Zero faith left in Native Instruments as a company

Vfold Member Posts: 19 Helper

I’m scared to open Native Access because of the daily threads about it breaking. The claim about Massive X getting regular updates is insulting at this point, just like the lies about rapid development for Guitar Rig 6 were. Battery has been horribly broken for years. Reaktor is pretty much confirmed dead. I’m not interested in sample packs, which is he only type of product you’ve been developing for who knows how long now. Just to name a few issues.

The way things are, I don’t plan on ever spending more money on Native Instruments. The only thing I care about anymore is Reaktor, everything else can be replaced with similar or superior products.

Shout out t everyone who once made this a great company, can’t be easy seeing all your talent and passion flushed down the toilet.


  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    So much drama in one post…

    Don't like the tools then change the tools, it's that simple.

    I like sample instruments, sample packs and expansions. I don't need any more new or old virtual synths - I have plenty from other vendors.

    See, diffrent people = different needs, different opinions. And chill, mate 😉

  • Simchris
    Simchris Member Posts: 329 Pro

    I have zero faith left in humanity. But I soldier on. Cats, they deserve to rule us all.

    Seems like all forums need a "I don't like your sandwiches, I'm leaving you forever. Bye" thread.

    All tech companies are having issues these days. Apple has had a lot of issues with iOS and macOS of late. MS Windows the same. All the disparate hardware, drivers and whatnot have gotten to a bit of a fluster cluck point, where 90% of folks have no issue, 10% have to go online and blame Santa for not getting a stocking this year.

    Hang in there. At least you still have all your fingers and toes.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    There is SO MUCH TRUTH in chk's post, OP. Learn it, live it, and love it. And do ignore the negative nancys. You have work to do, so get to it.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    It is not obvious to whom you directed your post, @Maciej Repetowski. But I do feel that the OP wrote a lot of unnecessary drama in that post.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    See Chris, that's the problem.

    Cats have survived (and even thrived) for many millennia just by their own cunning and hunting prowess.

    We forgot that the cats' true purpose is to eliminate the rodents so that human populations can grow and advance without having to worry about rabies, feces, and disease. So instead, we let them live in apartments so that the coyotes can't get to them, and we honor them with food that has "Nutrition Facts" labels on it and requires refrigeration. And then we serve that food on fine china! We have upset the natural balance of things; that's for certain.

    I jest. A little.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    Not at chk071, I thought it was quite obvious 😉

    Yes, everyday there is at least one post from another drama queen throwing a tantrum and one post from someone who can’t be bothered to use Google Translator 🤣

    Gets slightly tedious…

  • Simchris
    Simchris Member Posts: 329 Pro

    You know what's hilarious .. both our bon mots read like they were generated by A.I. (LOL)

    QUALTHEBEAN Member Posts: 8 Member

    This is a true and fair criticism, and especially on the point of negativity I agree.

    That being said, NI has clearly worked to shift their product base to something markedly easier to use and less rich in possibilities. The new generation of producers is preset-oriented, which, while not wrong, is perhaps a bit disheartening from the perspective of a sound designer.

    I think bemoaning the lack of development with MX specifically is a valid complaint; as it stands, the last update dropped almost a year ago, which is a far cry from the original marketing. Yes, of course, the pandemic screwed things up, and the M1 development was indeed difficult—no one ought be debating that. However, NI is putting a lot of effort into its more recent / collaborative products and I think MX owners feel somewhat scammed, seeing as the marketing was so different from what happened in a manner which feels to some like betrayal.

    I understand that feeling, and I probably won't be buying any more NI products either—though that's mostly on account of my not being the target audience of the newer products (which there is nothing wrong with), and the older products being (for me) a tad cpu hungry. I was told to buy MX over Serum by a reasonably big producer I know out in Cali, and in some ways that was bad advice (I also used Vital at the time so it only mattered so much), but I do not regret that decision—MX has served me well, despite its flaws.

    I am not anti NI, nor do I think that OP's level of negativity is beneficial, but some of the base complaints oughtn't be dismissed simply because they were levied in a disagreeable fashion. Yes, one could always go elsewhere and buy other products, but that money is now spent, and it would be nice if NI would make a stab at making the money more wisely spent.

    To be clear chk071, I am not in any way attacking you. Your perspective and sentiment is absolutely valid, I am just saying in an unnecessarily verbose fashion (mea culpa) that there is some weight to what was said.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    Wait…there are other languages? Like other than English, Cobol, SQL, and C++?

    Well, as I live and learn!

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    If I am an AI, then I'm a really really slow one. I only just now saw your post from back in May! 😁

  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 298 Pro

    I uninstalled a library through Native Access 2 and it completely zero'd out all Add/Remove Programs entries on my Laptop.

    There is now software that I can no longer install or update unless I completely wipe and reinstall the entire machine, now.

    I don't use any NI software outside of Controller Editor, NIHostIntegration and MK3 driver anymore. I removed all of it and I'm not looking back. I only had to replace a few things, but otherwise it has been very comfortable.

    They need better developers and an actual QA team.

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