How to replace disabled Reaktor 5 FX?
Hi! I opened an old Logic X project where I was using Reaktor 5 FX. As this is not supported on macOS Ventura, the instances are disabled and I do not remember what presets I used. Is there any way to use Reaktor 6 FX in place of the instances of Reaktor 5 FX and get it to recall whatever presets I was using? Thanks.
anyone used Note in block with sucess in decide what note(s) it sends out?
I right click and hit a key on my M32 keyboard and it changed, but the next time I hit the key range button goes grey! Thsi anoying me as hel right now. I can use a roun robin Block but then I cn´t choose the sounds orders!
simple knob recorder Block?
I know I can do this when loading it as a ensamble and do a midi leran. But like to do it in rack. Is there one?
how to midi learn note/keyboard key?
I try to set a note to trig a simple voice I buid. I only want a specific key for one voice and use the other notes/keys to trig other voices. I can change them with scrolling hi/low in range. But can´t it be midi leraned or something easier? I´m in blocks thanks Peppe
my first attempt to build a instrument. Help needed.
I´m buidling a instrument with difreent voices, each voice is trigged by a note/key from my komplete keyboard m32 and later a stepsequencer. I´m pretty good fimiliar with analog design but having problem here to send audio output, as seen at the attached image. I will build as many voices as I can and trig them with notes…
Rounds Sequence Latency?
I noticed that the sequence based presets in Rounds skip the first 16th or 8th of the first note played, either via a keyboard or a MIDI clip in Ableton. Has anyone noticed this or found a solution? I put down a MIDI clip and place a long note on grid and when I play it, the sequence in Rounds doesn't start on time, skips…
Q for reaktor and machine users
I´m thinking of getting a Machine. For the tactile feel. Can I send on multiple midi channels on the same time? I´m thinking of playing diffrent voices/channels in Reaktor at the same time. Thanks
Native Access isn't seeing latest Reaktor Version 6.5
Hi, I just tried to open Crude in Reaktor but I get an error saying that I do not have the latest version I came here to find out what the latest version is Native Access is showing no update for Reakor and is still at 6.4.3 Native Access doesn't seem to want an update... any ideas? cheers, andy
I cant get any audio from any NI plugin, using my midi keyboard inside Logic Pro
I don't have any audio when I play my midi keyboard to trigger a Reaktor sound All samples play fine, when selected with my mouse. What do I need to look at to get sound:?, I'm using a midi keyboard Reaktor screenshots below. I've also tried all Reaktor in standalone mode and the same issue. I can trigger samples with my…
About the midi Sel. Note Gate
As a newby it took me about 3 hours to figure out why the Sel. Note Gate in Reaktor didn't work. It turned out that the Selected note is written as C-2 in the Function menu. But it only works when it's written as C2. Is there any reason why the default is written as C-2 instead of C2?
CRUDE: a drone box (update)
Hi everyone. CRUDE, the drone box, has had an update and a new look. All the previous features are there, with the addition of dual Krell- like random sound generating circuits. Screenshot: Features: Two wavetable oscillators. Each with 84 selectable waves, and Octave, Semitone and Fine Tune control. Below the Wave Select…
Does Reaktor 6 downloaded with Komplete Start FREE download expire?
Does the free download of Komplete start expire? I've actually managed to launch only Reaktor 6, so: DOES REAKTOR 6 (FREE DOWNLOAD WITH KOMPLETE START) EXPIRE??? OR NOT????? i've downloaded KOMPLETE START last week.🔈️
looking for explanation why multicore is problematic for realtime music apps
I remember an excellent post by some NI official why multicore is problematic for realtime music apps. Probably in the old forum. Does someone remember? Or are there other resources in the net where its explained? I know DAWs can put different tracks on different cores. But if you have a big reaktor ensemble it can't be…
Export Ensemble as VST/AU or use in max/msp
Hello I've been searching for ages for a way to either visualise a Reaktor 6 ensemble in max/msp, to use a Reaktor ensemble as a vst or au plugin. Do I export the ensemble as a different format? The manual says I can load ensembles into a DAW. Thanks
Third party blocks developer?
Hi. I bought the toybox stuff and they are fantastic! Anymore that I don´t know gys? Have a lovely weekend :) Peppe
How do I automate parameters forom Blocks in Ableton?
Hi I have been playing around with some blocks synthesizers and they are really fun, but I would like to automate some of the parameters in Ableton. In normal Reaktor ensembles, fiddling with a know usually makes it appear as a parameter that can be automated in Ableton in the drop-down menu, but when I fiddle with a know…
Is there a way to export this button.
I've never had the actual picture but copied and pasted the button from another ensemble. I just want to change the colors of the button but see no way to export the button. tia
Vertical scroll doesn't work
Hi all! For some reason vertical scrolling doesn't work with very wide ensembles that go over the program window, while horizontal scrolling works just fine. I use scrolling gesture (two fingers swipe) on the trackpad on my laptop (Lenovo x13). I tried it under windows 10/11, no luck. Although, vertical scroll does work in…
Trying to map knobs to CC controls is driving me crazy!
I have Maschine and I'm making a rack using blocks, and I'm trying to get the knobs to control the sustain on the Bento Box ADSR and I just can't get it to work. I'm not against reading manuals or watching tutorials, I've done both and I can't find info to help me. So here's what I've done and seen. Stuff that works…
I have to click on the library before I press enter for search to work, is this normal?
I just started using Reaktor yesterday and I'm having loads of fun, but this one thing is driving me crazy. If I press "enter" while making a rack, it pulls up a handy search bar. After I search and do a little work, pressing "enter" doesn't work anymore. Clicking anywhere in the library and then clicking back in the…