Guitar Rig 7 and Rig Kontrol 3

Manzur Member Posts: 4 Member
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

Hey Everyone,

for years I've been using Guitar Rig 5 together with the Rig Kontrol 3 controller and was very happy with it.

Lately I got GUITAR RIG 7 and had to find out that it doesn't work with RIG KONTROL 3 anymore. Also the RIG KONTROL hardware is no longer offered at NI.

NI support couldn't really help either.

Does anyone have an idea how I can make it work? I need some kind of a controller/pedal to use it for live gigs.

Thanks in advance



  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Use automation if you have a DAW.

    With automation, you can control everything inside Guitar Rig.

    Speaking from experience.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    But if you don't have a DAW, the best I can help you with is to use Lopper and Modifiers, they are basicaly the automation inside the Guitar Rig.

    Or if there is an update for Rig Kontrol, then update it.

    Let me know if it works.

  • Manzur
    Manzur Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thanks for your feedback Milos,

    I don't have DAW and and I don't know either Lopper or Modifiers... what are these?

    There is no update for Rig Kontrol anymore, but it works perfectly with Guitar Rig 5.... FYI

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Looper and Modifiers are an automation plugins inside GR.

    Search for them inside the search bar of GR.

    You might find it.

  • Manzur
    Manzur Member Posts: 4 Member

    OK will do and let you know....

  • Bronco
    Bronco Member Posts: 10 Member

    I just bought GR7 and my Rig Kontrol 3 does work with GR7 as an audio interface. However, yesterday I saw a youtube where some guy was using his RK3 with GR7 and he was also operating the looper by stomping on the RK3 foot buttons. So somehow he had it working, but he never said how he got it to work. I figure you have to go into the Controller Editor

    HERES THE VIDEO:edit I can't post links yet here. So search YouTube for this:

    Channel: atthakorn Pann Meesh

    Title: Guitar RIG 7 : Loop Machine Pro - Testing-1

  • SkyScraper Guitars
    SkyScraper Guitars Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I have RK3 and GR7 working together on Mac OS 13 (Ventura). My other laptop is running Sonoma and I can't get the NIUSBAudioDriver to work.

    To make RK3 work on a Mac, install 1.7.3 version of Control Editor. Install the Rig Kontrol 3 Driver 2.8.0. From there, you can fire up Control Editor and make sure the RK3 says "con" on the LED. If so, the driver is working and you can assign it like a midi controller to any task inside GR7. There is a "Learn" option.

    If anyone knows how to force the Rig Kontrol driver to install on Sonoma, I'd love to know how. I have tried to move the NIUSBAudioDriver to system/library/extensions, but I can't get the file to move due to permissions. I'm not a Mac expert, so I don't know the right things to type inside of Terminal.

    When I sort out how to get RK3 and GR7 working on Sonoma, I'll post up a video on my YT channel to show all the detail. I'm surprised this has not been done already.

  • Manzur
    Manzur Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thanks for your input SkyScraker Guitars

    The problem is I'm not using Mac, I'm using Windows 10.

    Guitar Rig 7 only runs on Windows 10, but Rig Kontrol only runs on Windows 7 / 8 and there is no driver update available. Very frustrating.

    Open for ANY ideas...

  • SkyScraper Guitars
    SkyScraper Guitars Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I'm trying to recall how the windows platform handles drivers. I know there are dll files... I wonder if you can copy them over to your generic drivers folders and get them to load in win 10... There are probably a few registry entries for NI drivers as well. You may be able to copy them over. We need a couple OS gurus to chime into this conversation!

  • AlexFauxfaux
    AlexFauxfaux Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited February 2024

    I found a web page that says you can install the Windows 7/8 Rig Kontrol driver on later versions, and it still works. It goes into more detail about using NI's Controller Editor -- I can't speak from experience, I'm reading this to decide on buying a used Rig Kontrol for my Windows 11 system :)

    The forum won't let me post links yet (gee I've only been using Traktor for 15 years, gotta wait to prove myself :-P) but it's on a web site CraigAnderton dot org.

    As a new owner of Guitar Rig 7, it seems really odd that there's no direct offering for foot pedal control, not even supporting past products :-/

  • zz64
    zz64 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    My good old Rig Kontrol 3 was only working as an audio interface with a fresh install of Guitar Rig 7 and the latest Native Instruments tools/drivers.

    The MIDI features of RK3 was not working at all.

    So I did as follows and now it works:

    • Fully uninstalled Controller Editor
    • Install Controller Editor v1.7.4 ( the latest version to support RK3, its officially available on the NI support site and download )
    • Start Controller Editor v1.7.4 => RK3 MIDI features are almost all alive.
    • Start Guitar Rig 7 => Rock and roll

    Hope this helps

  • MaciekEM
    MaciekEM Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Is there already a way to install drivers on Sonoma? I was updating the system and forgot about RK3 and this is an absolute must-have.

  • Georg-Peter
    Georg-Peter Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    @ zz64

    win11, ableton 12
    Same situation, I also installed controller editor v 1.7.4 ⇒ guitar rig 5 works.
    But how did you assign the comands from guitar rig 7 to rig control 3?
    What I tried didnt work.

  • dhan2143
    dhan2143 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    just buy an older laptop or mac. install windows 7. search an older version of guitar rig that matches the kontrol 3.

  • daverlee
    daverlee Member Posts: 8 Member

    Lets all just start asking for an RK4

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