What is the best Native Instrument Sound Package for me?

SDGuy Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

Hi all. Just downloaded Kontakt 8 because I found a fiddle sound I liked that runs on Kontakt. Now looking for the best sound package the would give me nice acoustic guitar sounds, some additional jazz or neosoul keyboard sounds, and maybe a few more strings. I don't see a detailed list of what is included in products like Komplete Standard, Ultimate, etc. Thought I would ask the community for some advice. I don't need a tons of sounds right now, but would like to find more natural guitar sounds (strumming and picking), a few more keyboard sounds, and maybe some additional strings.

Any recommendations?


Best Answer


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited January 16 Answer ✓

    Here is a comparison chart between the different tiers of Komplete:

    Only you can choose which one has enough products for your needs.

    Only thing I can point you at: the Collector’s Edition doesn’t add too much (for your use case) compared to the Ultimate version. Mainly Expansions and some products which are more focused towards cinematic/symphonic.

    If you are not interested in those, maybe you can spare some money

  • SDGuy
    SDGuy Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thanks LIF,

    For now I purchased the latest update of Session Guitar. I auditioned several of the guitar sounds and features and they are really good. I appreciate your response.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited January 16

    You’re welcome.

    Last suggestions: better to take a decision as soon as possible.

    Buying single products to then decide to buy the bundle (where they are included) is, in some way, a waste of money (you can always resell the single products you bought, but…you got my point 😉).

    And an obvious one: buying the bundle during sales is, of course, the best way to spare. NI have multiple sales during the year (one just ended and next one should be Summer Of Sound, usually starting in June. So…if you are not in an hurry and you already have something to play with and to learn, you could wait it)

  • SDGuy
    SDGuy Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I'm still learning. I bought The Fiddle from Indiginus - a third party provider for NI and learned that I needed to buy the Full Kontakt to use it. They tease you by letting you play the fiddle sound for about 30 minutes than shut you down. Luckily, since I just purchased the Session Guitarist library, they gave me a discount of $149 instead of $299. I am going to make some mistakes until I learn how NI works.

    Thanks for all the good advice.

  • 13thDuke
    13thDuke Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hello. I’m also new to these instruments. Sounds like you have figured out (the hard way) that there are two types of Kontact - Player and Full - and that different instruments, especially third party ones, might not always work in the Player (free) version of Kontact. Each instrument should clearly label whether they work in Player or require Full. To be fair, The Fiddle product page does show this - but if you don’t know what you are looking for it’s easy to make a mistake.

    In terms of the best package, you should study the product charts really well before deciding. I was very lucky to pick up mine in a 50% off sale over Christmas. If you can wait for the next round of sales it’s really worth it, but if you find yourself wanting more and more individual NI instruments or packs and you need them for projects now then it might be more efficient to choose the bundle sooner rather than later. Have you thought about trialling 360? You could then try some instruments and see what works for you. 360 is also a subscription so means less money up front, but obviously a monthly or annual fee. So up to you and your cash flow situation.

    All the best with your music-making.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited January 17

    they gave me a discount of $149 instead of $299

    Once again: if you buy it now (even if “only” at 149) and then you decide to buy a bundle later (all the bundles, even the cheaper, contain Kontakt full version), you are “wasting” money.

    If I were you, I would ask someone to hide your credit card for a couple of week, in order to give you time to study the situation and what you need BEFORE doing other compulsive purchases that you’ll regret later ☺️

    You want a direct example to show you what I mean?

    If you also buy Kontakt attracted by the “discount”, you already spent 200$ for a single product and a single upgrade. Or… 200$for 2 upgrades, if you want to see full Kontakt as simply an upgrade from Kontakt Player.

    Even the lowest tier of Komplete bundle (Standard) gives you 147 products (if my calculations are correct) at 599$. And this is the full price. You can find it at 50% many times during the year.

    Which doesn’t mean that the bundles MUST be bought or that is not right to buy single products. But if you are already thinking about buying the bundles… be fast with your decision, otherwise your purchases of single products will soon cost you more than the whole bundle itself…and for A LOT less products…that will anyway be included in the bundle you will buy later, leaving you with 2 licenses for the same products.

    That’s what I meant

  • SDGuy
    SDGuy Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thanks. Understood. No plans to purchase other libraries at this point, but will take your advice. I wish there was a simple list of all of the sounds included in each NI bundle. Have not been able to find these lists. you know where to look?

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 354 Pro

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