Hypha ... 'Could not load Plug-in' error

GentleThud Member Posts: 9 Member
edited December 2022 in Komplete Kontrol

Is anyone else having trouble with Hypha?

It all seems to have installed correctly with Native Access. It shows up in Komplete Kontrol (but not in Kontakt). But when I try to open any Hypha preset in KK, I get the 'Could not load Plug-in' error message.

I tried reinstalling it in Native Access, but no joy. I feel like I've encountered this with another NI plugin in the distant past, but can't remember the outcome.


Best Answer

  • Keen Gently
    Keen Gently Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2022 Answer ✓

    I'm having the same issue. Already deleted app data and did several re-scans, reinstalled it with Access but it doesn't work.

    Pre Listening for the presets ist working and the plugin artwork is loading.

    Edit: Ok I just installed the new Native Access and there it is showing a message that HYPHA at least requires Kontakt Player 7. Since I'm on Kontakt 6 still, I guess that is the problem for me...


  • Keen Gently
    Keen Gently Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2022 Answer ✓

    I'm having the same issue. Already deleted app data and did several re-scans, reinstalled it with Access but it doesn't work.

    Pre Listening for the presets ist working and the plugin artwork is loading.

    Edit: Ok I just installed the new Native Access and there it is showing a message that HYPHA at least requires Kontakt Player 7. Since I'm on Kontakt 6 still, I guess that is the problem for me...

  • icymarv
    icymarv Member Posts: 2 Member

    I have contact 7 but am still unable to load Hypha. I tried reinstalling, but no success.

  • Allang123
    Allang123 Member Posts: 10 Member

    I have Kontact 7 also but am still unable to load Hypha. Everything looks fine during install with Native Access until the very end where it says “install failed”. Tried various random attempts thinking it was an overload of their system but still no love. Is NI that dark they would tease us with a free new instrument and then delight in our inability to load it, a cruel trick? Or maybe it’s just me. On a M1 Mac. Latest software. Kontact 7. Up to date even on my Covid shots but still no success!

    Can any Santa help deliver Hypha by Christmas?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @GentleThud Have you installed Kontakt 7? Are you able to open the library in Kontakt 7 in standalone?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @icymarv Can you open Kontakt 7 in standalone? Can you load Htpha there ? Were you able to install it in Native Access ?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @Allang123 Please check this article: Native Access Error Message: "Installation Failed" (Mac)

    Any luck with Hypha now?

  • GentleThud
    GentleThud Member Posts: 9 Member

    Sorry Jeremy ... been away ... No, I haven't upgraded to Kontakt 7, because I'm waiting to upgrade my whole Komplete Ultimate suite from 13 to 14. But I've got more pressing hardware failures to deal with first. So, I'm stuck with Kontakt 6, which clearly won't load Hypha. I'll have to wait.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Op's issue is about a plug-in not being loaded. your issue seems to be only with Native Access, I answered that one there.

  • Sistol Trax
    Sistol Trax Member Posts: 13 Member

    Pareil chez moi ne charge pas le plug

    Kontakt n'affiche pas la librairie.. et quand je drope un instrument il répond que ma version de Kontakt est trop vieille alors que c'est la 6.7.1 !

    Dans Maschine Mieux!

    il voit la banque ..mais ne parvient pas a le charger ! Error: Hypha could not be loaded

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    edited January 2023

    @Sistol Trax YOu might have noticed that this thread, as well as the rest of the forum is in English. It's also in our Code Of Conduct. Feel free to use DeepL or Google Translate if you would like some help from other users or mods.

    Hypha requires Kontakt 7.

  • Daryl Vanterpool
    Daryl Vanterpool Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hi, I'm having the same problem with Cubase 12.0.52 Komplete 14. Kontakt 7, Hypha loads in standalone but is not available in Cubase. I've even tried to load the serial in Native Access. It never loads, I come back and an hour or 2 hours later it's still trying to load Serial but since Hypha loads in the standalone K7 player, I don't think I have a serial problem just trying to solve it.

    Any solution yet?



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @Daryl Vanterpool Click on the NI logo of Kontakt when in Cubase, what version does it show? What is your operating system?

  • Mellow Paw
    Mellow Paw Member Posts: 3 Member

    okay! so anyone solved that!!

    I cant open Hypha in maschine!!!

    where ist should be located?

    shared/ hypha?
    Native instruments/hypha?

    or what?!?!!

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