Midi Mapping - loop set/unset question
I have built a custom midi controller to do what I need to do for DnB mixing on 3 timecode decks and have 3 identical sections on my controller each with 3 rotary encoders with push buttons and hotcue buttons. My 3 encoders are: 1) browse and click to load to that deck 2) loop/beatjump size select and click for shift 3)…
Kontrol F1 mapping
Hey guys, I recently bought a kontrol F1 to complete my S4MK3, mostly for the step sequencer, i'm trying to map the key adjust to the knobs on the F1. I can't figure out the way. Another issue is that even when in the remix deck manually moving the pitch knob (picture below) with the mouse doesn't do anything... Any…
S5 MIDI signal mixup
Hi, just plugged back to my S5 after some time using another controller, and I'm facing a weird mixup of the MIDI signals. Certain knobs or faders of the mixer section are inactive, or now control a different function. For example: Deck D volume fader, now controls deck D volume PLUS deck C filter. I tried resetting the S5…
Self-Created "Echo Out" effect doesn't play on the press of button
Hi guys, first I want to say that I am a total noob. So if there are any infos that are self-explanatory to you and which are missing in my explanation, I am sorry in advance ;) Setup: M1 Mac with Traktor Kontrol S4 and Traktor Pro 3.8.0 42 The issue is the following: I want to set up an effect to echo out.…
My Traktor S4 Screen Hack Is Returning!
A lot of people will be happy to know that updates will be retuning to my Traktor S4 screen hack. If anyone is unfamiliar with my work, here is an article from DjTechTools from a few years ago when moving waveforms and the browser was added. The project now has probably 10 times the amount of features and controls now as…
Remapping Question Re: Button/Pad Colour
I have a Z2 and X1 mk2 and an F1 for remix decks. I'm keeping the X1 for loading tracks, hotcues, loops etc, so I have remapped the cue buttons on the Z2 for Beatjumps. However, the button colours are still showing cue info for the loaded track. White for Grid, Green for Loop etc. How can I change the pad colour? I tried…
How to make Z2's browse knob function like the browse knob on X1
Does anyone know what extra mapping is needed for the Z2's browse knob to function like the browse knob on the Kontrol X1 mk2? Namely, when the screen goes into browser mode automatically when scrolling with the X1's browse knob.
S8 - Mapping Knob for Key Adjust in Traktor 3
Hi. I'm trying to map knob on the S8 for Key Adjust as I did on the S4 Mk2. I tried mapping one of the FX knobs but they revert to a "button" as soon as let go of it. I tried mapping one of the Remix Decks buttons but they are the infinite type and they won't work - also they're much too sensitive, IMO Any advice would be…
Denon prime 2 compatible traktor
hi. everyone can anyone advise if Denon prime 2 will work with Traktor pro 3 thank you kind regards wes😊
Mapping for Pioneer XDJ-RX2
Dear NI Community I have recently bought a Pioneer XDJ-RX2 and would love to still be able to use Traktor Pro 3 on it (ideally using all elements of it (deck + mixer section). And I am trying to use it with my M1 (MAC OS MONTEREY 12.3.1) Does anyone have a good mapping file / experience / tips on how I could achieve that?…
Map Stems to Z2?
Has anyone been able to or is it even possible to map any of the pads or effects on the Z2 to the individual stems? I realize this is an old mixer but I love it and refuse to move off control vinyl with 1200s. If not who what is the best setup for a turntablist that wants to easily play with stems on a pad while performing?
Mapping an old controller (DJ-Tech I-Mix Reload MK1) on Traktor.
Hello, I'm an old DJ (48 years old) who started on CD (25 years ago...) , then on controller (but at the time, I didn't really like it) and today on Vinyl (and I like it... ). As I had bought Traktor 2 at the time, I benefited today from the current discount to upgrade Traktor 2 to Traktor 3 after I was given a DJ-Tech…
Hey there I have some interest in figuring out mapping. I'm not exactly sure how to go about it. I had some mappings for my dicers that were the absolute best. Since dicers are no longer supported the mappings no longer work with traktor 3. How would one open the mapping file to see what it's doing or can someone give me a…
Key / Mapping
Hallo zusammen, Ich habe bisher einen S8 genutzt und bin eine Zeit bei Denon hängen geblieben. Möchte wieder zurück wechseln. Kann ich auf den neuen Kontrollern (S4 MK3) immer noch mapping für die Tastenzuweisung durchführen? Speziell kann ich einen Drehregler für die Tonhöhe mappen? Danke und beste Grüße
Mapping Tsi To Rane
Im Lookin To Map My Rane Seventy Mixer With My Rane Twelves Mk11s for The Traktor Software I Hate Manual Mapping any Suggestions
Tsi bug? 2 inputs and outputs are present when plug in 2 f1
hi team, I’ve tried all combinations with all senerios and mappings. I have a Traktor s4mk3 and 2 f1. When I plug in 2 f1 I get this strange bug where 2 inputs and outputs are present. Every time I start Traktor I have to physically go into controller manger and change to bottom input and output or it doesn’t work. Driving…
DDJ-SZ and SX2 family - Traktor mapping
This is a 2021 maintained mapping for the DDJ-SZ / SX2 family of controllers. 7K downloads so far. It has versions with and without BOME. https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/9222
Need Help with Kontrol F1 and X1 Setup for Live Tekk Sets (Step Sequencer)
Hello dear community, I have a question about my setup and I hope you can help me. I use two Kontrol F1 controllers and one Kontrol X1 to play live Tekk sets. However, I'm facing some challenges and I need your assistance. Let's start with the physical arrangement of the controllers: From left to right, I have the F1, then…
TSI import
Are there any other ways to import TSI data into Traktor besides clicking on Import in Control Manager?