Question about cross routing between Kontakt and Reaktor

Michael R B
Michael R B Member Posts: 19 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

I have what may be my oddest question yet on this forum, or at least the most random. Here's the scenario:

I want to use a Kontakt instrument to generate some sounds. Unfortunately while the sound is glorious, I want to be able to post-process it, both to impose a better envelope, as well as better filtering than appears in that particular Kontakt instrument.

FWIW, I generally use FL Studio as my DAW, but I could as easily use Cubase, or Reaper or Studio One (all of which I also have). This isn't really a DAW question though!

So, I've been noodling on the idea of having this all lined up so that:

1) I have a Kontakt instrument set up on my DAW and it is taking in MIDI notes and spitting out audio. The particulars of that instrument are irrelevant, as there are many that I could use here.

2) Next down the line, I then have a Reaktor FX ensemble, on the audio bus of that particular channel, to - I dunno - implement a nice ladder filter that the Kontakt instrument doesn't have, for example.

The obvious question is whether this is even doable? I can see all sorts of issues in practice. For example, you'd need to (presumably) keep each Kontakt instance totally monophonic, in all likelihood. And, if you wanted to do keyboard tracking on a filter, say, you'd also need to find a way of feeding the original MIDI note information in. (I think that's doable, although it might be tricky.)

The core idea is so intriguing that I'm curious if anyone has ever tried it? If you have, how did it work out??


Best Answer

  • Rob Gee
    Rob Gee Member Posts: 28 Helper
    Answer ✓

    Yeah totally doable. I use Reaktor (mainly with blocks) as an effect unit all the time and you can definitely route in midi for keyboard tracking with filters using Cubase.

    Just use the note in block and route the pitch output from that to the pitch input on the filter block and turn up key tracking on the filter.


  • Rob Gee
    Rob Gee Member Posts: 28 Helper
    Answer ✓

    Yeah totally doable. I use Reaktor (mainly with blocks) as an effect unit all the time and you can definitely route in midi for keyboard tracking with filters using Cubase.

    Just use the note in block and route the pitch output from that to the pitch input on the filter block and turn up key tracking on the filter.

  • Michael R B
    Michael R B Member Posts: 19 Member

    Thanks Rob! I was hoping that that was the answer, but it sounded improbable, so I thought I should ask!

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