A Few GUI & Control Mode Questions

Antonio B
Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

After a couple of weeks I've learned the basic functionality and idiosyncracies of the Machine software and Maschine+ in controller mode - and more importantly how they work together. But it's now the little things that have me scratching my head...First question: In the computer software GUI, on the far right end in Mix mode (master and group plug-in view), you can see the levels/fader of the master channel and control it with the Volume Button/4D knob - is there a visual/graphic representation of the master channel/fader on the M+ controller screen(s)? I can't find it if so.

Second related question: As I've mentioned, when in master and group views in the plug-in mode and Ive switched to mix mode on the software, the master fader and level shows up and I can control it with the 4D knob. But when I'm in plug-in Sound & Mix view (Master Fader Channel is now Master Group Fader/channel), the 4D controller (or anything else i can figure out) does not control the Master Group fader channel on far right in software - is there a tip to get the controller to adjust that? Right now the 4D knob without Volume button controls the sound channel level fader (with Volume button, once again it controls master - but not the Master Group fader).

Third question: I've been able to figure how to use the M+ controller to change views in the software(i.e. what I see on my computer monitor) except the Mix mode - according to the manual instructions, im to click on the Mix icon on the upper left so...am i assuming correctly that there is no way to get to to that view using only the controller? I ask because the Mix mode allows me to see the full GUI of the Polysynth and Sampler, etc. (unlike other plug-ins where you use shift+edit to pop up the GUI).



Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2023 Answer ✓

    Ciao Antonio, come stai?

    1st question:

    • Unfortunately no, people have asked many times over the years.

    2nd question:

    • If you press CHANNEL/MIDI and select Master then you can change the output level of the master, or if you have the Volume button next to the 4D Knob enabled you can do the same. (in this mode if you hold a Pad while rotating the 4D knob you change that Pads output, the same goes for Group buttons)

    3rd question:

    To open Mixer View in the SW via the HW press Shift+Variation, it will open the Navigation Menu, there you have the "Mixer" option amongst other things.

    If this is confusing it's because for some reason NI decided it was a good idea to remove the "Navigation" sub-text from the button from the MK3 to the M+ even tho while in controller mode they are the same thing, sometimes NI works in mysterious ways.

    So, If you're learning the M+ in controller mode I suggest you stick to reading the MK3 manual instead of the M+ one, of course, to learn it in standalone mode do the opposite.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2023 Answer ✓

    Ciao Antonio, come stai?

    1st question:

    • Unfortunately no, people have asked many times over the years.

    2nd question:

    • If you press CHANNEL/MIDI and select Master then you can change the output level of the master, or if you have the Volume button next to the 4D Knob enabled you can do the same. (in this mode if you hold a Pad while rotating the 4D knob you change that Pads output, the same goes for Group buttons)

    3rd question:

    To open Mixer View in the SW via the HW press Shift+Variation, it will open the Navigation Menu, there you have the "Mixer" option amongst other things.

    If this is confusing it's because for some reason NI decided it was a good idea to remove the "Navigation" sub-text from the button from the MK3 to the M+ even tho while in controller mode they are the same thing, sometimes NI works in mysterious ways.

    So, If you're learning the M+ in controller mode I suggest you stick to reading the MK3 manual instead of the M+ one, of course, to learn it in standalone mode do the opposite.

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member

    Bravo! Complimenti!

    Ahhh..pressing the group pads + 4D knob! Geez - I tried just about every thing other than that - lol.

    Using the MK3 manual - great idea :) that makes a lot of sense. Emphasis is going to be more focused on software and hardware working together.

    The variation button??? Yes indeed, NI works in mysterious ways....I was being too logical in my approach...lol

    Thanks for the great reply yet again


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