Traktor Pro 4 crashed twice!

Gully B
Gully B Member Posts: 14 Member

I bought a brand new M3 Pro Macbook Pro last week and it's been an absolute joy, especially as the day it arrived was the day Traktor Pro 4 was released, so it was the best upgrade day ever for me.

I've been loving the new features and the new Macbook pro had no problems handling 4 stem decks at once.


Last week in a normal gig, not using stems or anything fancy, just your standard bar gig, Traktor crashed when loading a track from Beatsource. The S4MK3 screens also froze with it, so I couldn't do anything. Thankfully I had an outro loop already turned on before the crash, so that bought me some time to run to the manager and ask them to switch me back to the venue's spotify for a few minutes to reboot.
I put the error down to Beatsource as it could have been a whole host of issues with Streaming.

Until last night, when I tried to load a normal track from my collection that I've used loads of times in the past, so it's not corrupted etc. And it semi-loaded the track into the deck, but there was no artist/title information (yet there was the cover art, BPM, Key and my hotcues etc showing). The deck was crashed. This has happened before and usually a fix has been switching to a live audio input or remix deck, then changing back to a track deck. Or sometimes just loading it into C or D and then it usually comes back on it's own after a bit of time.
This time was worse though. The crash then froze my playing deck and within a few seconds all of the audio cut out and all of Traktor stopped working. The playing song kept playing on the screen but there was no audio to the S4 anymore and Traktor wouldn't let me quit the program. I had to force quit Traktor in the end as it was stuck on flushing background tasks.

I've attached a video of what happened after the crash, and when the bar put their playlist back on. As you can see the song is still playing in Traktor in deck B, but no audio is coming through anymore. And you can see the frozen deck A that caused the crash too.

NI - PLEASE help us with a stable update, as Traktor 4 is amazing, but this has happened twice in a week now on a top of the line Macbook Pro.


  • SpirosG
    SpirosG Member Posts: 23 Helper

    Good luck on having an answer.

    It has been reported long time ago here, not only by me, there are multiple threads. No one cares.

  • Gully B
    Gully B Member Posts: 14 Member

    it’s just happened AGAIN! This is unacceptable from native instruments.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Maybe good to contact NI with crashlogs and so on.

    It has never happened to me, that Traktor 2 or 3 would crash or disbehaved….

  • DJ Dart
    DJ Dart Member Posts: 21 Member

    I have Traktor Pro 3 or Traktor DJ 2 running as a standby in case anything happens with TP4 (fortunately no issue so far). I prefer that over having to ask the manager for music, even if it's only a workaround.

  • DJ-Andre
    DJ-Andre Member Posts: 145 Advisor
    edited August 2024

    You should always remember that the first version after a major update can contain bugs and/or might have stability issues. That's the fact with almost all software. Always take precautions when using it in the wild or wait for a few bug fixing versions have been released.

    Can you share the track(s) with us?

    @Kaiwan_NI @Friedemann_NI

    Can you take a look at this?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    There is also another aspect. There may be some kind of problem with your computer. New computer does not necesserarily mean 100% functional computer.

    Might be good to run SW to thoroughly check, that computer's elements work well. Mainly RAM and SSD. Strange behaviour of SW may be caused by malfunction of RAM and or SSD (and other computer parts).

    I do not say, the computer is problem in your case. But it could be as it is brand new and brand new computer has much higher probability to malfunction than older one being used for few months without problems.

  • Gully B
    Gully B Member Posts: 14 Member

    So it seems that this crash happens everytime I'm updating cue points to new music that I've added to my collection.
    It sometimes happens randomly in a gig too, with songs that are analysed etc. So it's so hard to tell the trigger, but I can usually recreate the crash everytime I'm updating loops/cues on new music.

    Hopefully this will help developers find the bug!

  • S. Leo
    S. Leo Member Posts: 6 Member

    @Gully B It seems that you are on to something here. This crash happened to me while I was playing live and I was adding cue points in tracks that I was playing for the first time. Weirdly , when you beat jump the track backwards after a certain point sound is still being played after 1-2 seconds until it reaches the point that initially caused the blur where audio is then lost completely. Also, after force quitting and restarting my pc since Traktor doesn't operate afterwards, the S4 screens black out and aren't functioning.

    I am on windows 11 by the way , djing with a Dell XPS 13 9320 and an S4 MK3 , this has been happening in both Traktor 3 and Traktor 4 versions.

    I really hope the devs will come up with a fix for this issue or at least if we can get more feedback from other users maybe we will know what not to do in order to avoid this issue.

  • Gully B
    Gully B Member Posts: 14 Member

    Ok so that's two of us that have been able to recreate the bug! That's a good start point for the devs - Hopefully they see this post and can help :)

    If you haven't already, set up a 'save collection' keyboard shortcut to generic keyboard in your midi settings, this will still save your work before having to force quit so you keep all the cue/loops you've set up when relaunching.

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