Massive X could not be loaded on new Mac - where is it?!
Hi everyone, I've read a lot of posts about this issue today but just cannot resolve it! I've moved my system onto a new Mac Studio M2 Max today using Timelapse, carried out all the relevant updates etc and have eventually managed to get everything working… except Massive X, which I just can't locate. I've been given two…
Massive VST 2 Plugin not shown in Ableton Studio 12 Mac
Hi Both Plugin Versions VST2 and VST3 of Massive are corretly installed and are in seperate foders. Tried multiple reinstalls of the plugin. In Komplete Kontrol I can choose the VST2 version but not in Ableton 12 This happens only on OSX, on Windows I see the VST2 Massive Plugin in Ableton. The PluginScanner Log of Ableton…
Can we get a "expanded" version of Massive?
Massive with more than four modulation modules (besides the envelopes) would be super nice. I know Massive X is a thing but I still like the original way more. You can even charge people for the update ;) (money$$$)
preset massivex
I'm looking for the preset for massive x called drilla hole. What expansion should i download?Thanx!
Does upgrading from Maschine Essentials 2 to Maschine 2 include Massive X
Hello. I have Maschine Essentials 2 and I upgraded to Maschine Factory Library, but even though Massive X shows up in my instruments, it does not load. As I understand, Maschine Essentials 2 does not include Massive X. QUESTION: If I buy the "Maschine 2" upgrade (even though the actual Maschine software is a higher version…
How to break Logic Pro with Massive X every time
Load a version of Massive X into Komplete Kontrol 2.9.6 Initialise Massive X ( so you have the Sin-Tri-Saw-SQ wavetable in orc 1) Play notes in the Sin position (just so you know they work) Turn wave position to SQ (ie full to the right) Play again to hear a brief note then silence Congrats Logic's outputs are toast. This…
Monark evolution?
Hi all, Just wondering on whether we'll see any evolution on the Monark plugin in the near future? Last update is already from four years back… . Same time Softube, Arturia, Synapse (, Diva) and others keep on updating their edition. It gets/got solid praise in the community, so it's really a pity to see it "fade out"…
Kontakt 8 crashed - that didn't take long
I just upgraded to Komplete 15 so that I could test it with Gig Performer. Ran the standalone version, just clicked in a few places and Kontakt 8 just crashed. Attached is the complete crash report but there is the stacktrace for the thread that crashed. Anyone know what happened? This doesn't bode well (running on Intel…
Massive color and rating
I'm starting to use Massive here and there after owning it forever. What I don't understand is if the ratings and color work in the browser? It seems like I should be able to click on those and add… something? That does nothing and no keyboard modifier is helping and the manual doesn't seem to mention it. The presets I'm…
Which Expansion Pack do I need to find the Vintage Pro preset?
Hi, I can't find the Vintage Pro synth pad preset in Massive X, so I was wondering which Expansion Pack I need to buy to access it. Thank you.
Remote Octave - Unsure How to Trigger Another Octave?
So I'm just diving into the Remote Octave feature and it seems pretty powerful, but I can't figure out how to actually trigger another remote octave. I have sequences for remote octaves 1 and 2 and want to trigger it to start using the second remote octave at a specific point in my song. I'm not sure what remote vs midi…
How to Init Massive X
Hi, From the guide: "To get started, load the preset named Init - Massive X Blank from the Quickstart category in the preset menu." This looks to be based on an older preset browser in Massive X, there is no QuickStart category or any preset named Init in my version of Massive X 1.4.4 So, how do you initialise a new patch…
Is anybody having trouble with Play Series Homage?
I can upload Homage but, the sounds from Homage will not play when trying to use it. I have installed and uninstalled it numerous times but can't seem to find the problem why it does not generate any sound. I use FLSTUDIO 24 on pc windows 11.
Massive X Crashes Logic 11
2020 iMac i7 Sonoma 14.6.1 When I click on Massive X inside the inspector to open the instrument Logic crashes. I’ve searched this forum, the rest of the NI site, YouTube, Google, Reddit, etc, and tried everything that looked as current as possible. Still it doesn’t work. What do I do? Did I miss something or is this still…
FM8 vst3 does not process MIDI CC
FM8 vst3 does not process MIDI CC. Apparently vst2 does...
TIPS: Massive X as a sampler
Most people might already know this one, but while you can't add wavetables to Massive X, you can add in samples in the 'noise' oscillator… then use Massive X's filters, effects, modulators etc. to process them. (I was going to post an example here but turns out you can't- sorry :( hope this inspires someone though)
Tips: Bring your sound to life with Massive X Trackers Offsets.
I think that Massive X is an unfairly underrated synth. It is one of the best-sounding wavetable synths. It is a real sound design beast with some unique features. There are many ways to spice up your sounds by adding movement and variation in the Massive X . It's best to use several at once. But I'd like to draw attention…
(Little)Big feature request for Massive X!
Been using Massive X for months now and love it, but it would be nice if users could type custom names for the macro controls: It would be less confusing if the knob's said what they are intended to do, like, "Vibrato" instead of "Level". Unless the NI keyboards have this feature already, I think it would be super helpful.…
absynth 5 runs in stand alone but does not show up in live 11
What’s up guys. I have absynth 5. I installed it thru native access with no issues but it’s not showing up in live 11.I recently went from live 9 suite to 11 suite. I have done everything from redownload,change file paths in ableton and in native access and trying to move folders in windows to no avail. Weird thing is I…
Massive automation in Ableton Live overridden by ghosts
ableton live folks: have you ever encountered a situation where automation of massive parameters in the arrangement is "overridden" by (nonexisting) automation in the session view upon document load? this does not happen with other synths. when i load the track, these automations will be greyed out and inactive in the…