why does support take so long?

PUSH MEDIA Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

i bought a mk3 used and the serial number is registered to another account i have uploaded all requested doc but it seems that the support is never available using the chat i dont understand the reason for a chat if theres no one to answer or provide support nonetheless i sent several emails and support tickets and still nothing. at this point i dont know if i want the device any more simply because the support is ******


  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,368 Expert

    Bear in mind that they have working (and waking) hours, which may be different to yours.

    You don't say where you're based, but if you're in a different time zone then it could just be that they're not working when you use the chat system.

    You only need to create one ticket. Creating more just clogs up the system.

    When did you create the first ticket?

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