Traktor Pro 3.11 Sonoma - All Archive History playlist files from 2008 till now, dissapeared!

Optick Member Posts: 6 Member

after installing Sonoma, I can't find anymore the archive history playlist files, which all were stored in the archived subfolder. They were stored there, and imported automatically, at each update, so I had them since i use traktor, in 2008. Now they re gone. How can I reimport them and from where?


  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro
    edited February 2024

    If these were important files then you have backups of them, then you take them from your backup hard drive.

    And if you don't have any backups of it then the data couldn't have been that important and it doesn't matter.

    In Windows, the documents folder, in the Native Instruments folder, also contains the files from the previous version.

  • Optick
    Optick Member Posts: 6 Member

    I never thought about backing them up, literally, because they were always there... seemed somewhat normal to have them autoimported from version top version.

  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 329 Pro

    Traktor archives the history files.

    Documents -> Native Instruments -> Traktor X.X -> History -> each file is a session

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