Using KK S49 MKIII to Drive S88 MK1
I already own a S88 MK1 that's using KK 2.9.6. I'm wondering what the consequences are if I buy the S49 MKIII using the latest ver. of KK, and let that drive the S88 MK1 as my main controller. What are the drawbacks? What are the advantages? Thanks
Has anyone had an issue with Studio one recognizing Izotope plug in?
I purchased a cross grade of Aurora plug in. I downloaded for PC and installed from the Izotope product portal and authorized with ILOK. I cannot get it to load into Studio one 6 with all my other Izotope plug ins. Should I have not purchased the cross grade version?
how to fix audio in machine 3
i would like to know . i bought a machine 3 and library , but when i connect headphone to the pc and try to listen to sound , it goes silent , i have already installed and uninstalled many times and the error continues but when i use machine 2 it works fully 100 without problems.
Guarnari Violin articulation mapping problem
I recently acquired all 4 instruments in the Cremona Quartet series. I've set up all 4 instruments identically as far as articulation mapping, and I'm having a problem with the Guarnari Violin that is NOT a problem with any of the other 3 instruments. I use a Korg nanoKEY2 keyboard controller exclusively for key switching,…
Komplete Kontrol M32 issues
Hello there, I am trying to figure out why my Komplete Kontrol M32 doesn't work properly. When I start on Logic, the keyboard is responsive but if I try to change in MIDI mode something stops working: the first two knobs for CC 14 and CC 15 give some random value and strange character, while every other knobs are working;…
Volume Control Komplete Audio 6 via S/PDIF Out 5/6
Is it possible to control volume physically on the Komplete Audio 6 when I use the S/PDIF Out 5/6 ?
FM8 size GUI
Thanks for updating FM8 for M1 compatibility/ Now could you please add an option to double the size of it? I can barely see it on my M1 Macbook Pro.
Piano Noire too recent for my computer
Hello, I have a pretty old Mac Book Pro from 2012 (on Catalina ios 10.15.7 intel core 5). I recently updated Noire and NI access but reverted NI access because it was too recent for my computer (it couldn't work anymore). However, I couldn't revert Noire and it says that it is too recent for my old NI and that I have to…
New Mac mini m4
this new Mac mini with the m4 chip, Just what is to be said, what it makes things better for using Traktor Pro 4 with a S4 mk 3 , M4Apple M4 Pro chip with 14‑core CPU, 20‑core GPU, 16-core Neural Engine 64GB unified memory 4TB SSD storage Get back to me !
Session bassist - work for Mac M3?
Hi I recently purchased this and have it installed. But I open Ableton 10 on my new MacM3 and can't see it. How do I find it in Ableton? I'm running MacOS 15.1.1 Thank you
Komplete Audio 6 Mk2
Hey! I’m thinking of buying a Komplete audio 6 mk2. I still use my traktor audio 10, but since I’ve gotten more and more into hardware I figure it’s good to have an interface so I can record my stuff to my laptop. Is the audio 6 mk2 still relevant and worth buying? That’s my question I guess.
Komplete 6 mk1 won't connect to Mac
Hi, after years of fine operation, my Komplete 6 Mk1 stopped connecting to my (same) mac (12.7.6). Usb light just keeps blinking, whatever I try, and the Device updater won't see it. Just for a weird brief moment, after replugging the USB a the device for the zillionth time, I got it to stop blinking, and managed to see…
I've lost EXTERNAL MIDI IN capability running S61 Mk 3 on LogicProX
Recently purchased S61 Mk3 and managed to set it up OK checking firmware update and installing hardware controller etc. It all was running smoothly for me, and I had an old M-Audio MDI controller plugged into the S61 MIDI IN socket, and could play Logic from that too. It was going SO well, that I decided to sell my trusty…
playbox / polyplex
Hi to all it might concern…. I recently played around with Playbox and Polyplex (DAW: Logic Pro on IMc M1) to create some Amapiano vibes. Both are fantastic tools, unbelievable. Although: Polyplex has issues, and sometimes Logic get stucked. Is there an update in the pipeline?
Kore 2 for 64 bit DAW
When I installed Komplete 7 on Windows 10 I needed to install Cubase 8.5 in 32 bit so I could access songs created with 32 bit plugins. In order to use Akoustic Refraktions NI installed Kore Player 2.11 as a stand alone and vst plugin. I did not purchase it, but I do have the license code. Most of the plugins were stored…
$25 e-coupon code says it is not valid?
I am trying to use a $25 e-coupon code I got just about a week ago. The rules of the coupon use says it can be used on products with a minimum of $49 price. The one I am trying to buy is a $49.50. Is it failing because the product it as a discounted price of $49 at this time?? Thus, being a promotional product? Or is there…
Problems with connecting Kontrol S88 MK3 with Cubase 14 Pro
Not sure exactly why this is happening, I've filed a report with Steinberg and still waiting for a reply. I have absolutely no problem with Cubase 13 Pro connecting to the Kontrol S88 MK3. But when I load Cubase 14 Pro, it seems like the drivers are not working correctly. I did notice that under Cubase 13 Pro I have under…
Has anyone figured out long USB cable run for S MK3 series keyboard?
Hello, Have searched this forum and the topic has been brought up, but did not see a clear answer. I just purchased an S88 MK3 keyboard and need to do about a 30' (10M) run. I have tried a cable from Amazon - it was a USB C optical cable 50' (can't post a link because the forum says "I need to be around a little longer?!!)…
A shot in the dark re Giga Studio
I have a large library of gig files on dvd for Giga Studio quite an old piece of software. The studio itself is no longer available. So, the shot in the dark, does anyone know of a free piece of software, available today, that will play my gigs? As well, there used to be a free piece of software that could at least convert…
Absynth5/Kontakt 8
Basic issue. Native Access shows my Absynth5. Standalone works. Kontakt 8 doesn't show it, Studio One Pro doesn't show it. What gives? I had it working just fine in Pro Tools. I realize it's an outdated, unsupported synth, but I can't find anything that compares. I also own it so I'd like to use it. Suggestions? I'm on PC,…