Why does komplete 15 come with kontact players 6 and kontact player 7

mjhmassound Member Posts: 17 Member

My complete 15 came with kontact 8, why do I also have kontact players 6 and 7, what are those for if I have kontact 8

Best Answer


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited February 16

    The Player versions are free ones, which requires the libraries to be compatible with them. Some libraries require full version.

    Full version allows you the creation and modification of libraries (some cannot even be modified in all their aspects with full version).

    If you have Kontakt 8 full version you should not need the other 2 (is it possible they are there because in the past you get them (for free)?). Full version can read ALL Kontakt libraries

    If I recall correctly, there’s also a difference for developers: to release libraries that work on Free version they pay a bigger fee to NI

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod
    Answer ✓

    As far as I know then Komplete 15 does not come with Kontakt 6 and 7.

    You can see here what the different Komplete 15 bundle tiers other than Select contains. For Komplete 15 Select content then see here.

    If you have Kontakt 6 Player and Kontakt 7 Player then these could have been added to your account by you getting a previous version of Komplete Start or a Komplete Select or by having added the app to your account as standalone.

    Incidentally the present Komplete Start also contains a couple of Kontakt library items that are not in the Komplete 15 bundles and Komplete Start as usual is free to add to your account.

  • mjhmassound
    mjhmassound Member Posts: 17 Member

    When complete 15, I installed it with Native access. It loaded a shitload of apps and samples. It ended up loading contact six and seven players, it also installed contact 8 full version. Will certain samples not play on seven or six or eight?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod
    edited February 17

    It ended up loading contact six and seven players, it also installed contact 8 full version.

    N.A. only installs everything if you click the install everything else you can select what to install,only what you want. But come to think of it then the 'install all' philosophy could maybe do with an update.

    Will certain samples not play on seven or six or eight?

    That is so, yes ! Some older libraries when updated will not run on e.g. Kontakt 6 and some newer libraries will only run on a newer version of Kontakt and some even only on the newest version of Kontakt 8. Generally then you should be able to see Kontakt library requirements in the 'At a glance' section of the product pages like shown on the picture below.

  • mjhmassound
    mjhmassound Member Posts: 17 Member

    Yes I guess that makes sense certain players may only be responsible for operating libraries of different Generations. It's too bad they can't make it go retro to all previous contacts.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,229 mod

    But if they made the libraries work with older versions of Kontakt people wouldn't buy the new versions!

    And I expect there's the odd technical reason too :)

  • mjhmassound
    mjhmassound Member Posts: 17 Member

    What I was saying is what if contact 8 could play samples that were around during Contact 6 and 7 developments, to make it reverse compatible like some of the Sony PlayStations used to be. I could understand samples designed to work on 8 would not work on six and seven, but if I have contact eight, I should be able to play Everything, that was my point.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,229 mod

    Sorry, I misunderstood the question! In general that is the case, K8 will play libraries that were designed for K6/K7.

  • mjhmassound
    mjhmassound Member Posts: 17 Member

    So so then there's really no need for me to have contact player six or seven if I have contact 8?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited February 19

    As a direct answer, I would say NO

    As I said in the first answer, Full version can read ALL Kontakt libraries.

    The only reason to have previous versions is if you REALLY dislike the new one (graphic, browser,…). But being the new one the Full version and the old ones the Players, it would be a step backward for you in terms of functionalities. And you could have problems with newer Libraries requiring K8 and DAWs having issues in choosing which version to load.

  • mjhmassound
    mjhmassound Member Posts: 17 Member

    Thank you to everybody, for their responses for helping me out.

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