NI Form playback issues with imported samples low quality/too high pitched **
i recently purchased NI Form, so my settings are Default. When ive imported a sample the playback sounds sort of muffled or low quality? sometimes too highly pitched? **midi cc for reference to notes/octave which im playing** Ive tried using both standalone and Daw version Please see included video which shows what i mean…
Reaktor 5 randomiser trouble - any help?
Hi! I hope someone here can help me to understand how a randomiser works. Please forgive my ignorance about building theory. let's say i want to randomise the pitch of an oscillator, and i want to randomise it above and below the pitch note value.. I create a control knob for the range and a button to send a value that…
Understanding Grainstates SP
Hello I am still exploring Reaktor Ensembles and I am trying to understand Grainstates SP. If I click on the waveform, an extra pane opens at the bottom where I can load other soundfiles. There. are already 4 waveforms by default. However, when load a new wave, I don't hear any difference and I don't see the waveform at…
How to modify an ensemble
Hi! I am using Reaktor for making music since ages and now i want to try to modify some cool ensemble. In specific i want to add to molekular a random button to randomize parameters in the effects modules and in the modulation section, or to randomise all the parameters, included the choice of the effects, in one click.…
How do you route audio from Protools into Reaktor to use the effects over vocals?
How do you route audio from Protools into Reaktor to use the effects over vocals or audio clips?
Why doesn't Reaktor 6 recognize Native Access?
Hello All, I have been trying to get my S88 fully set up with Ableton Live 11. Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol are working, but Reaktor is not cooperating. These are the two dialogues I get, even though Native Access opens when I hit OK on the first dialogue. Getting help on other forums has been unhelpful. Maybe I'm just…
start reaktor sequencer in Reaper
Hi all , Ik can use Reaktor in my D.a.w. Reaper but I can't start a Reator sequencer like Spiral in my Daw. There is no start button In the Vsti version Reaktor. What to do or where can I find info about his?
Sequencer with a twist (in Primary)
Hello, I'm seeking for a help. I need to make a sequencer but... It's important the sequencer, after receiving Note On, would play the sequence from start, but after reaching the last step, it wouldn't warp to the step 1, but it would play the sequence from a given step instead. Please, could someone help me how to make it…
Reaktor 6 - Midi Learn / Automation
Hi, there! I'm trying to explore more of Reaktor as an FX plugin but I am facing a little trouble In in an instrument track I have an instance of Reaktor I can easily use midi learn to automate the knobs I need to. However, if I, in the same instrument track, I am using another synth, and then Reaktor 6 right after it, as…
Taurus pedals in reaktor
synth noob...have tried in multiple ways and times to save settings for the taurus in reaktor...don't know why but it never seems to work..at the very least the filter cutoff and one other thing always go back to some default...the ik taurus didn't sound good (which I thought was odd) so I wanted to use this...I also know…
LesL 0.3 is out now! [Repost]
Reposting this because I forgot to add tags. I’m looking for reviews, constructive criticism and ideas for my LesL 0.3 ensemble, which was just released yesterday night. You can get it here at this link. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/reaktor-community/reaktor-user-library/entry/show/14451/ It’s an ensemble designed…
How can I create an internal granular synth in an ensemble?
I'm working on a project at the moment which is a fairly simple subtractive/FM synth, I want to implement a basic granular synth macro inside the ensemble, that would allow me to record the sound coming out of the "main" synth macro and use that for the granular macro instead of a pre recorded sample that I would have to…
How to fix if there are two versions of Reaktor installed?
I have the latest version of Reaktor installed on my machine via Native Access. That version is 6.4.3 and it works in standalone mode just fine. However, when I launch Reaktor in any of my DAWS, the info says I'm running version 6.3.2. I believe this is what is causing my error popups when trying to load Prism. So...…
"saved with newer version of reaktor" — how to access legacy ensembles?
hi @ni.reactors— I am currently revisiting and cleaning up old Ableton sets and some Reaktor5 instances complain they cannot find the ensemble in question. Once pointed to the correct ensemble, it then complains that the latter has been saved with a "newer version of reaktor" and I must "update [my] software". Problem here…
Reaktor 6 - Moving saved presets - receiving error referencing path of ensemble in other PC
I created several presets for an ensemble in Reaktor 6 on a PC (we'll call it PC1) - the ensemble is inSIDious (https://impactsoundworks.com/product/insidious/) I located the presets in my standard User folder on PC1 and copied them and moved them to PC2 in the same path, but for the new PC and different user on that PC.…
New-ish to Reaktor - questions on Ensemble I am trying to modify
Spent the last couple days trying to learn how to edit this cc sequencer: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/reaktor-community/reaktor-user-library/entry/show/8935/ Have made some progress but for the life of me I can't figure why I can't move these: I can move the on/off button and the complx button but not that item.…
Saving my own work as a block
Hi folks! I'm pretty new to Reaktor. I've got a question. Is it possible to save my work as a Reaktor Block? Without any coding knowledge. I couldn't find a word on it on the whole internet. I have the latest full version of the software. Thank you in advance, Stepan
Reaktor output value?
Hi, I'm output a 1.0 value from Reaktor to my DAW (which is set to multiply the signal from a VST x1 - i.e. as is), but it seems the final value is 2.0 i.e. +6.02 db? Why? Here's the schematic (i.e. the important parts): Is the "default" meter on top/right at +6.02db? Don't think so, in case it would be -6.02db :) Thanks…
Why is this using so much CPU?
Here are two very simple ensembles, just an oscillator into a filter. As far as I can see they are exactly the same in every way, but "Example 2" uses about 7% of my CPU, whereas "Minimal filter example" uses about 29%. They are the same filter. Can anyone explain what is going on? Thanks EDIT: wrong files were attached!
Difficulty recreating traditional FM waveforms
Im trying to follow some DX7 guides to learn more about how to create FM sounds, and I'm having trouble right out of the gate. I know PM is different from FM, but my understanding is that they are functionally the same. However, when I follow the guides for creating a Sawtooth (1:1 ratio) and Square (2:1 ratio) I don't get…