Routing for Playbox
How to route Kontakt Playbox vst individual instruments in ableton live? I want to be able to have control over each individual sound. I haven't seen an optio withn playbox and this will be defeating. Please help.
KONTAKT 7, Files not found...why?!?
A few weeks ago KONTAKT (not KONTAKT 7) stopped finding my sound files. Not all of them. But something is missing from every song. Sometimes a pixelated instrument interface appears with DEMOVERSION in red, even though I bought and installed ULTIMATE... By the way, I have NOT moved the sound files to another folder. They…
How to update Kontakt 7 VST3?
How to update Kontakt 7 VST3? My standalone Kontakt is completely updated but for some reason my VST3 won't update with it. I have Windows 11.
Problems with Electrik Guitar sample
Hi all, I have an issue with the Kontakt Electrik Guitar sample. On a sustained 3 note chord, it intermittently wavers, spoiling the sound. So, around half the time the times that it triggers, it's fine . Then other times it's wobbles. It even does this if I just put one chord on a loop. The result is still 50/50. Does any…
Kontakt 7 player opens black window
Hi. Just installed Kontakt 7 player and when I open it the main window is black and doesn't shown anything. So what have I don't so far? Firstly, I found the article that states that you have to open the options tab and then make sure all the libraries are selected. Done that and they were already selected. Secondly, I…
Orchestra Tools Libraries not showing anymore in K6 after update using Native Access
Hello everyone, all my Logic template songs are using Kontakt 6. After upgrading the Orchestra Tools Libraries (Berlin Strings, Berlin Woodwinds etc) with latest Native Access, these Libraries are only showing up in Kontakt 7 and not in Kontakt 6 anymore. Meaning all my templates are broken. What's the best way to repair…
Kontakt 7 update issue
Hi everyone, Since I have Native Access 2, I am not able to access to Kontakt 7 anymore. When I tried to use the "Repair" function and try to relocate the app, it does not work as Kontakt 7 totally disappeard from my computer. And when I try to reinstall it, it does not work neither. Either I got the error message…
Libraries Not Loading
Hey all, I installed Kontakt players 6 & 7 along with a few NI libraries such as Ethereal Earth, Irish Harp, etc. I also installed one 3rd party library. All of them are showing as installed in Native Access but only Kontakt 6 player will load and it will only load the third party library. Kontakt 7 will not open at all.…
Kontakt 7 VST3 Keeps Crashing Cubase 12
I've experienced several reoccurring Cubase 12 crashes, submitted a few crash dumps to Steinberg Support, and they've informed me the problem is Kontakt 7. Everything is up to date. Not sure if there's a K7 setting I should tweak to get things running smoothly or what. I'm nowhere close to maxing out my CPU. Sometimes I'll…
Creator Tools on Windows 10
I've just discovered Creator Tools. Can anyone help me get started, I'm absolutely clueless.
Kontakt 7 randomly pan's to one side
so i am using kontakt 7 complete with ableton live 11 and have instrument loaded onto a midi track. i record a bass line (scarbee rik bass - though it has done same thing on other instruments) and about two bars into the song the kontakt inst slams the pan all the way to the left. i have no automation armed anywhere on the…
Playbox Future Updates
To those in the know... Playbox is the most exciting production tool I've laid my hands on to-date. The tool is a fantastic concept, the preset stacks are impeccably designed and trigger so many ideas for me. The tool has helped me appreciate some of the subtleties of layering, as well as exploring progressions. The sound…
Kontakt shows installed BUT not...
I had to get a new computer and I used a Time Machine backup to reset up everything. My Kontakt files are showing on my system drive BUT the content is not there. How do I wipe and reinstall everything? I also show my Kontakt library on an external Lacie drive but when I try to set that drive as a new location it doesn't…
Occasionally when I load up KONTAKT 7 without internet it will boot up in DEMO mode and the majority of my instruments will end up missing. Everything reverts to normal after being connected to internet after a long while . Is there any fix for this? NI is by far the most frustrating plugin I’ve encountered. Any help is…
Play own melodies within Session Guitarist?
Hey there. I do like the sound of "Session Guitarist Electric Sunburst" a lot.. But I find it annoying, that I can only play patterns within the plugin: Is there a way "to play the guitar" using only simple midi notes, like I would do when I play piano? So without having to use the predefined patterns. Thank you in advance!
Kontakt 7 - M3 Mac & OS Sonoma 14.3 - Working Fine
Hey y'all (This post is just an FYI for the community) I had been hesitating for a while to upgrade my mac, as I was extremly concerned about potential Kontakt performance issues with the M3 chips and/or Sonoma. There isn't much documentation/test available out there so here is my conclusion. I finally went for it and…
Why do I only have two stereo outputs for routing in Konakt 7?
I'm using Kontakt 7 in FL Studio on Mac. I'm trying to route drums out of Kontakt so I can mix them in my DAW but when I go to assign an output it's stereo channels I only have 2 channels for all the outputs. How do I get more? When I add more outputs I still only have two stereo channels for all the outputs. Pls help,…
Upload 3rd part plugins
Hey! So I'm trying to use the import button on the bottom left but i'm not sure what i can actually upload. I've tried with a library called black toms from wavesfactory but it says incompatible. Any reason why and globally, what are the plugins that i can import so it can shows on the main browser? See attached for a…
KSP Stuck on a Script, Second Menu PREV NEXT switches not working ..Please Advise
Hello, I'm about a week in on learning how to script and need some help. I've spent the last several hours trying to get this working but still no joy. 2 menus, 2 sets of PREV/NEXT switches. The first set on menu 1 work , the second set on menu 2 do not. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. on init…