Maschine 3 - Requests & tips for improvements



  • Wilmar Boer
    Wilmar Boer Member Posts: 101 Advisor
    edited February 7

    A wish regarding program changes on Maschine Plus (standalone). I really would like my external synthes to switch to the right patches when loading a project. So being able to set a program change number to be send via MIDI on a sound level in the Channel settings where you also set the Midi output port and channel would be great!

    My workaround is dat I rename every pad (or group) with the Patch name and number of the external synth attached to that sound or group so I can do it manually just browsing through the groups in pad mode for looking up the right presets.

    But for live performance that's really not ideal.

  • Rilkecat
    Rilkecat Member Posts: 62 Helper

    Hi @Psyearth5! I feel we are talking about different things. Of course it works on ADSR. However, when Loop is ON and at One-shot, it does nothing. It should (could/would/might/hope) loop endlessly without having to hold any note or pad. In a Toggle way. Just like in samplers like SP-404 (loop on), Volca Sample (Pajen fw), or Ableton's clips, etc.

    This way, hands free you can play over the loop with other sounds or instrument. It's key feature to improvise, jam, create, and also perform live with samplers.

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 230 Pro

    Is it actually possible to create your own folders with subfolders for your own projects? If so, how do you do that?

    Or is there only one root level?

    How do you organize your projects? Everything in the root folder quickly becomes confusing.

    I couldn't find anything about it in Maschine's browser.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,446 mod
    edited February 8

    We are talking about Maschine software, right? Not Plus or other hardware.

    Basically, you can do anything you like. Add as many folders as you want in the User library, not just the standard one. Put there your samples folders, separate, not just under one folder, iconize them, make banks out of them, put your 3rd party older Kontakt libraries, etc etc. etc.

    Get an idea from mine:

    Then you can make custom NI Resources and make them looking like this:

    Or, you can create your own Groups, as i do with samples from real synths, like this:

    I think the only limit is your imagination (and/or some skills maybe) and you can be extremely creative without giving a damn about "new features"… 😊

    It is not about what you have. It is about what you do with it!
    I know many well known pioneer musicians from the 90's that they still work with Cubase 6 and SCSI drives (believe it!) and their music is far-far-far superior than any top-10 track.

    Anyway. You can do even more things, but you need either developer edition, either 3rd party tools, either Script knowledge, either at least a basic knowledge of Hex editing…

    And this is not the right thread to expand this conversation on that direction. We can make another thread for this. 😉

  • Wilmar Boer
    Wilmar Boer Member Posts: 101 Advisor
    edited February 10

    Yesterday on one of the parts of my Roland SH-4D the volume went down while tweaking the volume of my Modal Cobalt8 synth. Turns out the Cobalt volume knob is sending out MIDI CC 7 and the group in focus was the group I use for sequencing the SH-4D. Another thing was the incorrect placement of sounds in the SH-4D when changing patterns, with happend because the SH-4D is sending Program Changes per pattern change.

    So please put MIDI Filtering in the Channel Settings of the M+! Send/Receive CC on/off and Send/Receive PC on/off.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    I understand you and I agree with you.

    We are talking about same thing.

    I just wanted to say that there is a way to make it work (Workoround) .

    There is solution for everything but I agree with you that it will be better and easier to have everything working as we expect, one shot plays whole track but if we have Loop ON, then it is not play Loop and I need that to be working so I figured Workoround.

    Another way is to record Loop and play that instead. Still I agree with you and I just want new feature and not fixing already exiting but if that is something that will help majority then I am all for it.

    As well as the Plenum , the majority should have priority.

  • beisi
    beisi Member Posts: 19 Helper

    allow recording of external midi CC data in Maschine SW

    • can provide a workaround for NI's current approach of no curves/lines of automation for synth params

    snap to measure or time-based grid when in the AUDIO editor

    • to allow for more precise audio edits
    • can then move the playhead around to make specific cut/pastes at certain points

    ability to discard/trim bar(s) outside current pattern loop brace (cropping the bars inside)

    ability to cut/split bar(s) of a pattern out to a new pattern or to a specific location in a same pattern

    • I think the fomer even used to be a feature back in earlier maschine versions

    and similarly the copy version of the same to copy a measure (e.g. 1 bar) of multiple pads events to another place

    • current approach on HW is very clunky or forces you to use a mouse
    • MPC has a copy bars function which lets you specifically say from where to where
    • Ableton has pages visible as pads on Push, then can hold duplicate to duplicate a page from one place to another (copying all pads events in the process)

    ability to add/concatenate two patterns together

  • VisionarySoundSystem
    VisionarySoundSystem Member Posts: 12 Member

    The ability to undock the mixer so I can see it on a separate screen. Allow a lighter choice in the GUI.

  • walerandei
    walerandei Member Posts: 37 Helper
    edited February 18

    It would be interesting to be able to extend the Keyboard shortcuts in order to have more control over the software and improve the workflow.

    Keyboard shortcuts allow you to use other types of controllers and tools that make it very quick to record, sample, edit and manipulate Maschine's tools.

    During the different versions of Maschine software, the keyboard shortcuts were never been expanded. The ideal would be a menu that would allow us to customize the shortcuts. However, if this were a lot of development work, if NI could expand the list of available shortcuts, it would already be a great advance. 

    To give an example of devices based on Keyboard shortcuts, this is a selfmade profile for the Stream Deck XL to control Maschine software:

    Undock mixer is a "must have" improvement, for a better and a "like a Daw" workflow experience. I agree with this one!

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,446 mod

    Keyboard shortcuts are already mentioned, in the original post.
    Please avoid duplicate requests, thank you. :-)

  • bosone
    bosone Member Posts: 42 Member

    if no one wrote this yet, i would like to zoom the windows with the arrangement, patterns, etc, with shift / ctrl / alt + mouse wheel. I mean… every DAW has this option, why not maschine!? zooming is a pain in maschine! :)

    also, +1 for custom keyboard shortcuts…

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    I want to share color coding for Lock States.

    Connect group and all Pads to MIDI 1 or whatever you adjust the Lock States channel to Notes.

    If every Pad is same MIDI channel then just change the pitch of every Pad individually and now you can Play them and color code them. You can also hold Tune +Group and while you holding turn 4D Encoder to Octave down or up.

    If you do the same with the Group and one Pad you will be able to play them in keyboard mode or touch strip but you can also place them on linear Time Line or record them.

    I hope it will help.

  • dogbreath11
    dogbreath11 Member Posts: 112 Member

    i would like my maschine+ to recognize embedded loop points in samples

    also, please add ping pong (back & forth) as a mode for looping samples

    also, an onboard clipping effect. the maximizer doesnt quite cut it

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