I downloaded .ENS + .ISM files from the user library. Will I break things by moving them?
Most of the ensembles from the user library are just a single .ens file. But there are others that come with a slew of .ism, .rcc, .rcm, and .nrkt files. For example Arachnaut's Pulsifiers: Or PCM Module 1.2: Or Slope Overload: Can I safely move the .ism files into another "Instruments" folder without breaking the…
Reaktor 6.5.0: Announcing start of Beta phase for January 2023
Hi Reaktor community, My name is Georg, Software Engineer at NI. I am member of a team currently working on a Reaktor 6.5.0 update which will: Add native Apple M1 support Add Reaktor as a VST3 plugin Our goal was to release the Beta on Centercode before end of this year, but unfortunately there are a few show stoppers…
How to implement the following TDF II structure in core cell?
Hi all, i'm currently trying out different EQ designs and have gotten stuck with implementing this structure in core cell. Any help is greatly appreciated. Cheers
Status on m1/m2 update?
The year is 8 months in and Apple has released m1/ Max and Pro and now M2 and I'm still running Studio One in Rosetta to use Reaktor, Super 8... Is there any news on??🤯
Reaktor - Way to randomise / change values over time - with slider and knob values easily?
Hi, first post so excuse the noobishness. I'm fairly new to Reaktor and know I can go into ensembles and link modulators to elements of the ensemble. But when I try to look at the ensemble a lot look like a hot mess of things all interconnected and hard to find the control. Is there another ensemble that makes this any…
Some urgent questions about Newscool
Hello there! I have a homework about Newscool from the Factory Lib of Reaktor, I tried very hard but still can't understand much from the textbook... I have to hand in the homework today, so I feel kind of desperate and helpless😭😭 So plz could anyone be so kind as to help me with the questions below? Or just answering one…
Using TRK-01 presets to make songs
If I wanted to arrange songs from my favorite TRK-01 presets and sell them online for a half-price discount, would there be an ethical issue? I would state that they are made by NI and arranged by me. It's just my first effort into a music career. My future songs would be completely composed by me.
Controlling Lasers with Reaktor
Hi all. Has anyone used Reaktor to control a laser projector? I've been experimenting with this and getting good results. The ILDA connector on most laser projectors has analog inputs for X, Y, R, G, and B. With a DC-coupled audio interface, you can just run the audio signals right out of Reaktor into the laser. I've been…
Is there anything like a global variable in reaktor?
Hello! Is there anything that works as a global variable in reaktor? Id like to be able to read from and write to an event table, from anywhere in my ensemble. without having to define lots and lots of ic modules in reaktor. Does such thing exist?
How to shift an event table?
I've been loking for some simple way to shift the values in an array. like moving entry 0 to 1, and then 1 to 2 and so on and so forth. but cant seem to find a simple way to do it which allows me to do this while my sequencer is playing. Can you provide me with a suggestion? Thank you very much.
[Bug R6-4032] Reaktor hardcore crash bug
Double click on any parameter to type in a new value . While the edit field has turned black to enter a new value , right click and select delete or cut While right clicking to bring up the delete menu , make sure that the mouse cursor is still in the empty parameter field ( so it remains blackand waiting for data input )…
Is Reaktor Player (free version) limited to 1 MIDI channel?
My DAW recognizes the different channels, but Reaktor Player only shows Ch 1.
tempo sync delays with long times?
Hi everyone, are there any tempo sync delays (blocks or not) with times longer than Rounds (16/16 or 2.5s) for creating layered rhythms? Any that will "freeze" and loop forever the sound in the delay, ignoring new input until "unfrozen"? -d. vyd
Reaktor 6 non-responsive on startup
Hey! I want to use the Reaktor 6 demo. Reaktor becomes nonresponsive when I open any file (eg: .ens, .mdl). For example, if I open an ensemble (picture below), I see a small window that I cannot interact with. I hear the macos "unavailable" sound when I try to... click any of the buttons resize the window close or minimize…
Latch question
We can quick buss a read-write mem to the same master Q-bus , but we can't connect it with wires
Best way to morph snapshots in an Ensemble?
I'm trying to use the old (?) snapshot morpher macro with Beast2. I copied one of the instrument level snap folders to the ensemble level, added the macro and it worked...sort of. When I move the morph knob, the snapshot jumps backward 1 and then forward 2. Can anyone suggest a better way to morph snapshots stored at the…
Simple counter
Turning the dial increments the value by 1, because of the feedback loop WHy is it not working when replacing it with SR.C?
How to change OSC messages from Float to Integer?
I was trying for a while to control a few apps and mixers using OSC templates using Reaktor, and I always found myself unable to control certain parameters. After using an OSC monitor I found out that Reaktor always outputs FLOAT OSC messages and certain parameters need them to be INTEGER values or even just STRINGS. After…
Best way to optimize a primary sequencer?
Hello. Im currently at a very early stage of development of a new idea for a sequencer. Attached to this post is a brief ensemble of a single structure that im developing. It works as i expect it. However, im gonna need lots and lots of the same structure. And when i replicate the macro multiple times the cpu usage can go…
Single sample impulse , feedback
I am a just wondering I am sending reaktor fx a single sample impulse , going through a feedback loop of 1 unit sample , the feedback is set 0.999999 Why is the decaying curve exponential and not linear ?