Script for Random Round Robins position w/ two microphones
Infant scripting child here, so please be gentle. I'm trying to accomplish something fairly simple, which involves keeping my first five groups (1-5 (mic A)) , and my second set of five groups (6-10 (mic B)) together via their respective round robin position (ie RR position 1 is used for groups 1 & 6, RR position 2 is used…
Do samples play based on tempo or need a script?
If I have a collection samples that contain a articulations which were recorded at a given tempo/bpm, when making a Kontakt instrument, does the Kontakt engine handle playing them back according to the user's current project tempo? Or, does one need to somehow use a script to handle modification of the sample to play it…
SCRIPT for excluding group hi-hat open, hi-hat close
Hi I'd like to write a script that keeps into account how the drummer is playing the hi-hat. I know that can be done using the voice groups and "excl" features in kontakt but I've too many groups and I tried but does not work properly. Let's talk about the hi-hat, I've "open", "mid open", "close", "pedal" sounds and each…
create knob per each layered sample
Hi everyone I need your help please. I've in the same zone 4 samples for drum layered one over the other. The DRY, the ROOM, the COMP, and the TRIG..so are different layers. I want to create a knob per each "layer" in the way to manipulate the volume of the samples...so if someone play the note 36 which is the C1 so the…
Help with changing Send Levels with 1 instrument
Hey All, I got this piece of script... .... on ui_control($KNOB) set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_SEND_EFFECT_OUTPUT_GAIN,$NI_SEND_BUS,-1,0,1) end on ... And I'm trying to use to change the level of the send effects with just 1 knob, but I can't seem to get it to work. Can anyone help please? I've been at this for 6 hours now.
Help on my script
on init on midi_in select($MIDI_BYTE_1) case 04 message("Prog A") $prog_num := 0 set_midi($MIDI_CHANNEL,$MIDI_COMMAND_PROGRAM_CHANGE,$prog_num,0) case 06 message("Prog B") $prog_num := 1 set_midi($MIDI_CHANNEL,$MIDI_COMMAND_PROGRAM_CHANGE,$prog_num,0) case 08 message("Prog C") $prog_num := 2…
Distributing a Kontakt Instrument
Will everything be included if I create a ressource container and then only distribute a folder containing the nki, nkr, nkc?
Copy one key behaviour to another
Hi. So, I'm playing a shaker (Waves factory Sharine) which has a hit sound on only one key (E3). What I want to do is copy the same sample/s to lets say Eb3, so I can play it better using both keys instead of only one. Another way to do it would be like I've seen on other instruments where they have a key set to repeat…
Global script? Possible?
I am looking for a way to make a script global. So far, it looks like I have to pick a slot for each instrument and set it manually. However, I came across this in the 'Retro Machines MK2' and wonder if it is a feature I can use, but not finding any info on it. See image. This would APPEAR to maybe auto load a script file…
Muting "layers" of a kontakt instrument
Hi. I'm using a instrument from the Kinetic Toys library (Automaton). Any keystroke triggers several samples. I want to use only one of them (its a "winding up" sound) and mute the rest. I couldn't achieve it with the library interface. I guess it can be done with the kontakt tools, maybe group editing..¿? but I have no…
Looking to hire someone to prepare Kontakt Libraries for NI NKS
We’ve developed a handful of Kontakt Libraries and have setup an account with NI for access to the SDK and would like to hire someone who has gone thru this process so that we have everything set up correctly. Please reach out if you’re interested and we can chat about specifics. dave.olson@me.com Dave Olson & Scott Radke
Inserting or replacing effect bypass on/off (Question)
After I insert or replace an effect using: on persistence_changed $asyncID := set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_EFFECT_TYPE,$EFFECT_TYPE_RINGMOD,-1,1,$NI_BUS_OFFSET + 0) wait(1) this effect will always be turned on, but I want the effect bypassed immediately after insertion. Turning it off in the 'on async callback' is not a…
wait() sometimes ignored?
{ The code below works fine on instruments I created. It also tested fine on Kontakt Retro machines and factory selection instruments. The loop starts at 10 and counts down with a 1 second wait between each down count. Status bar shows the count down, 1 # per second. On some, for example, all the Play Series Selection…
Kontakt 7 issues with MIDI CC for Modulation
I created an LFO oscillator to modulate pitch. Now I want to use a Midi CC message (or monophonic aftertouch) to modulate the intensity of the LFO. I've added a mod and I have tried both Midi CC (with any number of CC numbers) and monophonic aftertouch and it doesn't work. It does work, i.e. I don't see the line in the…
Playing notes from more than one slot
I have some notes playing from script slot 0 using disallow_group($ALL_GROUPS) and allowing groups, and some arpeggiator notes using ignore_event(EVENT_ID) set up like in the code below. It all works ! ... until I try to run the non arped notes to script slot 1. It seems like there may be different rules about which slot's…
Kontakt EVENLY spread velocity for all zones...
I am building a glitchy Kontakt instrument were ideally each sample has its own velocity. After dragging in many audio files (creating many zones)… Is there an easy way to have all files spread evenly across all velocity. There is the option to “Spread Velocity” but this just fills the space between each velocity…. Example…
Pitch Bend Sample
I have a soundscape sample that I am wanting to pitch bend. When I load it into Kontakt it only pitch bends with a 2 +/- semitone range. How can I increase that? I've tried clicking into the settings, then group editor, then adding pitch bend, but it doesn't give a semitone range... it just gives a percentage. Every video…
While Loops on Release Callbacks (and CC64) Problem
So I have some polyphonic variables that modulate stuff (like tremolo and vibrato) and which speed is dependent upon a $counter variable in a while loop. Something like this : on init declare polyphonic $counter end on on release while (1 > 0) $counter := $counter + 1 message($counter) wait(10000) end while end on The…
How do you drag and "drop midi to host" from sampler to mapping editor chromatically?
I want drag and drop from the sampler and make the midi span ONE note only. every time i slice and then drag and drop it to the mapping editor, one sample takes up 2 notes which messes up my workflow. How do i make it so that every time i drag and drop, each sample only takes up one note and the next sliced sample is…
how to make a button or KNOB or SWICHE POLY mode
hello Someone may know how to make a button or KNOB or SWICHE Play for POLY mode with one click the same program + POLY mode on init declare const $pitch_change_interval := 100 declare $glide_on declare $currentnote_id declare $newnote_id declare $oldnote1_id declare $oldnote2_id declare $oldnote3_id declare $current_pitch…