Unable to double-click on BPM in Wave Editor to manually key-in the value
Hi, I have an .nki which I've been working on for a few months. I can click and drag to change the value of zone's BPM, but when I double-click to attempt to manually key-in the value, nothing happens. If I create a new instrument from scratch, there is no issue with this at all. I am using the latest version of…
Randomize Button and Big "Macro" Knob Conflicting
Hi, I appreciate any help on this ! So I've been trying to figure out an issue i've run into recently with trying to get my big macro knob that controls multiple parameters to play nice with my random button which randomizes the same parameters in a given value range. I have both the big macro knob and the randomize button…
Hidden UI elements show on instrument reload - Kontakt bug?
Hi guys, I'm seeing a strange bug in which the hidden UI elements of my instrument are all displayed whenever the "!" engine restart button is pressed, or when the instrument is dragged and dropped in. The elements re-hide again once the GUI is refreshed, either by pressing the single-instrument view button, or by clicking…
How do you make a key trigger subsequently play a specific note?
I'm not the best with KSP, so I'm wondering how to script a key trigger that, when pressed and held, plays a specific note on the keyboard, without having to play the note itself on the keyboard. I'm looking for this to account for the note on and note off information and while the note is held. I know this may sound…
seems you can't HIDE_PART_BG for a button/switch , but with all these cool constants for button states now PRESSED HOVER etc, I guess the best solution is an invisible button pic
Play_Note Keeps Retrigging on All PGS Callbacks
Hi, So recently I've been running into a weird issue that i'm having trouble solving. I have been trying to create a noise texture menu that will play a looping texture (vinyl noise, rain, forest sounds. etc.) when selected from a dropdown menu. This will loop in the background of the kontakt instrument while you play and…
How to script ENGINE_PAR_ for instrument Main FX
Hello i try to code a engine_par for Makeup SComp in Main FX slot 1 but it don't work on ui_control($SComp) set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_SCOMP_MAKEUP,$SComp,-1,0,-1) end on
Don't work on latest Kontakt
Hi, I had an old code which changed the label picture when the slider is moving. However this used to work on the older versions of kontakt but NOT in the latest kontakt version. on init make_perfview set_ui_height_px(130) declare ui_label $label(3, 1) declare ui_slider $Cutoff(0, 6) set_text($label,"World")…
Octave Transposition Per Group
Hey everyone, I'm building a pretty simple instrument that only has four groups and I'm running into a bit of trouble figuring out how to manipulate the MIDI note number that each individual group receives. I'd like to have four sets of buttons on the UI that set the octave at which each group plays back. For example, if I…
Hello I'm trying to code a slider to manipulate the gain of an insert FX in bus1 insert FX but i don't find a correct code for on ui_control on init declare ui_slider $Send01(0,1000000) make_persistent($Send01) declare $k_Send01 $k_Send01 := get_ui_id($Send01)…
Poly step Attack tab
Hi, Im trying to edit the polystep with an amp attack tab. Basically if the tab slider is up, rise the attack other wise make it stay down to 0. Please let me know if anyone can help. Download the whole code if needed since its "too long" for the forum. on ui_control (%Test) $a := 0 while ($a < 16)…
Script on Micro-tuning and assigning the micro-tuning to mod wheel
I would like to get a script on micro-tuning any instrument and assigning the micro-tuning value to the mod wheel. So what happens is like, if I am increasing in the mod wheel, the note should slightly start to detune in cents. I am trying to use this for viola and cello samples recorded.
stuck on on note
Hi everybody, I'm working on a script and I'm kinda stuck on the range of notes played. on init declare %CMaj[29] := (48,50,52,53,55,57,59,60,62,64,65,67,69,71,72,74,76,77,79,81,83,84,86,88,89,91,93,95,96) declare $key_count on note if($EVENT_NOTE = 36) while ($NOTE_HELD=1) play_note(%CMaj[random(0, 28)]+$key_count,…
How to make different groups respond differently to CC64?
Hello, This is a problem I haven't worked out the solution for. I have group 0 and group 1. I want group 0 to not be controlled by CC64 (not by default), while group 1 to be controlled by CC64 (just as default). I thought of 2 different ways: Only bypass group 0's response to CC64 using 'SET_CONDITION…
Link menu items to array
Hi everybody, I am a newbie on ksp scripting so forgive me if I ask dumb questions. I am working on a kontakt project right now, but I am kinda stuck. I am planning to make a sort of randomizer with musical keys. So my purpose is that when the randomizer is on and a certain key is chosen, only the notes inside that key…
Unable to move or add pictures to UI slider
Hello all, Please can you help with a KSP issue I am having. I have declared a ui_slider and I am unable to move it or add a photo to it on the script. No errors are coming up on the KSP Script when applying in Kontakt. declare ui_slider $Rate_knob (0,100) { set_text ($Rate_knob,"Rate")} make_persistent ($Rate_knob)…
Changing key ranges for Session Guitarist Melody instruments
Good day, I have contacted NI before about this. They said that what I am looking for is not officially supported and they recommend me asking the community in this scripting forum how I could do this. I want to change the playable key range of all the Session Guitarist Melody instruments to the full keyboard range and not…
Arpeggiator factory script
I am thinking to use the factory script via pgs to control it with simple buttons via my main script. I was thinking ... could it drive the arpeggio only in certain groups? Let's say i have 2 groups and i want to have a switch to activate each group for arpeggio ...🤔
Kontakt bug: snapshot doesn't recall settings?
Dear community, Is it possible that Kontakt "suddenly" starts bugging with parameters that were never a problem before? I am talking about recalling settings when loading a snapshot; my mastertune_down button is active (the way it should be), but the actual mastertune knob is still at zero. The code should be flawless,…
childpanel with filmstrip crash
Hey there, Kontakt (6.1.1) crashes when stacking a panel that contains an ui element with attached filmstrip into another panel. So nesting panels does not work. is this fixed with last update or am I doing something wrong? ✌️ on init make_perfview message( "" ) declare ui_label $demolabel( 1, 1 ) set_control_par_str(…