Programming synths from M+



  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited December 2024

    Well, I can hardly take much credit, I basically just added to what gentleclockdivider had made, butchered the original UI and replaced it with M+ compatible mappings. The only reason its in "beta" is that I wanted to add envelope shaping controls to it.. which I already have a working theoretical implementation of, just need to sit down during the xmas holidays and add the env shaping controls to all the envelopes in the plugin..

    Master volume changing to almost zero when you change the filter type? That might just have to do with how the gainstaging works.. i haven't added any fancy level compensation to anything.. will keep a mental note of this as I improve the patch, thanks.

    And thanks for the Operator ens, will give it a whirl soon!

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    Just noticed that Massive desktop 1.7.0 released today. M+ version of Massive is now two versions behind the desktop.. So dont go updating Massive desktop or you wont be able to open newly made presets on M+ standalone!

    Lets hope Massive 1.7.0 comes to M+ with the next OS update..

  • Matthewsavant
    Matthewsavant Member Posts: 29 Member

    okay cool, let me know if you end up mapping it. Also are there any resources that you would recommend for me to learn how to map Reaktor instruments in Maschine and have that map carry over to standalone?

    I followed Blezzbeats tutorial for doing that with the Juno60 and that worked fine but it didn't go in depth in terms of problem solving etc when mapping something more complex. It sucks so bad after spending so long mapping out Nanowave in a way that made sense and would be not so bad to edit but the template only works in software mode, when I run it in standalone it just automaps random stuff so I think I missed a step somewhere

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert
    edited December 2024

    @Matthewsavant I guess you compressed the parameter IDs before mapping, otherwise it probably wouldn’t have worked on the desktop either. Did you save a preset from within Maschine? Did you do the save-in-Reaktor, open-in-Maschine, save-in-Maschine, open-in-Reaktor, save-in-Reaktor „dance“ after mapping? Did you make a properly named snapshot Bank and changed the type of all snapshots (to Instrument IIRC)?

    You should be able to find more info by searching this forum for Maschine and Reaktor. There‘s only a couple of threads regarding this topic. Most of the info was collected in the old forum and lost when NI decided to deleted the old forum.

  • Matthewsavant
    Matthewsavant Member Posts: 29 Member

    I thought I did (following Blezzbeats instructions on getting the Juno plugin working more or less) But I must have missed a step. I got frustrated after spending so long mapping all the controls in a logical order only to have nothing happen in M+ so I had to step back, Since it is working in desktop maschine maybe I didn't lose all of my progress, I'm going to try it again and sort of start from scratch and hope that I can salvage the M+ mapping.

  • Matthewsavant
    Matthewsavant Member Posts: 29 Member

    Where can I find the M+ mapped version of the tonic plugin? I didn't see it in the RUL just the original versions

  • Matthewsavant
    Matthewsavant Member Posts: 29 Member

    I just installed this on my M+ and its excellent! thank you, This is exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking for. It's wild that NI has neglected this. There are so many options using Reaktor, the only reason it's such a pain in the ass is because we are the end users trying to implement this fundamental functionality…If NI cared they could easily support this and make the process of loading and mapping Reaktor instruments easier for us and then the M+ would be on par with things like the Ableton push 3….either way I really appreciate this

    I am scouring the internet for any and all Reaktor ens that are running in M+ especially ones that have been optimized for M+

  • Matthewsavant
    Matthewsavant Member Posts: 29 Member

    Thanks, I feel like I've dug though that post 20 times by now but there is maybe a chance I missed it, I'll take another look

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 150 Advisor

    This discussion denigrating those who don't program they're own sounds has been doing the rounds for decades, and it's really as lame as it always was. A musician no more needs to program their own synth sounds than they need to build their own guitars. If you enjoy programming sounds, all power to you, but for many of us they're just a means to an end.

    Also, the only real distinction between professional and non-professional is the quality of being paid (or not) for what we do.

    Here's a playlist of some of my music. Not a single sound was designed/created by me. You're quite within your rights to think it unprofessional and/or boring, but I'm not sure the charges of my output being nothing more than dj'ing/remixing would stick. Maybe I'm wrong:

    Anyway…here's the Reaktor instrument I mentioned:

    Have fun 😉

  • Matthewsavant
    Matthewsavant Member Posts: 29 Member

    tbh I couldn't care less what other people do. I only care about what I do. If someone is using all presets, sample packs ****** midi packs…whatever, I don't really care, Unless someone asked my opinion OR if it's relevant to the subject being discussed…For example: Native instruments having a flagship product for music production that doesn't focus on users creating their own sounds that's really weird and it's lame , you can tell that there are people at Native that are musicians and they did a great job creating the M+ but you can also tell there are people higher up who saw M+ as more of a vessel for selling expansions and they focused more on that and the M+ suffers from that dichogamy. Personally as a musician and sound designer who prides myself in making everything from the ground up I think it is imperative for musicians especially electronic musicians because like I said before it's really the best way to create YOUR sound that separates you from any other artists that's just how it is…that being said, I don't go around putting people who don't do that down, again unless someone asked me my opinion directly then of course I would be happy to share it.

    This thread isn't about those who create and those who don't, we got a little sidetracked on that because of how weird it is to me that NI didn't have that in mind when making the M+ but that doesn't really matter. This thread is about an attempt at fixing that issue with Reaktor instruments and effects and finding all of them that are available and trying to get the M+ to the level of Push 3 in terms of available programmable instruments.

  • Matthewsavant
    Matthewsavant Member Posts: 29 Member

    Oh I just noticed that you attached a reaktor instrument lol sorry I just kind of went off before finishing what you wrote…Thank you, I hadn't seen that one yet I'm going to toss it into my M+ right now!

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 150 Advisor

    So you have a full Reaktor license but you're not making your own ensembles. Seems pretty lame ;) What kind of musician relies on the instruments of others? Also, presumably you don't use any sampled sounds nor do you sample anything from others?

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited December 2024

    M+TONIC ens is probably posted at the last few pages of that community thread.. been lazy, not sure I remembered to update the ensemble list in the first post with everything that has been added. There is so little activity in that thread that I get discouraged and spend my time doing other things.. Too many things to do, not enough (free) hours in the day, all that..

    I sometimes wonder if getting that new subforum we were once "promised" would change matters.. I get the feeling that for reasons unknown, NI doesnt want to encourage the USER side of Kontakt & Reaktor with M+ all that much..

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    Post your Ensembles in the RUL. There you'll probably get hundreds of downloads. Not everybody is always on the forum and catches a topic about M+ and Reaktor popping up at the right moment.

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