Using Komplete Kontrol LEDS for learning piano chords

gperroud Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

I don't see why NI has not yet taken the opportunity of using Komplete Kontrol MIDI Kbd for developping learning tools using the midi KK leds, or at least make a kind of bridge for developpers or DAWs. E.g. I imported iReal Pro Jazz standards and exercises in my Logic Pro X, but can't figure how to see the corresponding leds lighting up on my Komplete Kontrol S61 MKII. Does anyone knows a work around ? Or is there any app for learning jazz chords using the Komplete Kontrol leds ?


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod
    edited April 2023

    Yeah it has been suggested a few times, I think it is a great idea but I am not aware of anything apart from I remember a thread on the old NI forum where someone was talking about developing such a thing and showed some prototypes but I have no idea what happened with that. Roli Lumi keys seems more setup for this sort of thing.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Could be done in Reaktor, I guess.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Yeah it's such a missed oppertunity and has been ssomething requested for 7 years singe the first KK keyboards were released.

    You can send MIDI olut to the keyboard from a DAW which lights up the LEDs and this can be used as a way to do practice and chord training. How I have done it using Ableton Live is have one track set to output to the keyboards MIDI input and this track is just an empty MIDI track with loaded clips of MIDI patterns to follow along with.

    A second track is what I set the keyboards MIDI input to and that has a piano loaded. So triggering a clip you see LEDs light up and then you just play along to them.

    I ahve also done fomr practice songs but that is a little trickier because to play along to a metronome and follow the LEDs properly you have to setup the song on a clip and adjust it forward by half a beat really so you have time to see and react to the LEDs and also, each note has to be adjusted in sustain to light up and drop the LED with enough time. Ends up being a lot of work to setup something that is usable but can work, just wish it was possible to set a velocity feedback to adjust the LED colour.

  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 283 Pro

    And of course you can import full midi (name.midi) songs into a piano track (in your DAW) using an NKS piano instrument (for light guide display of notes). The internet is full of such sites but the quality varies drastically and the end result is often less than impressive. But then you also have the option to fine tune what you imported if the bones are there.

  • Speaking Colors
    Speaking Colors Member Posts: 4 Member

    I came here hoping they did it but apparently not. Isn't there a feature request or suggestion box somewhere? 😔

    Seems like a missed opportunity indeed.

    Could be used by so many, schools, students, teachers, musicians, producers, etc. Plus since it's NI used by a NI keyboard, that could potentially bump up their keyboard sales because now they would get a whole other market. All we would need really is midi import and the lights that light up a few beats before like JesterMcGee said.

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