Selling Traktor S2 MK3 License Question

Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

When selling my Traktor S2 MK3, does the buyer also have access to the Traktor Pro 3 license?



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Best Answer

  • Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    Answer ✓

    Transferring the license to someone else will also activate the corresponding products on their computer, so Traktor Pro 3 will show up in Native Access when registered 👍


  • Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I also have Unregistered it and have the transfer license. i just don't know if the Traktor Pro 3 license is also included for the new buyer.

  • Member Posts: 3,878 Expert

    If you just give him the S2, he will not get traktor.

    If you give him the S2 and transfer the serial, it will be removed from your account and he can register Traktor.

  • Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    Answer ✓

    Transferring the license to someone else will also activate the corresponding products on their computer, so Traktor Pro 3 will show up in Native Access when registered 👍

  • Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Well, it depends. NI has changed the way SW bundled to HW is handled.

    I do not know, how it is for S2 Mk3, but for many newer HW it works this way. Seller may keep bundled SW and buyer gets new licences. He may even get newer version of SW than seller has.

    For older HW the bundled SW is handled lord-carlos has described. Buyer gets SW only if seller includes it in Licence Transfer. But seller should do it as SW should go with HW....

    The best is to ask NI support, what of those two applies to your case.

  • Member Posts: 8 Member

    When i sold my S8, i tried to keep the licence.

    The buyer put in a request to NI, and i was emailed by them telling them that the licence was with thehardware, and as such the buyer gets it, there was no option for me to keep it.

  • Member Posts: 3,878 Expert

    Just a few days I had the opposite experience.

    I got 2nd hand hardware and made a ticket with NI asking if I could get the traktor license as the key from under the Hardware was already used by a previous owner.

    They told me they would email the owner of the serial, but he could always say no.

    Direct quote:

    Die von Ihnen angegebene Seriennummer ist auf einen anderen Benutzer registriert.

    Seriennummern können nur vom registrierten Lizenzinhabern selbst freigegeben werden. Da Sie den Vorbesitzer selbst nicht kontaktieren können, haben wir dies für Sie getan, um eine schriftliche Bestätigung für die Produktfreigabe zu erhalten.

    Wenn der registrierte Benutzer antwortet, werden wir Sie unverzüglich informieren.

    Sollte er nicht antworten oder der Lizenzübertragung widersprechen, können wir die Seriennummern nicht an Sie weitergeben. In diesem Fall empfehlen wir, die Ware an den Verkäufer/ Händler zurückzusenden.

    Eine weitere Möglichkeit wäre, die Software separat in unserem Webshop zu kaufen:

  • Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    For newer HW it is like this (not sure if all newer HW products):

    Even if seller provides buyer with Transfer ID for given HW (and so buyer gets also licence for bundled SW), the bundled SW also stays at seller's account. (So, the both, seller and buyer have bundled SW.)

    I experienced it for Komplete Audio 2 that I had sold.

    (In case of older HW, licences of bundled SW are removed from seller's account after Transfer of HW to buyer's account)

  • Member Posts: 8 Member

    That explains it then as my S8 was a good few years ago now

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