Reaktor 6: poor performance under Apple Silicon
Hi, What could I possibly say? Reaktor 6's performance under macOS Sonoma on a brandnew Macbook Air M3 is downright abysmal. Worst performance of anything I used on that machine now. And fwiw: It performs quite a lot better (!) on my 2010 2x2.66GHz Mac Pro running Mojave. In pretty much all typical DAW scenarios, the…
LFO in "Metaphysical Function"
Hello please, can someone tell me How to access the LFO settings in the "Metaphysical Function" sound generator ? And how to upload a sample to this generator ? Thanks a lot
FORM Demo.. downloaded but can't find it in DAW
trying to sample and demo the FORM synth a Reaktor instrument.. it says it was downloaded and installed but can't find it in Logic Pro I look for it in the Reaktor AU and nothing shows.. it also doesn't show in my Native Access library. using a M1 Mac Studio Sonoma 14.4 running Logic Pro 10.8.1
How to calculate delay/phase caused by filters and other modules.
Probably I just don't know the correct search term. I have been making some distortion and saturation effects which include filters in the signal chain. I want to have a wet/dry mix just before the output but the wet signal is of course out of phase with the dry signal so I get unwanted cancellation. How can I calculate…
Iteration -multidisplay
I've got some issues with iteration and multi display The multidsplay is set to 8 elements and set to block for elements ( -1 ) The iteration needs to adress the index first ( y1-y2 are constant) and then for each index the x1-X2 ..but so far no luck , only one element shows up If the iteration spits out a stream of…
Drawing XY Scope, weird initialization
I've created a a canvas brush tool with the xy module and 2 random sources to get the thickness ( a third one for randomizing the thickens ) But upon reloading-reinitialsing the ensemble , only 1 random source is working and thus affecting only X input of the XY module Really weird , here's the ensemble Normal behavior…
The connection between modules is not smooth in the rector 6 cubase13.
It's smooth when you run Reactor 6 as a standalone When running on cubase, the line is held from a distance as shown in the picture, so it's difficult. Can I know how to solve it
How can I install Reaktor Player if I already have Reaktor 6 as part of Komplete?
I'm mainly interested in using individual Reaktor instruments, such as Razor or Form, and saving user presets (or snapshots) for individual instruments. I have no need for ensembles or for lower-level editing, and don't want to deal with managing those extra layers of content. So it looks like Reaktor Player is ideal for…
Scoped busses , description is so confusing
SO , the description of the distribution bus is as follows " Sends the incoming signal deeper into the stucture . " With deeper I assume ,core macros within core macro's .and the distribution is located in one of the top macro's and thus sending it into the nested macro's where the Reception bus is located . Now , the…
"It appears you have no Reaktor instruments installed"
I have just installed Reaktor 6 Player. When I open it within Cubase Artist 12, or standalone, it says "It appears you have no Reaktor instruments installed". I tried reinstalling Reaktor with Native Access. Followed their instructions for the paths in preferences. But still nothing. I looked on my PC for CARBON2 which is…
Komplete Start not including Reaktor Player anymore
As of today the new Komplete Start does not include Reaktor Player, Reaktor Factory Selection R2, Blocks Base, Micro Prism, TRK Bass & TRK Kick anymore. Reaktor Player, Blocks Base & Micro Prism are still available for free separately, but I find it very odd that NI completely (kompletely?) removed all Synths from Komplete…
How do you recursively call a macro?
I'm a newbie at reaktor (though I'm an experienced programmer). I'm trying to build a samchillian, and I'm most of the way there, but I'm stuck on what I hope is something simple. In case you don't know what a samchillian is, it's a remapping of the keyboard, so that each key doesn't represent an absolute midi value, but…
Reaktor - Create sample & hold
No sample and hold to be found in the new and old core library ....go figure /. So triggering signal is a square , when square is high it samples and hold the input signal . First part is easy , square into comparsion , when >0 , then into router , but how would one hold the input signal at that specific time and send out…
Reaktor 6 times out and stops connecting after 30 minutes
I have Komplete Now running on Windows 11. I am now able to load Reaktor 6 but it times out after 30 minutes. when I load an .ens file I get a dialogue box saying Demo Products on the upper left of the box. Is this normal? I thought Reaktor 6 was included with the Komplete Now package?
Reaktor - Geiger in Core
Hello, everybody! Need Core Geiger Oscillator. Please share. Best regards.
Reaktor - Instant crash , read -write macros
Make reaktor crash instantly -create a core cell -Insert a memory read and memory write (for arrays) from the macro dropdown . Create an erroneous feedback loop . Now connect to the outside primary world , mind you that nothing is connected outside of the core cell
Reaktor - Modulo on audio
I was comparing the modulo on audio audio signals between pure data and reaktor primary . Input signal : reaktor as sound source using stereo outputs going into reaktor as effect , left channel and right channel t going into modulo's input , same for Pure data . Result : output of modulo recorded There is a major…
How to automatically detect SR of an audio file loaded into Sample Lookup?
I am building a sample/loop player in Reaktor using the Sample Lookup module, with panel controls + modulation inputs to: Play/Pause/Stop/Reset audio playback Continuously adjust playback speed up to double or down to half speed Loop the sample or not Reverse the sample playback If looping, add a delay of up to 60s at the…
Reaktor 6 will not install?
I am using Windows 11 running Komplete Now. This is a screen shot of what I keep getting. I have tried changing the App Location to several different settings with no luck. Can anyone please help me to get Reaktor 6 installed correctly?
Reaktor - schroeder allpas
This is a schroeder allpas taken from a max msp tutorial For those unfamiliar with max , the tapin~tapeout~object is basically a delay , where tapin~ is equivalent to reaktor dely audio input , and tapeout~ reaktor's delay audio output. In the max msp implementation you can see that the negative feedback coeeficient(red…