guitar rig and midi controler
Hello, I'm a guitar rig 7 user and previously guitar rig 6. As the new version have a looper, i just bought an ampero control to use effect and mainly the looper with a pedal. The problem is i didn't success to set up midi control. I tried with the macro bar: set up a toggle buton on the play button of the looper. an other…
GR 7: Control volume with an external midi pedal
I want to control the volume for each of my presets through an external midi pedal. What bothers me is that I have to re-establish the connection to each preset. My idea: I save once the volume rack under Global FX. Then I connect the volume with the macros and the respective macro button via Midi-Learn with the pedal. But…
So what happened top the new Amps we were promised in GR6?
I feel utterly cheated, promised 'rapid development of new amps for GR6...put it is a paid update top GR7. Cheated.
Kontrol Rig 7
Good morning internet users I have been a Guitar Rig user since version 5, I'm using version 7 now The production of a new midi controller dedicated to Guitar Rig 7 would be appreciated I would be happy with a dedicated footswitch to drive wah wah, volumes etc I ask Native Instrument to produce a new Rig Kontrol with…
Loop Machine Pro questions..
Hello, I have some questions about Loop Machine Pro, before I pick up GR7 (I already own Komplete 14 Ultimate). 1 - can multiple instances of this be used, IOW, can I use it as a "looper" on a few different tracks or send tracks, basically like any third-party looper plugin? 2 - if YES, can I MIDI map functions from each…
GR7 - a big step forward ?
For me, the answer is quite clear: Yes! I did not want to criticize here once, but put the benefits out. The new amps are great. Respond well to the input of the guitar and live from the liveliness of the guitarist. I will replace so some old setups with me by the new amps. Now for an accoustic amp - please. The display of…
GR7.0.1 repeatedly causing BSODs
Upgraded last week and finally had some time to start exploring yesterday. And while I'm liking the changes, especially the graphical representation of the signal path, and from what I've heard of the new amps and effects, very interesting. Unfortunately I'm not liking the four system hangs + BSOD & reboot that have…
Bitwig users -- GR7 + Looper Pro export mixdown / layers
FYI - if you are a Bitwig 4 or 5 user and you use GR7 + the new Looper Pro, you should be aware of something: When you are done with your loop session and want to export a mixdown or individual loop layers from Looper Pro, first you must remember to go to Bitwig settings, behavior, and set "audio preview/import mode" to…
Can't find my Guitar Rig 7 pro vst in ableton
Hi, I just installed Guitar Rig 7 pro. In ableton I want to insert the plugin on an audio track, but I can only find the FX and MFX not the VST. Does anyone knows what I am doing wrong? PS...what is the difference between the vst/fx/mfx? Thanks!
Question about behavior between GR7 + MIDI synths
Hello again - Im checking out the features of GR7, playing around with that new looper and finding it quite interesting. Question about GR7 being used as a plugin (not a send) for a hardware synth: Ive got my MicroKORG XL+ connected as a HW instrument in my DAW, and I have GR7 plugged in to that instrument directly. Im…
GR7 crashes on startup. I see others reporting the same. Is a fix being prepared?
Just upgraded GR6 to GR7. GR6 runs fine. GR7 always crashes on startup in standalone or plugin mode, any DAW. Windows10. Ive uninstalled/reinstalled GR7, but it does the same thing. No other NI software has any issues on my system. I see others reporting this also. Is this issue understood by NI? Is a patch forthcoming? It…
GR7 surely a big step futher
A big thank you for starting a real exchange with the users of GR. I haven't had a chance to test GR7 yet. With Looper! A good decision from NI!
Collapsed component view
Hello, When a component is collapsed you have no idea what's going on. Although it's not possible/relevant for all components, here are a few suggestions to save space but still have insight in what's going on. Grtz, Wouter
Guitar Rig 7 LE not appearing in Access
Hi, I received a friendly email informing me that Guitar Rig 7 LE has been added to my account, as a Komplete Audio 6 owner. Nice! The email suggests that I pop over to Native Access and download away. However, this is not possible, as it seems like Native Access didn't get the memo so there is no option to install or…
i have guitar rig 6 but it is not working in my daw (waveform 12)
guitar rig 6 is not working in my daw--maybe because i had the demo version an it expired i don't want to upgrade til i know for sure it is going to work;;;it works outside of my daw but i don't get an input signal in my daw
Download links for your Native Instruments order -- did not order anything
I just got an email saying I downloaded or activated something; its about Guitar Rig 7 LE for KOMPLETE AUDIO HW. Is someone using my account, or is it just because I used to have older versions of guitar rig?
Is Guitar rig 7 pro not compatible with?
Mac Os Catalina 10.15.7? If it is, it's not showing in my native access account??
Guitar Rig 5 - Midi Learn in Looper component - Maschine
Hello, To be able to use the looper from Guitar Rig 5 together with Guitar Rig 6, I had the idea to combine both Guitar Rig versions as serial effects in Maschine. I added Guitar Rig 6 MFX (Audio Unit) and Guitar Rig 5 MFX (Audio Unit) to achieve this. (Be sure to downgrade Native Access to version 3.2.2, otherwise Guitar…
Guitar Rig 7 Pro Looper
Can't get it to record a loop to save my life. I have Input. I have sound. I have my foot controller set to record stop play etc I see all the steps happening but no loops record. What might I be doing incorrectly?
Guitar Rig - Looper feature request
Hello, The looper that existed in GR5 did a great job, but there are some options that would come in handy: add the ability to change the input source to another (virtual) channel so you can loop synths/drums patterns/... add an effect chain dedicated to the looper or to a looper layer add the ability to mute/unmute layers…