New Massive X for Komplete 15 ?



  • Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    Yes there was an implication, because NI used the phrase "Rethought, rewired, and reincarnated for the next decade of sound" in their description of Massive X on the Komplete 15 web page.

    It's misleading because it's a direct copy/paste from the wording used to describe Massive X on it's solo product page, where the following text explains "MASSIVE X is the successor to an iconic synthesizer".

    The problem is, that latter text is not present on the Komplete 15 page.

  • Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited September 2024

    @PK The DJ

    "Yes there was implication, because NI used the phrase "Rethought, rewired, and reincarnated for the next decade of sound" in their description of Massive X on the Komplete 15 web page"

    I guess each of us reads (and assumes) what we want to read (and assume).

    I saw all that as well - and did not think anything except "marketing speak" (which it clearly was).

    Now - if it said "Brand new Massive X features coming soon in Komplete 15!" like was clearly stamped for Kontakt 8 - that would have been a different thought pattern.

    That said - I would be excited as the next user if Massive X had a future but it is easy to see (via the Product Management quarterly touchpoints etc) - it is highly doubtful we will ever see anything new on the Massive X front. It is in the same boat as Reaktor, Battery etc.

    If any implication is crystal clear from today's Komplete 15 launch - it is that Kontakt is where the action is at.


  • Member Posts: 71 Helper

    I exactly read what I wanted to hope, like the words, carefully chosen, evoked. And for Kontakt, yes sure, it’s obvious since a few years.

  • Member Posts: 2 Member

    Yeah, you are right, I ve read what I wanted to read.

    But still, I hate this marketing way of speaking. NI does really good job at confusing me. You put phrase "massive x rethought…" on the front page of komplete 15 and you naturally suppose a lot of customers will believe there is something new. I hate that approach.

  • Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited September 2024

    Well - unfortunately - that's what "marketing" is - sometimes misdirection, sometimes planting subtle ideas in your noggin to think one way or another and sometimes actually "sorta, kinda" true.

    But accurate or not - the end game is the same - a hope that you will buy something.

    Tread carefully out there.


  • NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,367 mod
    Answer ✓

    I sincerely hope the new Conflux is not a sign NI are now putting all their eggs into one Kontakt and plan to further neglect Massive X (and all their other synths we know already are in 'maintenance mode')

    While Conflux is OK it is nowhere near as great sounding as Massive X, particularly the filters are not as good. The only area it is better than Massive X is in support for Poly aftertouch really.

  • Member Posts: 71 Helper

    À bit sad, I look at NI so less that I even did not see Conflux. Will have a look.

  • Member Posts: 565 Pro

    People are quick with the "abandoned" accusations these days. Just because software hasn't seen updates in a while, it isn't abandoned. I'm 100% sure that it isn't "abandoned".

  • Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    Conflux may not be Massive X - but it certainly looks like the start of something.


  • Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited September 2024

    I see a product as "abandoned" (actually more like "permanent vacation") when the Chief Product Officer delivers a new quarterly update and then never mentions said product whatsoever (while making sure sure to name drop a ton of others).

    In all the updates I could find for 2024 so far - Massive X, Battery and Reaktor have never counted for a single mention. If that is not abandoned - I do not know what it.

    Kontakt, Traktor and Maschine on the other hand…


  • Member Posts: 565 Pro
    edited September 2024

    Maybe the Wikipedia definition of abandonware helps:

    "Abandonware is a product, typically software, ignored by its owner and manufacturer, which can no longer be found for sale, and for which no official support is available and cannot be bought."

    For me, it takes much more than a non-mention by a Chief Product Officer in his quarterly updates to be called "abandoned".

    I watched a video of the new Waldorf microWave plugin the other day, with Rolf Wöhrmann, the developer of the plugin, and CTO at Waldorf, and, he said that people expect software to be regularly updated these days, and, that much better explains the situation here: People just expect regular updates (regardless of what those look like…), and, when there haven't been updates for a while, people are quick to jump to conclusions like "The plugin is abandoned".

    I won't say it gets updates tomorrow, but, the fact that they show it as the flagship synth plugin in Komplete 15 tells me that it's nowhere near "abandoned". But, I realize that I'm not really contemporary with that kind of thinking. I probably should rather shout "ABANDONED!!!" and throw a tantrum. 😉

  • Member Posts: 3,251 Expert


    " I won't say it gets updates tomorrow, but, the fact that they show it as the flagship synth plugin in Komplete 15 tells me that it's nowhere near "abandoned".

    I do agree about updates - but that could be next week or 2027. And I could have swore I saw somewhere that any "updates" to Massive X will be for compatibility reasons only (like a new Mac OS debacle etc) - not for any new features. (Hence my permanent vacation branding).

    I disagree about it being a "flagship" in K15. It was clear by the "way too obvious" marketing speak on that K15 promo page that someone over there had to come up with something so Massive X would appear to fit in with all the other hyped up "What's New in K15" blurbs.

    Was easy to see (for me anyway) that it was window dressing to make it appear important.

    And now here we are - K15 is out and it is just as important as it was on March 1 this year Or May 1. Or July 1


  • Member Posts: 565 Pro

    "I do agree about updates - but that could be next week or 2027. And I could have swore I saw somewhere that any "updates" to Massive X will be for compatibility reasons only (like a new Mac OS debacle etc) - not for any new features. (Hence my permanent vacation branding)."

    Are you sure you don't confuse it with that "famous" quote about Reaktor? Which I've never seen either, by the way. People seem to leap at such things when it fits their narrative.

  • Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    Sure - I might be confused but will probably let history do the talking.

    The last update (1.4.4) was exactly like as I described:

    ADDED macOS Sonoma compatibility

    FIXED Some user presets could not be recalled after being saved in a host session

    FIXED Some presets would not sound correctly when loaded in Digital Performer

    Sonoma compatibility and two minor bug fixes and this was roughly a year ago

    Does this really look like a development schedule for a "flagship" instrument to you?


  • Member Posts: 565 Pro
    edited September 2024

    I wasn't aware that there is a definition for a "development schedule for a flagship instrument". 😉 Especially when it's already more than 5 years old.

    Let's wait and see. I'd also like them to do something with Massive X, but, as we say in Germany, life is not a musical request programme (or so).


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