Exporting / Importing Multi KSP Scripts

rwear Member Posts: 5 Member

In coming across some really awesome Multi KSP Scripts in various libraries, I have tried saving the scripts and then importing them to into different libraries… they load but then have no effect on the new library. Probably a newbie question but is this because the KSP scripts have to be custom programmed for the specific library? My main interest in being able to randomize rhythmic sequences. Thanks for any help!!


  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro

    Multiscripts modify incoming MIDI messages. Some are multipurpose, e.g. factory multiscripts, but if they come with a library they are likely as you say to have been custom programmed for the specific library. Most unlikely to be useful unless you have a pretty good idea what they actually do. No reason not to keep experimenting!

  • rwear
    rwear Member Posts: 5 Member

    ok, good to know- thanks for the reply. I will look for randomizing sequencer scripting tutorials.

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