Any plans for updated A/M Kontrol series, or keyless Kontrollers?

Gataque Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

NKS technology seems cool and flexible, with a great support from plugin developers, and all that visual feedback directly on the keyboard. But all of those plugin control features get available only... only when you are using the S-line of the Kontrol keyboards, right? Neither A-series no M32 has the proper screen to support that convenience (bar that small nonsense from 90’s doctors’ pagers).

And even the smallest of them, S49, is still huge. About twice the width of M32, or some similar mini-keys keyboard from any other manufacturer (and seems like nobody except Native Instruments still is able to create NKS-compatible controllers with proper visual feedback).

The question is: when is the A-line/M-line of Kontrol keyboards is planned to be updated, with the properly sized? The people who want to control the sound more than to play the “full-size fully weighted keys with hammer action”, need their toy too.

I imagine something like M32 MK2, which gets the modern NKS 2.0 support, still has the mini-sized/synth-action keys, gets the MPE/polyphonic aftertouch for them (cause that's the bare minimum for a quality keyboard in 2023, no matter of the size), no light guide, two touch-sensitive strips as before, a single expression pedal support, transport keys as before, and... and the screen from S49 MK3, with 8 encoders and 8 buttons.

But that's “what I imagine”, not “what I dream of”. What I dream of, is actually a gateway into the NKS world for anyone who is more into the sound design and expression, than into piano playing. Something that I would call “Native Instruments Kontroller”. Basically, that same set of transport buttons/screen/8 encoders/8 buttons/large knob/whatever is needed for NKS... without the piano keyboard.

Sometimes people buy the smaller keyboard, or a “piano-key-less” controller, not because “they cannot afford a large full-sized 88-keys keyboard”. Sometimes they buy it, because they need a small mini-sized keyboard. Personally, I would happily pay a price, like, of an S61, to get a small M32-sized keyboard with a screen from S49/S88; and would pay a price of an S88 for a piano-keyboard-less controller; but I’m afraid I’ll skip even S49, due to its being so oversized.


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod

    I have wanted a Keyless KK from the start so I can partner it with my own choice of keyboard

  • Gataque
    Gataque Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Yeah, there are dozens of reasons to get a keyless Kontroller.

    I can imagine people who have the keys as an integrated part of their desk; those who use keyboards with some extra built-in functionality (like advanced sequencers, arpeggiators, chord generators). I am personally a big fan of isomorphic keyboards, got an Dualo Exquis, and can easily guess somebody getting a Lumatone or Linnstrument – and planning to use that with NKS. People may make an organ-like setup with multi-level keyboards – and will want an NKS support too. You can get a wind controller (like Yamaha YDS/Akai EWI/Roland), and bind it to Diva; you won't need even 802 millimeters of width or 49 piano keys for that, you need just a screen and knobs/buttons to control the NKS.

    I was even considering to buy a Maschine just for that, and never use its pads/sampling/DAW-like UI for anything – just to control some u-he, Plogue and Arturia stuff plugins, and link my regular MIDI keyboard to Maschine. But I am not really sure if Maschine would work for such a scenario.

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