S61MKII only working as MIDI Controller. No Screen

Waterden Member Posts: 16 Member

Since installing latest evrsions of Native Access and KK Software (Mk3) my S61 MkII controller has become unstable.

It has now failed completely and acts only as a MIDI keyboard.

The driver has been updsted but the Firmware updater doesnt recognise the keyboard.

The left screen on the controller keyboard shows the Komplete Kontrol logo and the right screen shows "Smart Keyboard Controller". That is all. The Browser key lights up when the KK Software is loaded but the Browser screen shows no instrument list. Nor are the various scale, chord data, etc showing. The screens are blank apart from the logo and the SKC described above.

I have followed the various instructions on the NI support site (which are out of date by the way) without success.

My OS is Windows10.

Any advice would be welcome as my controller keyboard is effectively kaput.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    Was the MKII working previous to these latest updates?

    Have you tried installing Komplete Kontrol v 2.9.6 instead of KK v3?

    And I am not understanding this:

    "but the Firmware updater doesn't recognise the keyboard"

    The Kontrol S-Series MKII boards have not had (or needed) a firmware update since 2018 - so there is no need for any use of a "firmware updater".

    If you can expand on this statement a bit more - it might help.


  • Waterden
    Waterden Member Posts: 16 Member

    Thanks for getting back.

    Firstly, firmware. I thought the problem might be a firmware issue, hence my attempt to update it. I downloaded the KKS_MK2_Firmware_Updater_140_Win but opening this app required a scan which failed to do anything. But pleased now to hear that the firmware doesn't need updating.

    I have now reinstalled KK v3 for a second time from Native Access (also reinstalled) while leaving the keyboard controller turned on during the installation process. Judging by the Windows sound effects during this procedure it communicated on this occasion and the S61MkII appears now to be working correctly. I am not clear why it took two goes but there you are!

    I was not aware you could install KK v2.9.6 as this option is not available on Native Access.

    It seems evident that my keyboard problem has been caused by the new version of KK but I will leave it in place for the present. However, if this issue recurs I will try downloading version 2.9.6. Where is the downloader for this located?

    Thanks again for your quick response.


  • Waterden
    Waterden Member Posts: 16 Member

    Thank you very much

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