Why does R6 always come up in time limit demo mode?
I don't have Reaktor 6 but I have v5. Every time I pull up Reaktor 6 a box comes up that says Demo mode 30 minutes left. It also says I have the v6 Player installed but it's nowhere in my VST list in FL even though I add the directory and scan multiple times. I added the Komplete Start bundle to my stuff and I got the…
How do I lock the Reaktor browser size so it doesn't shrink when I load a small ensemble?
I used to think there was a way to do this, but maybe memory serves me incorrectly? I just want to keep the browser the same horizontal + vertical size as load different ensembles. But... In 6.5 if I load a compact ensemble, the whole left-side browser shrinks too, which is disorienting, and makes it hard to scroll up and…
How to use Reaktor 6 as an effect to analog audio?
Hi. I'm a beginner with Reaktor 6 (and not so experienced with my UA Luna either) and would like to use Reaktor to make effects to my analog audio recordings. It would be nice to have the effect already while recorcing.
Reaktor MIDI Channels
Hey Everyone I've searching everywhere to know if it's possible to send more than 1 MIDI channel out of Reaktor to plugins. Is anyone aware of this ? surely I can't be the only one struggling with this ahaha any help is appreciated 🙏
Green matrix always reverts to default preset when I press play
I have Green Matrix as a VST in Ableton but when I select a preset and then press play, it always reverts to the first default preset. I don't see what I am doing wrong. Any ideas?
Blocks & Factory Library within Reaktor still on Demo Mode
When I open Reaktor I instantly get a pop-up window prompting me to activate "Blocks Base" & "Blocks Primes". They are on Demo Mode (30 mins). I am on a M2 Mac and using Native Access 1 (Native Access 2 was not working, so I downgraded). In Native Access 1 it states I own the products (Full Version) plus I can see their…
Monark Filter Block - Noise Floor Issue
Does anyone have a fix for removing the noise floor produced by the Monark Filter block? Or is it just part of the analog modelling filter design? The screenshots below are from a session with just this block and nothing else (ie. no audio sent into the Reaktor ensemble) It's normally not an issue but with plugin chains…
Reaktor 6 and VST 3
Am i missing something, am i lost or what? Is/isn't there a Reaktor 6.4 VST3? I saw on the web somewhere also about Reaktor 6.5 but its nowhere to be found. Thanks
Reaktor 6 Midi FX (Logic) - How To Pass/Modify All CCs?
I'm working on a CC modulator and trying to see which of my MIDI FX plugins is best for the job. I'm currently using Reaktor 6 as a Midi FX in Logic to process the notes. I've gotten as far in Reaktor as using a Note In and Midi Out block to pass through some notes and send CCs but I can't figure out how to do the…
Please license new Artist presets for Rounds
I know it's an "old" instrument at this point, but it's just really neglected. Sure, I could lose myself for a couple of months after work learning how to get into advanced sound design in Rounds, but honestly, I have no interest in that. There's essentially zero synth present packs in the commercial space. That just…
Reaktor sample maps editor
I know this post is from 2008, but is this editor still available? https://reaktortips.com/2008/01/pro-tip-sample-maps.html
Reaktor 6 Routing
Good day. I’m using Reaktor 6 in Cubase Elements and Cubase Pro as a Group FX. I have four inputs with the Reaktor Ensemble I’m using and I’m trying to add one audio track to the 3rd and 4th input of Reaktor. Any suggestions, I contacted Cubase and they advised my question be directed to Native Instrument Forum. I recall…
Reaktor showing "demo mode" after purchasing.
Hey all, long story here. I purchased Reaktor 6 in the beginning of January and the website said the best one to buy for me was the "Maschine upgrade" path (I sold my maschine 2 a while ago and transferred the license but "maschine 2" still shows up in my account) I thought I would save $20 and get that version. Didn't…
Snapmorph Macro: In the Function Tab, where is "Snap Isolate" in Reaktor 6?
Hi Community- followed ADSR tutorial to construct Snapmorph macro, to morph between 2 snapshots. At the end of the tutorial, in the Function settings, a "Snap Isolate" box was checked. There is no similar feature in Reaktor 6. The tutorial was done in R5. Is this macro defunct? or is there a different way to access the…
im seeking for old Reaktor effect
Hi Great community. I'm looking for an effect I used in the past (I don't remember the Reaktor version) It was an amazing phaser that looked like the attached image. ( approx) Are you familiar with that?
MAC M1 Reaktor Super8
Hi i have switched to Mac M1 from PC .... And i have problem With Super8 in Reaktor 6.5 The problem is that it is overloading "redline" in the Reaktor CPU meter and the results is "crackling" its kind of important for me to get the Super8 working because i have made a ton of presets for it as i use it for a replacement for…
Does Racks output MIDI?
Hi all, I built a very simple ens and Rack using @bolabo (Toybox) Piano roll seq coupled to the MIDI Out Poly module. The .ens works perfect sending out the MIDI but the Racks version sitting in Komplete Kontrol does not. I can see the indicators on the MIDI Out Poly block flashing, indicating that MIDI is being processed…
Reaktor for Reason
We know that Ableton Live has max for live, But if Reason also has a Reaker for Reason, it would be a wonderful thing. Of course, Reason has its own RE, but writing RE has a certain threshold, unlike Reaktor, which can be directly implemented. Therefore, it would be great if ReasonStudios and Native Instruments could…
Reaktor as a plugin in Ableton Live ?
Hi everyone , Does Anyone know how to use Reaktor as a plugin in Ableton Live ?
Need a Tutor for Reaktor 6 -to build complex sample/granular instruments with GUI's
Hi Reaktor community, I am new to Reaktor, but not new to music software. Have been using Ableton for 15 years, have used and programmed multiple synths, Kontakt, Absynth, etc. I am trying to shorten the learning curve with Reaktor. I have the real basics, but I keep bumping up against things that the manual is not…