Massive X Factory Library missing
Native Access shows that Massive X Factor Library needs "repair". As I reinstall the library and start Native Access again, it still shows "repair" in Massive X Factory Library. I haven't moved the library from my external hard drive, nor done any changes whatsoever. I just updated the Native Access to 3.8.0..
Is there available version for mac under 10.15.7 mac Os
Can anyone help me to run NI MASSIVE on macOs 10.15.7
Massive stuck on initializing
Hi all ! Today i downloaded demo versione from native site, I installed it, but when i launch the program it remain in status "initializing" and doesn't work What can I try ? My system is with "Windows 11 Enterprise", intel i9 6 cores 12 logical processor, 16 GB memory
Licensed to shows blank in FM8
i just bought FM8 from plugin botique and installed in thru the NI Access and used it for a bit and suddenly found out licensed to shows blank yet i bought it.
Massive making Ableton 10 crash when saving a preset on mac os.
Has anyone else experienced this? Every other time I try to save a preset in massive it freezes on the save prompt and i have to force quit ableton.
Massive x Demo uninstall
After digging around and finding the plug-in in the library/audio/plugins folder (I forgot that Mac doesn't do a general search of HD library so initially I did not find the vst folder containing Massive x vst) I found it via settings in Maschine. I still cant find the AU version. Where is that located? Does simply…
Massive X, Battery 4, Kontakt 7 Presets Suddenly Missing
I've been in contact with NI support for the past few weeks about this [latest ticket #4087509] but haven't heard back for a few days. It's an urgent issue as I am unable to do further work on my clients projects. Issue: While I was working on a project in Ableton using Massive X, Massive X's presets suddenly disappeared.…
how to achieve an 808 glide?
I've heard a lot of beats with that glide, when it comes to 808. Anyone cares sharing a few tips. How do yo achieve your 808 glide, What presets work best for you?
massive.aaxplugin not fonctional
The plugin Massive.aaxplugin is present in avid plugins but can't be activated in protools 11.3.1 error DAE - 7054 I reinstall massive with native access, the same problem happens. What is the solution?
Massive X macro/envelope feature request
Can you please animate the envelope shape display (and possibly other parameters) when the macro controls are manipulated by the knobs on my MIDI? The envelope doesn't change when I use the macro to control a set modulation amount.
Massive - How to set the default browser view when the plugin opens?
Massive does not seem to want to remember my preferred browser state, and every time I start a new project, I have to switch from the looking glass mode to sounds, then sometimes wait a few seconds for the list to populate, then scroll through all the (opened by default!) expansions I have, find the folder I want in My…
Open Browser to User Content by Default
Hi all, In Massive X v1.4.4, is there a way to set the preset browser to open to the user presets tab rather than to factory content at initialization? I am only aware of the pin button in the browser, which is definitely useful, but not exactly what I'm looking for, since it seems to be off by default on plugin…
Sound holds forever when pausing playback during a MIDI note
Hi, I'm trying here before submitting a ticket to support. In Ableton Live arrangement view, when I play a midi clip on a track with Massive X loaded and pause it while a midi note is playing, the sound keeps playing. If I pause after a note has finished playing, no issue. When the AMP ENVELOPE trigger mode is set to…
Third party sound bank problem ....
Hi, I got the following problem: I bought a sound bank from a third party company for Massive X. So far I used only 3 sound banks from NI installed through Native Access. The installation pdf. says, I should choose HD, my name, documents, NI, user content. There I find two folders: Massive X and Raum. If I click on Massive…
Crossgrade Question
Hello, i was looking into getting massive X and can see that crossgrade is an option, does crossgrade replace regular massive? or can i keep using it after getting X and use them together?
Super 8 not showing in Abelton vst's
Downloaded Super 8, can't find the vet. Saw post I need to download FREE Reaktor player. Did that was well and can't find that in Abelton after re start, I tend to run thru these install instruction quick, did I miss something??? RD
Massive import old user presets - name changes not updating and Bankname list
I imported some old user presets in to Massive (original) Massive>File>Import etc there are a couple of problems. 1 - Before I did the above I changed some of the names of the presets expecting them to be updated. They remained the same, how can they be changed, by resaving them? 2 - The presets don't appear in the…
Endless rebuild desktop in massive
ventura macosx any suggestions with endless loop of rebuidling desktop in massive (not X)? i upgraded from monterey to ventura recently and don’t get massive (latest version) to start. did a complete uninstall/reinstall as indicated on NI homepage. Security Settings are on for Massive. the little circle on the top right…
Best expansion for minimal techno?
Hello dear community! on the verge of buying massive x! I just need to know, is it worth it 2023? And which 2 expansions should I get? I make minimal techno, deep house and techno, but more of that rhytmic/hypnotic stuff, not that trance-sounding stuff.
Error installing Massive X
I recently updated my NI Products and now I can't start Massive X anymore. It seems, that it isn't installed but Native Access shows that it is. I tried to reinstall Massive X without any effect. It's also confusing, that the installed version is 0.0.0 and there is now installed path.