Maschine MK3. Seqoia 15.3 M2 Max

The Bear -1
The Bear -1 Member Posts: 15 Member
edited February 3 in Maschine

so I have a lot of packs and expansions. However. When I turn on my DAW/Mk3. Under the Browser. I only se 3. At the top. It seems I can access them. But I dot see them on my DAW. Is this a setting issue?

Best Answer


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    Answer ✓

    Be sure that you are using latest version of Native Access for your OS

    First of all then please check the Mac users must do when using N.I. software ? :

    ALL NI apps including NTKDaemon must have full disk access. : Howto Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    and disks must be of correct format : Notes on Network Drives and Disk Formats

    Also then please check that iCloud Private Relay has been turned off : NativeAccess Error Message: "Download failed" (macOS)

    Also then do not use Clean My Mac.

    And quote Kymeia : if using Sequoia then N.I. apps must be added to the Local Network (maybe add the DAW too ?)

    Else what is your DAW and DAW version ?

  • The Bear -1
    The Bear -1 Member Posts: 15 Member

    Thank you for the response @PoorFellow!!! Should I delete them?!? Start over? Everything is up to date. Just seems strange.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    Should I delete them

    ? , the expansions ? Sorry you give me next to nothing to go on , no exact info on DAW or DAW version or what is missing in what view , and did you go through the Mac must do check ?

    I will also move your discussion to Maschine so that when you provide more info then more competent people will see.

  • The Bear -1
    The Bear -1 Member Posts: 15 Member


    o your good bud. I just got done deleting EVERYTHING And re downloading everything. But still the projects aren’t showing up in Machine. It’s certain ones. It’s weird. Choral,Flair,Phasis are a bland color. Not bright like

    The other projects. They say installed. And it seems I can access them. But only 3 of the projects show on my Maschine screen So everything is the latest versions Also All say they are downloaded IDK And they are all granted full access to my drive If I port both Maschine and Traktor to my MAC then go through the interface I can hear both and play with them Stop it!!!!! LOL But when I route them this way I don’t get the option on the Traktor Software to use my headphones UGH There all information I have is here AAAAAAND GO!!!! Also I really appreciate the help even if I can’t get it figured out thx in advance for the time and effort

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    Thank you very much for explaining and for the detailed information.

    I am a bit handicapped here by not having any Maschine myself and I have to work solely using the knowledge that I can/have acquired here. but as far as I know then the Maschine software works sort of like Komplete Kontrol so if the HW is using the Maschine Software then then problem might be the Maschine DB .

    So try Reset the Maschine Database and Favorites section here. Always run the Maschine/Komplete Kontrol/Kontakt as standalone once before using in a DAW to allow it to generate the database.

    If the above doesn't help then please respond with a quote here and I will call for the expert 😁

  • The Bear -1
    The Bear -1 Member Posts: 15 Member

    First off I want to say thank you!!! I still haven’t figured out what the reason is behind the expansions not being “visible” on the Browser page on Maschine But they are there. And I’ve got more cables in route to fix the Cue issue. Cables I had plenty of but sold thinking I wasn’t going to be able to let my creative process flow again. I’ve had 4 strokes and it can be extremely challenging at times to remember things and function at the level I’m accustomed to. But I’m still swimming!!!!! Trying. Pushing to be who I am. A performer. A “Dame good DJ as well as a producer. I’m taking a refresher course at USF. Getting back to my roots. Si I’ll be on quite frequently in the community looking for ideas as well as answering questions for others when able!!! I’m personally a strong advocate of living life through music!!!! And Again!!! THANK YOU!!!

    The Bear / -1

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    @Jeremy_NI , do you know the reason for the problem above ?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Which one exactly? @The Bear -1 What products/expansions are missing exactly? Some expansions for example only have Massive X presets. How are these products showing in Native Access? Have you tried the following?

  • The Bear -1
    The Bear -1 Member Posts: 15 Member

    Flair,Choral,Phasis it says there installed but the second picture is all I get on Mashine’s screen see how they look they aren’t bright and colorful. Dull and not appealing!!! So I’m confused on why I’m only showing 3 packs on The MK3’s screen I’m looking through my driver now to make sure permissions are correct

  • The Bear -1
    The Bear -1 Member Posts: 15 Member

    @Jeremy_NI I’ve gone through every single driver,one shot,loop,pack,instrument,you name it. Anything I downloaded from NI. I’m not a greenhorn either. lol. All I know is. Te only 3 projects that show up on the Maschine Hardware are the 3 in the photo. I can access Analog Dreams TR-,TR-BASS as well as some of the other expansions Honestly. Between trying to configure it correctly and integrate Maschine to the line input on my S4 MK3 LINE C. AND Getting the Kontrol6 to be the interface. AND. BUT WAIT!!!! Yes. There’s more. Getting it all to work together. All NI gear except my brand new MacStudio running Sequoia 15.3. M2 Max. 64GB Unified and a 1T with a separate 1T Superbus Drive. And 2T cloud storage. Seriously making me feel a little distraught. If you could find the time to email me tomorrow I’ll be available standard time US anytime after 9:30 AM for the rest of the day!! restart this whole and re-download everything I just wanna make music!! This is sad Bear at this point.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Hey there, even though we help users on the forum, it's not a substitute to support, so if you want to have an email conversation or your issue looked out by support please contact them here:

    Now, I can see some confusion here. Not every NI product is an expansion. Choral and Phasis are effects so they're not expansions. Analog Dreams is a Kontakt library, not an expansion. Please check this article: Which Applications do the Komplete Content Products Belong To?

  • The Bear -1
    The Bear -1 Member Posts: 15 Member

    Thank you@Jeremy_NI. I understand. I know that they are not all packs. I just think I must be doing something wrong. I also dont think it’s a NI Issue. Or My Mac. I think it’s a “me” issue!!! But. With that being said. I don’t think Apple are the ones to help me. I’m banging my head against the wall at this point. Ugh. Up all night. Two day stretches at a time. lol.

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