HELP! Mixwave TD-17 Cymbal Choke and HH Pedal

MetaltoN Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Tech Talks

Ok guys,

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I've had Protools and Mixwave Mario package for over 8 months now and I cannot for the life of me figure these two out:

  1. Cymbal chokes don't register at all when assigning them. Nothing at all, I've watched the video on how to do it.
  2. I watched the video on how to setup the HH pedal and it works great until I press the foot pedal all the way down. When I do this I lose ALL HH sounds. Yes it's calibrated and yes I've tried lying to the calibration to make it work.

I've contacted Roland about this and they said that it uses an "aftertouch" to register the cymbal chokes and after I told Mixwave support about this they said that they do not utilize aftertouch.



Best Answer

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod
    edited October 2022 Answer ✓

    that video is helping a lot, so like i said you can trigger different states (open, closed, half open) with different notes, like with almost all other drum libraries. Or you use midi cc for the open to closed state. So we would need a AT to CC converter, that´s maybe much easier than the other idea with the different notes. And kontakt has a transformer module for exact that purpose Link aftertouch to CC? | NI Community Forum ( - hope that helps, you insert that transformer and do exacly what the guy does in the video - but like i said it will only work with the full version of kontakt.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod
    edited October 2022


    as far as I could find out on the mix wave website, it uses different notes for different HH sounds from closed to open and also for pedal sounds. Your aftertouch now just sets the volume, and as you found out even to sero. So you would need a converter that can output different notes if you hit your HH depending on the pedal. That might be possible but I'm not sure and I'm not a kontakt expert. You would also need the full kontakt version - and like I said no guarantee. But @EvilDragon will know if that's possible. If I'm not wrong it uses 7 stages from closed to open for the edge, and 2 for the tip just open or closed? A script for that could be maybe complicated, i will also try myself a bit, i know that you can convert cc to note numbers so it should be possible as I said.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod

    Or much easier, use EZ drummer, it uses aftertouch by default, also for other cymbals and stuff, so you have much more control and better play. It's better than to fix just the hihat, and that not perfectly. I don't know if it works with native drum libraries, i just know they have mappings prepared for e-drum kits, but i can find out if you want to. Cause in my opinion they sound great, but in your case without that function they would not be that useful.

  • MetaltoN
    MetaltoN Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thanks for the reply!

    The video I watched for the hihat didn't say anything about using the other 7 notes or whatever, it was just a teaching mode and a couple other assignments. This is what I was following:

    As far as scripting goes, I'm oblivious to how that even works and I'm sure EZ Drummer is great but I REALLY want those drums sounds from Mario haha! Especially since I forked out like, $120 or whatever it was.

    Do you know how to changed the aftertouch to a note instead maybe??

    I'm convinced that this will forever drive me crazy. I know that @EvilDragon knows a ton of stuff too!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod
    edited October 2022 Answer ✓

    that video is helping a lot, so like i said you can trigger different states (open, closed, half open) with different notes, like with almost all other drum libraries. Or you use midi cc for the open to closed state. So we would need a AT to CC converter, that´s maybe much easier than the other idea with the different notes. And kontakt has a transformer module for exact that purpose Link aftertouch to CC? | NI Community Forum ( - hope that helps, you insert that transformer and do exacly what the guy does in the video - but like i said it will only work with the full version of kontakt.

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod

    Uwe is right - you need to convert aftertouch to a MIDI CC, so using the Transformer multiscript is the way to go.

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