Favourite NI Synths, UI & theme options

IQMusic Member Posts: 114 Helper
edited January 24 in Other Software & Hardware

Hey, here’s to the synths, focusing on the UI and workflow.

Most favoured (imo).

  1. MASSIVE - titles the channel according to preset (as Alchemy does on Logic)
  2. MASSIVE X - theme options
  3. SUPER 8 - more streamlined accelerated sound editing

MASSIVE, title’s the track according to the name of preset, in turn also titles midi score too. ✅

Marvellous theme and not overly bright. ✅

Now has view size ✅

MASSIVE X has Multiple themes and view size ✅✅ would welcome another theme or custom theme, one like the original Massive.

It titles the channel as <none>. ❎

SUPER 8 is great ✅

However the brightness of the theme is way too bright! ❎ would welcome a new theme or custom theme, more like the original Massive.

It also titles the channel as <none> ❎


  • IQMusic
    IQMusic Member Posts: 114 Helper
    edited January 19

    MASSIVE now has scalable UI

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 150 Advisor

    I like the clean and well-demarcated GUI of Razor, Kontour, Molekular etc. I also think Massive X is a stunning looking instrument. Unfortunately, the 'Dark' interface, which I would normally be inclined towards, is coloured/shaded in such a way as to lose clear distinction between areas/sections. In dark mode it just looks like a mess. So in spite of all the options I just end up using the original skin.

  • laserbeak
    laserbeak Member Posts: 214 Helper

    Honestly, I couldn't answer. A lot of the synths sound so good, that they feel like cheating. So I just build patches in other synths 🤣

  • Simon A. Billington
    Simon A. Billington Member Posts: 122 Helper

    The OG Massive UI is quite dated now, but I do like Super 8 and Massive X. While I like Super 8s Light look, I do agree that it can do with some kind of a Dark mode as well.

    In all honesty though, Ive stopped using Massive and Super 8 because of their questionable future. But I don't want to get into that here. There are other dedicated threads for those discussions.

  • Arpad Bodis
    Arpad Bodis Member Posts: 3 Member

    IQMusic wrote Massive now has "view size" - no it does not have.

  • Haruneko
    Haruneko Member Posts: 3 Member

    There's plenty of amazing synths in NI Komplete… but my favs are: the super-simple Monark and… Absynth, it's unforgettable.

  • armageddonspeaking
    armageddonspeaking Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    i love the sound and options massive X brings to the table but it has one fatal flaw that makes it unusable to me and that is that knob/etc articulations during live play are not recorded in ableton.

    and not so much an instrument thought but the preset selection paradigm change in komplete kontrol has me not using any of your instruments at all.

    still love raum and replika but no thanks for breaking all my projects from prior to 2024.

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