" (that looks really nice to me!) (source: https://www.native-instruments.com/de/products/komplete/samplers/kontakt-7/library/).

    So I installed it:

    but can't find either a plugin "Choir" nor a thing called "Factory Library 2" or something similar:

    Thanks again for your help, mate!!

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    If uninstalling Kontakt 6 since you have 7 is up to you. Some people are having issues with 7 so they keep both (e.g. older projects with K6 opening 7 but without the used presets, libraries not working,…). It’s also true that some others are having issues also keeping both on the computer (6 not opening anyway and being forced to 7)

    The factory library 2 should be listed simply under the “Kontakt” tab. There you should also find the Choir presets

  • Pirre
    Pirre Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    What do you mean with "Kontakt" tab..

    This one?

    Because, using this kind of view, "Factory Library 2" appears.

    Another question:

    Regarding e.g. "Choir" but also many other instruments.

    Do I have to load each "Preset" as an own instance, like:

    It seams that there is no opportunity like in "Vocal Color", where I load the instrument only once and navigate the presets from within:

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited June 2023

    You have to click on the camera icon and instead of “Output, Midi Ch.,… you’ll have access to the presets of an instrument

  • Pirre
    Pirre Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Mh, I click on the camera icon.

    Now, I still can't choose anything from the dropdown menu on the left:

    • there are no snapshots (yes, that make sense)
    • but when I click on the drop down near the name of the selected instrument (by clicking on the left side), then an empty menu appears?!

    Take a look here:

    I am looking for a way to see all available presets (or are they correctly called instruments, because every different sounding one (Alto Sax, Baritone Sax, ...) is an own instrument, isn't it?!) at once, without clicking through the folders and subfolders on the left side.

    Thank you in advance for your help!

  • Pirre
    Pirre Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    P.S.: I can only navigate to the next or previous one by clicking on the arrows... But there is no overview and no opportunity to pick a special one without clicking through the folders on the left side?!

  • Arthur Neeman
    Arthur Neeman Member Posts: 39 Member

    Vocal Colors like some other new libraries are made for Kontakt 7. It means Kontakt 6 cannot open those .nki files. It also means that K7 player can open these libraries, because the structure is for K7, but K6 full cannot, because it doesn't recognize newer version of .nki file which can contain new instructions and features. Simple.

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