Battery 4 Not seeing my External Drive...
Hello Everyone, I recently updated my iMac to Ventura 12.2.1. Battery 4 shows my loaded user kit when I load it but it does not play any down or show any wave form. I noticed that while attempting to use Battery 4 in Logic Pro X, Battery 4 does not permit me to navigate to my external hard drive where my User Kits are…
Battery stopped saving its state
Hi, I've been building custom kits in Battery for the past week and suddenly they stopped saving. I'll add some samples, close the Battery window within Logic, reopen, and the Battery shows the previous instances from yesterday, without any of the new samples. Please help!
Battery 4 - request to bring back old features
Hi! First of all thanks to NI for making Battery4 silicon native, awesome! However I'd like to request 2 things that were already fixed but now seem to be broken: as soon as you close the plugin window and open it again, you can start over searching, this has been the case for a while now, before it was way better: I was…
controlling battery using komplete kontrol
Hello I am a blind User. What can I control on battery 4 using the komplete kontrol a25? Is it possible to play a sample in different pitch using the keyboard? Do I have to use the mouse to activate this function? Would be great if Native instruments continue to follow the nks standard. I am really depending on this…
Battery 4: after filtering overview list of samples much too small
Hello, I want to add specific samples to an existing drum kit. Therefore I select on the left side "Library", then "Samples", then "Drums", then e.g. "Snare" and finally "Digital". Then I get the overview of digital snares, but I can see only 2 entries at a time. Scrolling and searching is nearly impossible. Is there any…
Delay Trigger
Is there a delay that can be applied on trigger? Looking to set both cells on C1 but want second cell to play the sample few ms after it has been triggered. Does this exist in B4?
Two nice&helpful suggestions for Battery 5
1.sample trigger delay in ms and beat sync/subdivisions (1/16, 1/8,...) PLEASE add a sample trigger delay, which trigger a sample of a cell a specific time LATER like in beat sync(subdivisions) and in miliseconds delay. This is the most important wish for me.... This would be really great. This is gold for layering samples…
Battery 4 arm native support
Hello I'm curious about the ARM NATIVE support update plan. thanks
Battery Not Loading Kits
Why isn't battery loading?
How to get rid of duplicate entries in Battery 4?
Ever since I tried Battery Now, I have these duplicate entries in my library that I can't seem to get rid of. They have been deleted, so I can't bring them up. Battery Now was installed on a different drive that is not in the Library tab in Preferences, so it doesn't make sense that they would continue to show up, even…
Battery 4 Faders and Knobs UNUSABLE
I've been reading about this issue forcing people to update to Waves V14. Well, I thought that would work for me too but it didn't. I still can't use Battery 4. This is killing my high. My system Apple M1 Macbook Pro Mem 16gb OS: Ventura 13.1
Why can't I change the input MIDI preference?
Why can't I change the MIDI preference? None of the MIDI devices are selectable?
I am also a person who stopped using BATTERY because of the lack of a very basic feature with the Undo button. Battery is such an amazing plugin, but it can be very easy to completely lose a sound you’ve made. The ability to undo and go back is not an optional item in music software it’s a basic function of software we…
Battery not showing in Logic
Newbie question but how do I open up Battery in Logic? It does not show up in Kontakt 7 or in my instrument list. I can open it outside the DAW but I am not seeing it within Logic.
Expansions not showing in Battery 4
I recently bought some expansions, I see and can use these expansions (trill bit, etc) in komplete kontrol, but I cannot see the drum kits in battery 4, I have even uninstalled and reinstalled battery and battery accessories on my external drive, it did not fix...I can see these expansions on my external hard drive, but…
Why is Battery 4 Factory Library Missing Samples?
I recently bought an external SSD Drive, and was not able to locate every single native instruments file and didn't want to individually move everything so I deleted all my native instruments files and have recently re-downloaded most of them (through KOMPLETE 13), yet Battery 4 is giving me issues. After it says it fully…
Access machine sounds in Battery 4
Hi, Thanks everyone for answering my questions. I have Battery 4 and use it in standalone mode and want to load the new drum kits I got from Machine but they don't show up in the menu library in Battery 4 any suggestions on how I can do that? Thanks Zendrummer
Can't see expansions in Battery 4 kit list...
I recently bought some expansions, I see and can use these expansions (trill bit, etc) in komplete kontrol, but I cannot see the drum kits in battery 4, I have even uninstalled and reinstalled battery and battery accessories on my external drive, it did not fix...I can see these expansions on my external hard drive, but…
Round robin reset.
Hi all, does round robin reset work in Battery 4 ? I can't seem to make it happen, tried with note numbers (as per the manual) and cc's , does anyone know how to make this work or know if it's broken please ?
Kits saved as monolith format don't appear in the User Library.
I have been creating some custom kits to reuse later and I typically save my kits as monoliths to keep things organized. I am saving the kit in my library folder: (C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Native Instruments\Battery 4\Kits) Unfortunately any kits that are saved as monolith format don't show up in the User Library. If…