Bundling wires in Reaktor 6 Prime
Hi I'm building a synth in Reaktor 6 and I've reached a point where the number of criss-crossing wires has become a big problem. I can see in Reaktor Core there is a way to bundle the wires so you can group them and keep the number down. I don't see a way to do this in Prime though. Does anyone have any suggestions. Thanks
Is there a way of separately MIDI-learn X and Y -parameters of an XY-pad in the ensembles?
Hi all! I need an advice, since I'm not sure how to achieve what is described in the title. For example, there's a synth in the Reaktor User Library called "Synth-In-A-Case" which has XY-pad in the bottom right corner. I want to assign one knob on my MIDI-controller to X and another knob to the Y parameter of the XY-pad,…
Your favorite one trick ponies?
Hi folks, I'd like to create a list of one trick ponies, by which I mean synths or samplers focused on a particular type of sound (e.g. bells, pads, bowed strings, insects). For example, each of Chet Singer's ensembles provide a physical model for a particular instrument or family of instruments Chet Singer | Reaktor User…
Where do I install the Blocks user library presets I downloaded?
This is a question I need answered so I can use my Blocks user library downloads. I downloaded several Reaktor Blocks user library presets including whole compressed folders various formats of file and I need to know what folders to copy the non standard format files to so I can load my blocks / ensembles / racks and /…
Missing Blocks .ens files?
Have been watching K.K. & Reaktor Blocks tutorials, and there are some Blocks .ens files in the tutorials which suggests that these files come with Reaktor, exs.-Wand, Italo Neu, Layers, Phantom to name a few. Am I mistaken, or are these created by those conducting the tutorials? I can't find them any Reaktor files. Can't…
Purchasing Reaktor 5
Hi NI fellows! I'm recreating a vintage production environment to its state 15 years ago. Power Mac G5 is the centerpiece of this setup. I'm wondering if there is still a way to buy Reaktor 5 for PPC? Thanks!
TG-8H and Midi soft takeover failure
Hi all, So I'm working on this TG-8H inspired ensemble for an upcoming performance and have mapped various settings to my midi controller as soft-takeover so not to create jumps when adjusting settings. 90% of them work and save correctly from one use to another. But the 10% that doesn't consistently work with soft-take…
Monark Error in Reaktor 6
Hello everyone, first of all. I was working normally with Monark on Reaktor, I had a past version of the latter Reaktor. Yesterday I bought Kontakt 7 and I don't know if when I opened Native Access to install it something went wrong. Suddenly the Monark ensemble is not loading today. I get an error message saying 'The file…
How do I get Prism FX to work right?
I am producing a sad song and I found a synth noise named ‘Siren’ that has exactly what I need as far as the effects but I need it to be a piano so I added Prism FX on the piano I want and copying the exact settings that ‘Siren’ has (every setting and knob) and I barely hear the effect! All of the Prism FX options barely…
Join the Reaktor Bata Test
I'd like to participate in the Reaktor Bata Test, but I don't know how.
Activate Legacy Monark Installation In Reaktor 5
Hi, i made a mistake updating my music computer lost access to my old monark/reaktor tracks because Reaktor 5 in not longer available on my MAC OS Version. I tried to set up the Ableton with NI Plugin on a WIN10 PC, i could install Reaktor 5. But Monark runs only in Reaktor 6. I installed legacy monark via installation…
Confused about Reaktor startup modes
If I want to create a project that's mainly blocks, but also uses some primary objects, what's the recommended way to do this? If I start in the 'patch' mode, from the start page, there's no edit button but I get the buttons for port view, ports & wires, etc. If I open the structure view, there are no breadcrumbs at the…
User downloads not appearing
Hi, I just downloaded a bunch of user instruments/ensembles from the reaktor user page - I did this in the past and they worked great. I've put them in the same folder as the others but they aren't appearing. I'm wondering is this because my OS is still Catalina? My Reaktor is version 6.4.3 Thanks, Simon.
TG-8H Random and Random TG makes a 'pop'
Hi - I'm trying to make a double TG-8H ensemble for an upcoming performance (it's so awesome - thanks everyone for your contributions to this thing). I'm running into two issues - one the Random and Random TG makes a pop. I guess that's par for the course but this happens to the other version of TG-8H in the ensemble even…
Where to download Reaktor ensembles?
Hi I haven´t been login to Native site for long time. Now I try to find a page where I can download Reaktor Ensembles. I just can´t find it anymore. These new pages look very complicated.
Recording samples from Reaktor ensembles?
Hi everyone. I'd like to use a few Reaktor ensembles to record samples for use with SilverbirdLive from the UL. Is there a way to automate this, for example, to record a single note for each snapshot? Or do I have to record one at a time manually, open in an editor, trim silence, etc?
a core cell that responds to clicks but not clocks
I'm puzzled. I'm trying to create a core cell that implements a simple MIDI follower. It works when I assign "step" to a button, but not when I drive "step" with a clock at a modified control rate. Any ideas as to why? I think I'm missing something major! Thanks,
Why is Reaktor 5 only using 3% of my i7 12700k processor but reports 45%?
Hello, Sorry for still using Reaktor 5.9.4 but I've had it since the early 2000's and still love creating in it. So I am building a synth and it is not that demanding on the CPU but when I first load the program - and my synth in Reaktor - the CPU initially says 18% use then after about 20 seconds it rockets up to 45% CPU…
Some questions about some objects
Hi I want to recreate some Reaktorpatches in Max and I am trying to understand the architecture behind a Krell ensemble I found in the user library https://www.native-instruments.com/en/reaktor-community/reaktor-user-library/entry/show/3265/ 1) what does <sil> mean? Is that a constant input? 2) The Sine FM object has 3…
Saving Graincloud Sample Map with Ensemble Preset
Hi - is there any way to store the sample map for a Graincloud module when saving an ensemble preset? So that as you select different saved presets, the different samples are loaded into Graincloud's sample map? Even with 'embed' checked, it seems that sample maps are stored as one map per ensemble file. Has anyone got a…