Merge module functions.
I'm not sure exactly how the merge is working. This module produces scaled values for midi notes above or below a fixed value. There are actually two breakpoints. For example, the merge will receive an event if a midi note is above of below the breakpoints. If the note breakpoints are set to 48 for the low and 70 for the…
Reaktor Player for iOS
I just learned that NI has some products for the iPad: iMachine and Traktor DJ. Here's hoping that we can get an iOS version of Reaktor Player someday. It can even cost money, I don't care. In fact, charging for it might be an additional revenue stream for NI. I just want to be able to run a Reaktor ensemble on an iPad.
Looking to work someone with Reaktor Core experience
I am a game audio sound designer. I use Tonsturm's Whoosh reaktor ensemble weekly in my work. The ensemble sounds fantastic, but there's one major issue. Everything comes out as one stereo summed track. I'd like to work with someone to convert it to a multi-output device: 4 stereo whoosh tracks and 4 stereo impact…
Can anyone on the forum provide a hint on how to get my sequencer to trigger as opposite to gating. I ask this because when performing on my Ensemble while using the filter envelope and the sequencer; the sound only gates instead of trigging notes which causes sound to die out and only follows the envelope completely. This…
How do I make attack/release ramps for a gate?
Hey guys, I've got a really simple gate set up here, if the volume of one FFT bin is lower than the threshold, it gets cut off, but because it's just logic, it instantly gets shut off which creates a click. How could I mod it so it's more smooth? I tried a lin smoother, but it didn't sound great :(
Has anyone noticed that main macro's can use a lot of cpu?
I consolidated several sections or an ensemble inside a macro. I also removed audio ins and outs and converted them to events on all non audio sections. The macro ended up with around 30 output terminals which were attached to a core cell with all input set to event type. I also disconnected all send and receive module…
I'm having problems passing events between main macros and external core cells.
We had a discussion a while back and concluded that main macros within a structure are not free cpu wise. This may affect event timing as I have an event based core cell in a macro and it works fine when using a macro audio output going into a core cell in the structure. The external core cell can accept event inputs and…
How do we cancel or delete a post.
How do we cancel or delete a post.
Can 2 different sources be recorded into an array in core?
I've got a custom sampler that I've been working on for a while, it uses the table framework sample map to import samples and it has an internal recording setup for capturing live audio. Right now it uses two different sample playback read mechanisms to read and playback from the sample data from the table framework and a…
Need help with hanging notes when switching between gates.
This is how I did it, the "to voice module" is only there to keep the solo or 1 voice ST-gate at the same volume when switching from polyphonic mode. If a note is held down when switching the router it latches on and hangs. I can't think of any mod to this circuit that will stop or turn off the note in the STgate before…
spectral bitcrushing (or other weird novel fft tricks)
ok, this isn't spectral bitcrushing, but spectral sample rate reduction. spectral bitcrushing sounds cooler as a name, so im going with that. (who knows, maybe its one of those things where sample rate reduction in one domain is bitcrushing in another?) as it turns out, bitcrushing an fft just turns the signal into noise…
Who else would like to have more pickup choices for sample rates.
Assume all ensembles use 192k sample rate. It seems ideal to select divided down sample rates for different modules. In reality nothing really has to run at 192k, it's only a starting point for a master clock and clock dividers provided to us in the pickup menu. Have to admit it beats having to divide down a bunch of…
Reaktor 6 Primary Video Tutorials
Hi all, I'm sharing some videos I made for my classes for getting started in Reaktor 6 Primary, in case some folks here might find them useful: Just a warning, since I made these for my teaching, they might be a little pedantic for some since I spend a bunch of time on theory, but hopefully they can be of help for folks…
Building a multipoint mouse control?
I'm looking to build a multipoint mouse control, as in left click and drag on the left side to set a range start, left click and drag on the right side to set a range end and left click and drag in the middle to shift the whole range forward or backward. I've never made one of these before and I was hoping you guys would…
Just passing on a tip for newbies like myself with Reaktor 6 and Reaktor 5 manuals.
Last year I started with Reaktor 6 and was informed by others in the forum that Reaktor five's manual was better in some aspects with explanations. This is true, I went searching for an explanation on "to and from voice" in version six and found little, only short info about the individual modules; however version 5 was…
How to build a self gating randomizer?
I need to build a self gating randomizer? Here is an example of what I need. The randomizer is being driven by an iterator The randomizer outputs a 2, then it waits for 2 steps from the iterator before it outputs it's next value. I need to do some kind of compare between the iterator and itself + the random value so I can…
Time based effects with Sine bank + Iterator setup
Hey there guys! I have this setup for a sine bank with 512 partials. I would like to now make the pitch of all even harmonics move back and forth ever so slightly, they could be modulated by a sine wave. I don't know how to do this at the moment, as the iterator only updates each partial once per note press, but for what I…
How is it possible for a core cell to not work properly with audio and event inputs.
As shown above the Inv input on the bottom works perfectly as an audio input but erratic at best as an event input. There is a panel on/off button attached to it. It toggles between 0 or 1 and yes it's set to toggle mode. All other inputs work as expected. Being a simple button its almost like it doesn't always create an…
Can you use EzFFT to edit the pitch of sounds?
Hey there, I noticed that a lot of the EzFFT modules have outputs for Phase and Amplitude, however, there is no pitch outputs. Is there a way to edit the pitch of each harmonic within a sound using EzFFT or the other FFT macros from Robin Davies? Maybe my understanding of FFT is wrong and it's not possible at all? Not sure…
Anti-Aliasing Strategies For A Phase Distortion Oscillator
I'm building a phase distortion oscillator and as one might expect from that technique, aliasing is a major issue. I'd like to hear some opinions on the best way to approach limiting aliasing in such a dynamic and challenging situation. A PD oscillator can create a huge amount of energy above nyquist very easily, and as…